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it has a value all its own

  • 1 it has a value all its own

    English-Dutch dictionary > it has a value all its own

  • 2 ♦ own

    ♦ own /əʊn/
    A a.
    1 (preceduto dall'agg. poss.) proprio; particolare; (di) mio (tuo, suo, ecc.): to do st. with one's own hands, fare qc. con le proprie mani; This farm is my own ( o This is my own farm), questa fattoria è proprio mia (o di mia proprietà); It has a value all its own, ha un valore del tutto suo, particolare; I have no money of my own, non ho denaro di mio
    2 (idiom.; per es.:) to cook one's own meals, farsi da mangiare da solo (o da sé)
    B n.
    (il) proprio; ciò che ci appartiene; il mio (il tuo, il suo, ecc.): I can do as I like with my own, posso disporre del mio a mio piacimento
    ● (market.) own brand, marchio (di commercio) □ own brother, fratello ( non fratellastro) □ own cousin, primo cugino, prima cugina □ ( sport) own field, il campo di casa, il campo amico; (fig.) il fattore campo □ ( sport e fig.) own goal, autogol, autorete; (fig.) errore commesso a proprio danno □ ( calcio, ecc.) one's own half, la propria metà campo □ own-initiative, di propria iniziativa, d'ufficio (agg.) □ to be one's own man (o master), non aver padroni; lavorare per conto proprio; essere un lavoratore autonomo □ (fin., ingl.) own shares, azioni proprie □ own sister, sorella ( non sorellastra) □ to come into one's own, riuscire a dare piena prova di sé; cominciare a essere efficiente (utile, ecc.); realizzarsi □ to do a piece of work on one's own, fare un lavoro per conto proprio (o da solo) □ (fam.) to get one's own back, prendersi la rivincita; ripagare con la stessa moneta (fig.) □ to hold one's own, tener duro, resistere, non cedere; cavarsela bene, far valere i propri diritti; mantenersi calmo, dignitoso; portarsi bene □ to live on one's own, vivere del proprio; essere indipendente ( economicamente) □ (al vocat.) my own (o my own sweetheart, ecc.), mio caro, mia cara; tesoro □ of one's own, per sé; personale: I want a girl of my own, voglio una ragazza tutta per me □ ( sport) on one's own, da solo: to be going on one's own, andare via da solo.
    ♦ (to) own /əʊn/
    v. t.
    1 possedere; avere; essere (il) proprietario di: Who owns this house?, chi è il proprietario di questa casa?
    2 (fam., sport) stracciare (q.); essere nettamente superiore (rispetto a q.): He totally owned the champion in the play-off, ha letteralmente stracciato il campione nello spareggio
    3 (form.) ammettere; concedere; confessare; riconoscere: to own one's faults, ammettere le proprie colpe
    to own oneself indebted, riconoscersi in debito (verso q.) □ (form.) to own to, confessare, riconoscere, ammettere: to own to a sense of shame, confessare di provar vergogna □ (fam.) to own up, confessare, ammettere: I own up to it, ammetto d'averlo fatto io; He owned up to stealing the money, ha confessato di aver rubato i soldi.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ own

  • 3 own

    1. adjective

    with one's own eyesmit eigenen Augen

    speak from one's own experienceaus eigener Erfahrung sprechen

    do one's own cooking/housework — selbst kochen/die Hausarbeit selbst machen

    make one's own clothesseine Kleidung selbst schneidern

    a house/ideas etc. of one's own — ein eigenes Haus/eigene Ideen usw.

    for reasons of his own... — aus nur ihm selbst bekannten Gründen...

    that's where he/it comes into his/its own — (fig.) da kommt er/es voll zur Geltung

    on one's/its own — (alone) allein

    he's in a class of his own(fig.) er ist eine Klasse für sich; see also academic.ru/31030/get_back">get back 2. 3); hold 1. 10); man 1. 2)

    2. transitive verb

    be privately ownedsich in Privatbesitz befinden

    they behaved as if they owned the place — sie benahmen sich, als ob der Laden ihnen gehörte (ugs.)

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    [əun] 1. verb
    1) (to have as a possession: I own a car.) besitzen
    2) (to admit that something is true: I own that I have not been working very hard.) eingestehen
    2. adjective, pronoun
    (belonging to (the person stated): The house is my own; I saw it with my own eyes.) eigen
    - owner
    - ownership
    - get one's own back
    - own up
    * * *
    [əʊn, AM oʊn]
    I. pron
    sb's \own jds eigene(r, s)
    is that your mum's car?no, it's my \own ist das das Auto deiner Mutter? — nein, es ist mein eigenes
    his time is his \own er kann über seine Zeit frei verfügen
    to make sth [all] one's \own sich dat etw [ganz] zu eigen machen
    a... of one's \own ein/eine eigene(r, s)...
    she's got too many problems of her \own sie hat zu viele eigene Probleme
    she has a daughter of her \own sie hat selbst eine Tochter
    to have ideas of one's \own eigene Ideen haben
    a house/room of one's \own ein eigenes Haus/Zimmer
    to have money of one's \own selbst Geld haben
    2. (people)
    our/their \own unsere/ihre Leute fam; (family) die Unseren/Ihren geh
    in this company we like to take care of our \own in dieser Firma kümmern wir uns um unsere Leute fam
    they think of her as one of their \own sie sehen sie als eine von ihnen [o geh der Ihren
    to be in a class of one's \own eine Klasse für sich akk sein
    to come into one's \own (show qualities) zeigen, was in einem steckt fam; (get recognition) die verdiente Anerkennung erhalten
    to get one's \own back [on sb] esp BRIT ( fam) sich akk an jdm rächen
    [all] on one's/its \own [ganz] allein[e]
    II. adj attr, inv
    1. (belonging to) eigene(r, s)
    was that your \own idea? war das deine eigene Idee?
    to hear sth with one's \own ears etw mit eigenen Ohren hören
    to see sth with one's \own eyes etw mit eigenen Augen sehen
    2. (individual) eigene(r, s)
    he has his \own [special] way with things er hat seinen eigenen[, ganz speziellen] Stil, die Dinge anzugehen
    3. (for oneself)
    to do one's \own sth etw selbst tun
    you'll have to get your \own dinner du musst dich selbst um das Abendessen kümmern
    she makes all her \own bread sie bäckt ihr ganzes Brot selbst
    you'll have to make up your \own mind das musst du für dich alleine entscheiden
    to do one's \own thing ( fam) tun, was man will
    sb's \own flesh and blood jds eigen[es] Fleisch und Blut geh
    on your \own head be it BRIT auf deine Verantwortung
    to be one's \own man/woman/person sein eigener Herr sein
    in one's \own right (not due to others) aus eigenem Recht; (through one's talents) aufgrund der eigenen Begabung
    for one's \own sake um seiner selbst willen, für sich akk [selbst]
    to do sth in one's \own time (outside working hours) etw in seiner Freizeit tun; (take one's time) sich akk Zeit lassen
    III. vt
    1. (possess)
    to \own sth etw besitzen
    you don't \own me! ( fam) ich bin nicht dein Privateigentum! fam
    who \owns this land? wem gehört dieses Land?
    he walked into the office as if he \owned the place ( fam) er spazierte in das Büro hinein, als ob es sein eigenes wäre fam
    to be privately \owned im Privatbesitz sein
    to be \owned by sb jdm gehören
    2. ( form: admit)
    to \own that... zugeben, dass...
    IV. vi ( form)
    to \own to sth eingestehen [o zugeben]
    they \owned to not paying their taxes sie gaben zu, ihre Steuern nicht bezahlt zu haben
    * * *
    I [əʊn]
    1. vt
    1) (= possess) besitzen, haben

    we used to rent the house, now we own it — wir hatten das Haus vorher gemietet, jetzt gehört es uns

    he looks as if he owns the placeer sieht so aus, als wäre er hier zu Hause

    the tourists behaved as if they owned the hotel — die Touristen benahmen sich, als gehöre das Hotel ihnen

    you don't own me, she said — ich bin nicht dein Privateigentum, sagte sie

    2) (= admit) zugeben, zugestehen; (= recognize) anerkennen
    2. vi

    to own to sth — etw eingestehen; to debts etw anerkennen

    he owned to having done it — er gestand, es getan zu haben

    he didn't own to having done it — er hat nicht zugegeben, dass er es getan hat

    1. adj attr

    thank you, I'm quite capable of finding my own way out — danke, ich finde sehr gut alleine hinaus

    my own one is smaller —

    my own one ( liter, hum : = beloved ) — mein Einziger, meine Einzige

    2. pron

    my own is bigger — meine(r, s) ist größer

    to make sth one's ownsich (dat) etw zu eigen machen

    my time is my own — ich kann mit meiner Zeit machen, was ich will

    I can scarcely call my time my own — ich kann kaum sagen, dass ich über meine Zeit frei verfügen kann

    for reasons of his own —


    (in phrases) can I have it for my (very) own? — darf ich das ganz für mich allein behalten?

    he was determined to get his own back (esp Brit) — er war entschlossen, sich zu revanchieren

    on its own — von selbst, von allein

    the goalkeeper came into his own with a series of brilliant saves — der Torwart zeigte sich von seiner besten Seite, als er eine Reihe von Bällen geradezu fantastisch abwehrte

    * * *
    own [əʊn]
    A v/t
    1. besitzen:
    who owns this car? wem gehört dieser Wagen?;
    it is owned by his uncle es ist im Besitz seines Onkels, es gehört seinem Onkel
    2. als eigen anerkennen, die Urheberschaft oder den Besitz (gen) zugeben
    3. zugeben, (ein)gestehen, einräumen:
    own o.s. defeated sich geschlagen bekennen
    B v/i
    1. sich bekennen (to zu):
    own to sth A 3
    2. own up es zugeben:
    own up to doing sth zugeben oder gestehen, etwas getan zu haben
    C adj
    1. eigen:
    my own country mein Vaterland;
    she saw it with her own eyes sie sah es mit eigenen Augen;
    own resources Eigenmittel;
    my own self ich selbst
    2. eigen(artig), besonder(er, e, es):
    it has a value all its own es hat einen ganz besonderen oder eigenen Wert
    3. selbst:
    I prepare my own breakfast ich mache mir das Frühstück selbst;
    name your own day setze den Tag selbst fest
    4. (besonders im Vokativ) (innig) geliebt, einzig:
    my own child!;
    my own! mein Schatz!
    a) Eigen n, Eigentum n
    b) Angehörige pl:
    it is my own es ist mein Eigen, es gehört mir;
    may I have it for my own? darf ich es haben oder behalten?;
    call sth one’s own etwas sein Eigen nennen
    6. (ohne Possessivum gebraucht) selten leiblich (Bruder etc)Besondere Redewendungen: let me have my own gebt mir, was mir zukommt;
    come into one’s own
    a) seinen rechtmäßigen Besitz erlangen; das erlangen, was einem zusteht,
    b) zur Geltung kommen,
    c) (wieder) zu seinem Recht kommen;
    she has a car of her own sie hat ein eigenes Auto;
    he has a room of his very own er hat ein Zimmer ganz für sich;
    he has a way of his own er hat eine eigene Art;
    it has a life of its own es hat ein Eigenleben;
    on one’s own
    a) selbstständig, unabhängig,
    b) von sich aus, aus eigenem Antrieb,
    c) ohne fremde Hilfe,
    d) auf eigene Verantwortung;
    be left on one’s own sich selbst überlassen sein;
    score a goal on one’s own SPORT ein Tor im Alleingang erzielen; get back A 2, hold2 B 13 a
    * * *
    1. adjective

    do one's own cooking/housework — selbst kochen/die Hausarbeit selbst machen

    a house/ideas etc. of one's own — ein eigenes Haus/eigene Ideen usw.

    for reasons of his own... — aus nur ihm selbst bekannten Gründen...

    that's where he/it comes into his/its own — (fig.) da kommt er/es voll zur Geltung

    on one's/its own — (alone) allein

    he's in a class of his own(fig.) er ist eine Klasse für sich; see also get back 2. 3); hold 1. 10); man 1. 2)

    2. transitive verb

    they behaved as if they owned the place — sie benahmen sich, als ob der Laden ihnen gehörte (ugs.)

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    eigen adj. v.
    besitzen v.
    eigen v.
    eingestehen v.
    zugeben v.

    English-german dictionary > own

  • 4 own

    adj. van mij (van jou, van haar, etc.); zelf
    v. behoren tot; dank verschuldigd zijn aan; erkennen; bezitten
    [ oon] 〈bijvoeglijk naamwoord; voornaamwoord〉
    eigenvan … zelf, eigen bezit/familie
    1   pull oneself up by one's own bootlaces/bootstraps zichzelf opwerken
         mind one's own business zich met zijn eigen zaken bemoeien
         they ate of their own cooking zij aten uit hun eigen keuken
         leave someone to his/her own devices/resources iemand aan zijn lot overlaten
         an own goal een doelpunt in eigen doel
         put/set one's own house in order orde op zaken stellen
         take the law into one's own hands het recht in eigen handen nemen, voor eigen rechter spelen
         take matters into one's own hands de zaak zelf onder handen nemen
         let someone stew in his own juice iemand in zijn eigen vet/sop gaar laten koken
         be one's own man/master zijn eigen heer en meester/onafhankelijk zijn
         the truth for its own sake de waarheid op zich(zelf)
         informeeldo one's own thing zijn (eigen) zin doen
         my time is my own ik heb de tijd aan mezelf
         for one's own use voor eigen gebruik
         not have a moment/minute/second to call one's own geen moment voor zichzelf hebben
         he finally came into his own eindelijk kreeg hij wat hem toekwam
         it has a value all its own het heeft een heel bijzondere waarde
         may I have it for my own? mag ik het echt hebben?/houden?
         he has a computer of his own hij heeft zijn eigen computer
         for reasons of his own om persoonlijke redenen
         have a way of his own zo zijn eigen manier van doen hebben
         my own self ikzelf, ik persoonlijk
    beat someone at his own game iemand met zijn eigen wapens verslaan
         informeelin one's own right op zichzelf (staande)
         in his own (good) time wanneer het hem zo uitkomt/uitkwam
         informeelhave/get (some of) one's own back on someone het iemand betaald zetten
         hold one's own standhouden; niet achteruitgaan met betrekking tot gezondheid
         hold one's own with/against opgewassen zijn tegen; kunnen wedijveren met
         on one's own in zijn eentje; op zichzelf; op eigen houtje
    → come into come into/
    1   informeelown up (to) opbiechten
         he owned to having said that hij gaf toe dat hij dat gezegd had

    English-Dutch dictionary > own

  • 5 own

    [əun] 1. verb
    1) (to have as a possession: I own a car.) imeti
    2) (to admit that something is true: I own that I have not been working very hard.) priznati
    2. adjective, pronoun
    (belonging to (the person stated): The house is my own; I saw it with my own eyes.) lasten
    - ownership
    - get one's own back
    - own up
    * * *
    I [óun]
    adjective (samo za svojilnimi pridevniki ali svojilnim sklonom) lasten ( with my own eyes s svojimi očmi); poseben, svojski ( it has a value all its ŋ ima čisto svojsko vrednost); (zlasti z vokativom) ljubljeni, najdražji (my ŋ! moj najdražji!); (brez svojilnega pridevnika) pravi, resničen, v bližnjem sorodstvu ( an own brother rodni brat)
    to be one's own man ( —ali master) — biti sam svoj gospod, biti neodvisen
    of one's own — svoj, lasten
    to come into one's own — dobiti, kar ti pripada; uveljaviti se
    colloquially on one's own — svoboden, neodvisen; iz lastnega nagiba, sam od sebe, na svojo odgovornost
    of one's own accord ( —ali motion) — iz lastnega nagiba, sam od sebe
    II [óun]
    transitive verb
    imeti (v posesti); priznati za svoje, priznati, potrditi;
    intransitive verb
    dopuščati, pokoriti se, priznati (to)
    to own o.s. defeatedpriznati svoj poraz
    colloquially to own upodkrito priznati

    English-Slovenian dictionary > own

  • 6 indudable

    1 undoubted.
    es indudable que… there is no doubt that…
    2 indubitable, beyond all question, sure, beyond doubt.
    * * *
    1 unquestionable
    es indudable que... there is no doubt that...
    * * *
    unquestionable, indubitable
    * * *
    ADJ [talento, encanto, lealtad] undoubted, unquestionable

    de indudable importanciaof undoubted o unquestionable importance

    su inteligencia es indudable — his intelligence is not in doubt, his intelligence is undeniable

    es el mejor, eso es indudable — he's the best, there's no doubt about that

    * * *
    adjetivo unquestionable

    es indudable que... — there is no doubt that...

    * * *
    = undoubted, unassailable, indubitable.
    Ex. Apart from its undoubted value in its own right, Sears' provides a valuable model or point of departure for others.
    Ex. Widely acknowledged to be an educator of the highest professional standing, she has published two books on education and numerous articles -- she is a woman of unassailable integrity.
    Ex. The project was directed toward the testing of various strategies for collecting and archiving of Internet material in a narrowly defined area of indubitable broad general interest.
    * * *
    adjetivo unquestionable

    es indudable que... — there is no doubt that...

    * * *
    = undoubted, unassailable, indubitable.

    Ex: Apart from its undoubted value in its own right, Sears' provides a valuable model or point of departure for others.

    Ex: Widely acknowledged to be an educator of the highest professional standing, she has published two books on education and numerous articles -- she is a woman of unassailable integrity.
    Ex: The project was directed toward the testing of various strategies for collecting and archiving of Internet material in a narrowly defined area of indubitable broad general interest.

    * * *
    es indudable que se trata de un asesinato there is no doubt that it is a case of murder, it is unquestionably a case of murder
    joyas de indudable valor jewels of undoubted o unquestionable value
    una mujer de indudable belleza a woman of unquestionable beauty
    su talento es indudable her talent is beyond question o beyond doubt, her talent is unquestionable
    * * *

    indudable adjetivo
    es indudable que … there is no doubt that …

    indudable adjetivo unquestionable: es indudable que lo hará, there is no doubt that she will do it

    ' indudable' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    tiene un atractivo indudable it is undoubtedly appealing, it has undoubted appeal;
    un libro de indudable interés an undoubtedly o unquestionably interesting book;
    es indudable que… there is no doubt that…
    * * *
    adj undoubted
    * * *
    : unquestionable, beyond doubt
    * * *
    indudable adj undoubted
    es indudable que... there is no doubt that...

    Spanish-English dictionary > indudable

  • 7 salida

    1 departure (partida).
    va a efectuar su salida it's about to depart
    2 start (sport).
    salida nula false start
    3 exit, way out (place).
    ¿dónde está la salida? where's the way out?
    salida de emergencia emergency exit
    salida de humos air vent
    4 trip (viaje).
    5 appearance (aparición) (de revista, nuevo modelo).
    este producto no tiene salida there's no market for this product
    7 output (computing).
    8 way out.
    si no hay otra salida if there's no alternative
    9 witty remark (ocurrencia).
    tener salidas to be witty
    salida de tono out-of-place remark
    10 departure gate.
    11 starting point, start.
    12 excursion, sally.
    13 computer output, output.
    14 exodus, exit.
    15 production.
    16 exitus, outlet.
    17 efflux.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: salir.
    * * *
    1 (partida) departure
    2 (puerta etc) exit, way out
    5 (de un astro) rising
    6 DEPORTE start
    7 COMERCIO outlet, market
    8 FINANZAS outlay, expenditure
    9 figurado (ocurrencia) witty remark, witticism
    10 figurado (escapatoria) solution, way out
    12 TÉCNICA outlet
    13 INFORMÁTICA output
    14 (en naipes) lead
    15 (parte que sobresale) projection
    de salida from the start
    no tener otra salida figurado to have no other option
    tener salida a to open on to, come out at
    salida de artistas stage door
    salida de efectivo cash outflow
    salida de emergencia emergency exit
    salida de tono unfortunate remark, improper remark
    salida nula false start
    * * *
    noun f.
    1) exit
    * * *
    1) [de un lugar]

    a la salida, te esperaremos a la salida — we'll wait for you on the way out

    dar salida a, el pasillo que da salida a la pista de tenis — the passageway which leads out (on)to the tennis court

    puerta de salida — exit door

    2) (=aparición)

    tras la salida de los futbolistas al terreno de juego — after the footballers came/went out onto the pitch

    precio de salida — [de objeto subastado] starting price; [de acciones] offer price

    3) (=lugar) [de edificio] exit, way out; [de autopista] exit, turn-off

    ¿dónde está la salida? — where's the exit o the way out?

    salida[encima de la puerta] exit; [en el pasillo] way out, exit

    tener salida a algo, nuestro edificio tiene salida a las dos calles — our building has access onto both streets

    4) [de avión, tren] departure

    después de la salida del tren — after the train leaves, after the departure of the train

    5) (=escapada) [de viaje] trip; [de excursión] trip, outing; [por la noche] night out, evening out

    en mi primera salida al extranjero — on my first trip abroad, on my first foreign trip

    6) (=comienzo) [de carrera, desfile] start

    fuimos a ver la salida de la procesión — we went to see the start of the procession, we went to see the procession move off

    Palmer tuvo una mala salida del tee — (Golf) Palmer played a poor tee shot

    dar la salida — to give the starting signal

    tomar la salida — (=empezar) to start the race; (=participar) to take part, compete

    salida en falso, salida falsa — false start

    salida lanzada — running start, flying start

    parrilla 2)
    7) (Teat) [al entrar en escena] appearance; [para recibir aplausos] curtain-call
    8) (=solución) solution

    la única salida está en la negociación — the only way out is through negotiation, the only solution is to negotiate

    9) [al hablar]

    ¡qué buena salida! — that was a really witty comment!


    ¡vaya salidas de bombero que tuvo! — he dropped some real clangers! *

    salida de tono, fue una salida de tono — it was inappropriate o uncalled-for

    10) (Com) [de producto] launch

    dar salida a, dar salida a los excedentes agrícolas — to find an outlet for surplus produce

    tener salida — to sell well

    tener una salida fácil — to have a ready market, be a soft sell

    11) (Econ) (=cargo) debit entry
    12) pl salidas [en el trabajo] openings, job opportunities

    esa carrera no tiene apenas salidasthere are very few openings o job opportunities for someone with that degree

    13) (Téc) [de aire, gas, vapor] vent; [de agua] outlet
    14) (Inform) output
    15) (=prenda)

    salida de baño Cono Sur [en casa] bathrobe; [en playa, piscina] beach robe

    16) (Arquit) (=saliente) projection
    17) (Mil) [para el ataque] sortie
    18) (Naipes) lead
    * * *
    a) (de edificio, lugar) exit
    b) ( de tubería) outlet, outflow; ( de circuito) outlet
    a) ( acción)

    una salida al campoan outing o a trip to the country

    c) (de líquido, gas, electricidad) output
    3) ( partida)
    (de tren, avión) departure

    salidas nacionales/internacionales — domestic/international departures

    4) (Dep) ( en una carrera) start
    a) ( solución)
    6) (Com, Fin) ( gasto) payment

    este chico tiene cada salida... — this child comes out with the funniest things...

    fue una salida que nos hizo reír muchohis remark o comment had us all in stitches

    * * *
    a) (de edificio, lugar) exit
    b) ( de tubería) outlet, outflow; ( de circuito) outlet
    a) ( acción)

    una salida al campoan outing o a trip to the country

    c) (de líquido, gas, electricidad) output
    3) ( partida)
    (de tren, avión) departure

    salidas nacionales/internacionales — domestic/international departures

    4) (Dep) ( en una carrera) start
    a) ( solución)
    6) (Com, Fin) ( gasto) payment

    este chico tiene cada salida... — this child comes out with the funniest things...

    fue una salida que nos hizo reír muchohis remark o comment had us all in stitches

    * * *
    1 = departure, egress, exit, outlet, outing, escape route, turnover, work-around [workaround], stock turnover, turnover of stock, flight mission, way out, turn-off.

    Ex: Apart from its undoubted value in its own right, Sears' provides a valuable model or point of departure for others.

    Ex: The reduction of public access and egress to a single point well controlled by electronic or other means goes some way to reduce the loss of books.
    Ex: A cash desk should be placed by each exit.
    Ex: Hawthorne gave an uneasy laugh, which was merely the outlet for her disappointment.
    Ex: The 1st calendar of events included a slide show, a literary afternoon, travel tips, and a picnic and outing.
    Ex: At present the onus appears to be on individual library directors to develop alternative career paths and escape routes = Por ahora la responsabilidad de desarrollar trayectorias profesionales y vías de escape alternativas parece recaer sobre los directores de la biblioteca en cuestión.
    Ex: Yet the genuine stockholding bookseller is committed to holding good stocks of books for the customers' benefit which means that he does not aim simply at buying in the books with the quickest turnover.
    Ex: Obviously, the work-around is to cut-and-paste this into the end of the document, but why did this happen in the first place?.
    Ex: The booksellers in the sample 'turned over their stocks on average about four times a year' though rates of stock turnover varied widely.
    Ex: ' Turnover of stock' is, then, an important part of successful and lively bookselling.
    Ex: The collection is composed of more than 400,000 prints and negatives from photographs taken during 1,258 separate flight missions, most of which were flown over California.
    Ex: She racked her brains for a way out but could not find anything successful.
    Ex: There's a great gas station and convenience store at the turn-off.
    * a la salida = on the way out.
    * asesor de salidas profesionales = career(s) adviser.
    * bandera de salida, la = checkered flag, the.
    * callejón sin salida = blind alley, catch 22, cul-de-sac, dead end, impasse, dead end street, deadlock, standoff.
    * caudal de salida = flow rate.
    * con salida al mercado = due out.
    * consejero sobre salidas profesionales = career advisor, career counsellor.
    * control de salida = exit barrier.
    * dar el pistoletazo de salida = fire + the starting gun.
    * dar salida a = vent.
    * de salida = outgoing.
    * disco de salida = output diskette.
    * dispositivo de salida = output equipment.
    * encontrar la salida a = find + a/the way out of.
    * encontrar una salida a = find + a/the way out of.
    * entradas y salidas = comings and goings.
    * estrategia de salida = exit strategy.
    * fecha de salida = departure date.
    * fichero de salida = outgoing file.
    * fichero de salida de datos = communication output file.
    * hora de salida = departure time, check-out time.
    * información sobre salidas profesionales = career(s) information.
    * la mejor salida = the best way forward.
    * libro de registro de entrada y salida de cartas = letterbook [letter book].
    * no tener salida = be stuck, get + stuck.
    * orientación sobre salidas profesionales = career guidance.
    * parrilla de salida = starting grid.
    * pasillo de salida = exit lane.
    * pistoletazo de salida = starting signal, starting gun.
    * precio de salida = starting price.
    * primera posición de salida = pole start, pole position.
    * puerta de salida = exit door.
    * registro de salida de cartas = outward letterbook.
    * salida de aire = venting.
    * salida de artistas = stage door.
    * salida de datos = output.
    * salida de emergencia = emergency exit.
    * salida de humos = flue.
    * salida de incendios = fire exit.
    * salida de lectores = public exit.
    * salida del sol = sunrise.
    * salida del sol, la = rising of the sun, the.
    * salida en falso = false start.
    * salida lateral = side entrance.
    * salida nula = false start.
    * salida profesional = career opportunity, career path, career pattern, career option.
    * salidas profesionales = careers guidance, career development, career planning, careers education, employability, job opportunities.
    * sin salida al mar = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sistema de control de la salida = exit control system.
    * sondeo hecho a la salida = exit survey.
    * tacos de salida = starting blocks.
    * válvula de salida = outlet valve.
    * vía de salida = exit lane.

    2 = witticism, witty remark, witty remark, quip.

    Ex: It uses humor rather than witticisms, and self-deprecation rather than deprecation of the professional field.

    Ex: Youll never be short on a witty remark with a database of almost 180000 jokes.
    Ex: Youll never be short on a witty remark with a database of almost 180000 jokes.
    Ex: His genius is sometimes most evident in his quips.

    * * *
    1 (de un edificio, lugar) exit
    [ S ] salida exit
    dimos mil vueltas buscando la salida we went round and round looking for the way out o the exit
    todas las salidas de Bilbao all the roads out of Bilbao
    Bolivia no tiene salida al mar Bolivia has no access to the sea
    es una calle sin salida it's a dead end
    2 (de una tubería) outlet, outflow; (de un circuito) outlet
    3 ( Inf) tb
    salida del sistema logoff, logout
    (en un teatro) stage door; (en una sala de conciertos) artists' entrance
    salida de emergencia/incendios
    emergency/fire exit
    (acción): me lo encontré a la salida I met him on the way out, I met him as I was leaving
    quedamos en encontrarnos a la salida del concierto we arranged to meet at the end of o after the concert
    acelera a la salida de la curva accelerate (as you come) out of the curve
    el gobierno les ha negado la salida del país the government has refused to allow them to leave the country
    impedir la salida de divisas to prevent currency being taken out of o leaving the country
    estaban esperando la salida de la novia they were waiting for the bride to appear
    la salida del primer toro the entry of the first bull
    (como distracción): es su primera salida desde que la operaron it's the first time she's been out since her operation
    una salida a la ópera an evening at the opera
    una salida al campo an outing o a trip to the country
    3 (de un líquido, gas) output; (de un circuito) output
    (para la playa) beach robe; (para la casa) bathrobe
    A (de un tren, avión) departure
    LANSA anuncia la salida del vuelo 503 LANSA announces the departure of flight 503
    el tren efectuará su salida por vía cinco the train will leave from track five
    [ S ] salidas nacionales/internacionales domestic/international departures
    dan la salida con un disparo a gun is fired to start the race o to signal the start
    false start
    false start
    (solución): no le veo ninguna salida a esta situación I can see no way out of this situation
    hay que buscar una salida a la crisis económica a solution must be found to the economic crisis
    vamos a tener que aceptar, no nos queda otra salida we're going to have to accept, we have no option
    (posibilidades): la informática, hoy en día, tiene muchas salidas nowadays there are many openings o job opportunities in computing
    esta prenda no tiene mucha salida this garment doesn't sell very well
    B ( Com, Fin) (gasto) payment
    entradas y salidas income and expenditure, receipts and outgoings ( BrE)
    (ocurrencia): este chico tiene cada salida … this child comes out with the funniest things …
    fue una salida que nos hizo reír mucho his remark o comment had us all in stitches
    fue una salida de tono it was totally out of place, it was a totally inappropriate thing to say/do
    * * *


    salida sustantivo femenino ( hacia el exterior)
    a) (lugar, puerta) exit;

    salida de emergencia/incendios emergency/fire exit;

    todas las salidas de Bilbao all the roads out of Bilbao;
    es una calle sin salida it's a dead end

    ( de circuito) outlet
    a) ( acción):

    nos encontramos a la salida del concierto we met at the door after the concert;
    una salida al campo an outing o a trip to the country
    b) (de líquido, gas, electricidad) output


    ( partida)
    1 (de tren, avión) departure;

    ( on signs) salidas nacionales/internacionales domestic/international departures
    2 (Dep) ( en una carrera) start
    1 ( solución):

    no nos queda otra salida we have no other option
    2 (Com, Fin) ( gasto) payment
    salido,-a adjetivo
    1 (saliente, prominente) projecting
    (frente, pómulos, etc) prominent
    (ojos) bulging
    familiar sticky-out
    2 fam pey (cachondo) horny, randy
    salida sustantivo femenino
    1 (lugar por donde se sale) exit, way out: nos pasamos diez minutos buscando la salida, we spent ten minutes looking for the way out
    este carril tiene salida a la autopista, this lane leads onto the motorway
    callejón sin salida, dead end
    (de una tubería, desagüe) outlet, outflow
    Inform output
    2 (acción de salir) leaving
    a la salida del trabajo, on leaving work
    (de un tren, un avión) departure
    (del Sol, de la Luna, etc) rising
    salida del sol, sunrise
    (viaje corto, excursión) trip
    una salida al campo, an outing to the country
    3 Dep start
    dar la salida, to give the signal to start
    línea de salida, starting line
    4 (solución) option, solution: este problema no tiene salida, there's no solution to this problem
    5 Lab prospect: la filosofía no tiene muchas salidas, there aren't many job opportunities in philosophy
    6 (cese de una actividad) el próximo año se producirá mi salida del cargo, I'll be leaving the post next year
    7 fig (agudeza, ocurrencia) witty remark
    8 (comentario inapropiado) salida de tono, inappropriate remark
    9 (puesta en venta, lanzamiento de un producto) la salida del nuevo periódico se producirá el lunes, the new newspaper will be launched onto the market next Monday
    10 Fin (gasto) hemos tenido demasiadas salidas en concepto de compra de materiales, purchase of materials has led to an unacceptable increase in spending
    ' salida' also found in these entries:
    - callejón
    - dirigir
    - efectuar
    - emergencia
    - empujar
    - escape
    - escorrentía
    - expectante
    - fichar
    - forzuda
    - forzudo
    - panel
    - prever
    - punto
    - retardar
    - taponar
    - bloquear
    - cortada
    - desvío
    - escapatoria
    - excursión
    - lateral
    - línea
    - obstruir
    - partida
    - retrasar
    - tapar
    - ver
    blind alley
    - checkout
    - clock off
    - clock out
    - crowd
    - cul-de-sac
    - dead end
    - departure
    - exit
    - false start
    - fight
    - fire exit
    - hasty
    - off
    - out
    - outlet
    - output
    - rise
    - rising
    - sailing
    - seal off
    - stampede
    - start
    - starter
    - starting block
    - starting line
    - starting post
    - starting price
    - sunrise
    - sunup
    - takeoff
    - turn off
    - way
    - wisecrack
    - block
    - catch
    - curtain
    - dead
    - emergency
    - false
    - flotation
    - flying
    - land
    - mark
    - quip
    - ramp
    - release
    - rush
    - stand
    - starting
    * * *
    salida nf
    1. [partida, marcha] departure;
    tenían prevista la salida al amanecer they intended to leave at dawn;
    el tren con destino a Santiago va a efectuar su salida por la vía 4 the Santiago train is about to depart from platform 4;
    salidas nacionales/internacionales [en aeropuerto] national/international departures
    2. [lugar para salir] [de edificio, recinto] exit, way out;
    [de red de cables, cañerías] outlet;
    gira en la próxima salida turn off at the next exit;
    la región no tiene salida al mar the region has no outlet to the sea;
    salida 20 [en autopista] junction 20;
    ¿dónde está la salida? where's the way out?;
    salida [en letrero] exit, way out;
    esta calle no tiene salida this road's a dead end;
    todas las salidas de Caracas estaban colapsadas traffic was at a standstill on all the roads leading out of Caracas;
    dar salida a [sentimientos] to vent, to let out;
    [ideas] to find an outlet for salida de emergencia emergency exit;
    salida de humos air vent;
    3. [en deportes, carreras] start;
    salida nula false start
    4. [viaje] trip;
    una salida al extranjero a trip abroad;
    hicimos una salida al campo de un día we went out for the day to the country, we went on an outing to the country for a day
    5. [aparición] [de revista, nuevo modelo, producto] appearance;
    a la salida del sol at sunrise;
    su salida a escena fue recibida con aplausos her entry on stage was greeted with applause, she was applauded as she came on stage;
    esta llave regula la salida del agua this Br tap o US faucet controls the flow of water
    Fin salida a bolsa [de empresa] flotation
    6. [momento]
    quedamos a la salida del trabajo we agreed to meet after work;
    te espero a la salida del cine I'll meet you after the movie
    7. [solución] way out;
    es preciso encontrar una salida al problema/a esta situación we need to find a way round the problem/a way out of this situation;
    si no hay otra salida if there's no alternative
    8. [ocurrencia] witty remark;
    [pretexto] excuse;
    tener salidas to be witty;
    desde luego tiene cada salida… she certainly comes out with some witty remarks
    salida de tono out-of-place remark
    9. Com [producción] output;
    [posibilidades] market;
    dar salida a [producto] to find an outlet for;
    este producto tiene mucha salida [posibilidades de venta] there's a big market for this product;
    [se vende] this product sells well;
    este producto no tiene salida [posibilidades de venta] there's no market for this product;
    [no se vende] this product doesn't sell
    salidas [en contabilidad] outgoings
    11. Informát output
    12. Dep [partido fuera de casa] away game
    salidas [posibilidades laborales] openings, opportunities;
    carreras con salidas university courses with good job prospects
    14. Am [ropa] salida de baño bathrobe;
    salida de playa beach robe
    The War of the Pacific, fought victoriously by Chile against Peru and Bolivia (1879-1883), was to have a huge influence on the later development of all three countries. The major incentive for turning a territorial dispute into a war was the rich deposits of nitrates (then a vital raw material for the production of fertilizers and explosives) in the Atacama Desert. By acquiring the Atacama, Chile also deprived Bolivia of its only access to the sea at the port of Antofagasta, with inevitably damaging consequences for the future economic and commercial development of the country. Bolivia's desire for a salida al mar (“outlet to the sea”) led it to seek alternative access to the Atlantic, and this was partly behind the outbreak of the horrific Chaco War with Paraguay (1932-1935), though the interest of foreign oil companies in possible oil deposits in the Chaco region was at least as important a factor. Today, Bolivia has adopted the peaceful road of negotiations with Chile to resolve the problem.
    * * *
    1 de edificio, zoo etc exit, way out; de autopista exit
    2 TRANSP departure
    3 DEP de carrera start;
    dar la salida give the starting signal o the off
    4 COM
    tiene salida there’s a market for it;
    salida a bolsa flotation
    5 fig
    opportunity, opening;
    salida profesional career opportunity
    * * *
    salida nf
    1) : exit
    salida de emergencia: emergency exit
    2) : leaving, departure
    3) solución: way out, solution
    4) : start (of a race)
    5) ocurrencia: wisecrack, joke
    salida del sol : sunrise
    * * *
    1. (puerta) exit / way out
    3. (acción de irse) departure
    5. (excursión) outing
    6. (viaje) trip
    7. (solución) solution

    Spanish-English dictionary > salida

  • 8 κακία

    κακία, ας, ἡ (s. κακός; Theognis, Pre-Socr.+)
    the quality or state of wickedness, baseness, depravity, wickedness, vice. κ. is the opposite of ἀρετή and all virtue and therefore lacking in social value (X., Mem. 1, 2, 28; Aristot., Rhet. 2, 6; EN 2, 3–7; Cicero, Tusc. 4, 15; Appian, Bell. Civ. 4, 129 §544 κακία-ἀρετή; Just., A I, 28, 4 and Ath. 24, 4; R. 22 p. 75, 11; Herm. Wr. 9, 4b; SIG 1268, 18 κακίας ἀπέχου; Sb 4127, 6; Wsd 7:30; 12:2, 10; Sir 14:6, 7 al.; LXX; oft. Philo; Jos., Ant. 8, 252; Orig., C. Cels. 2, 76, 82; Did., Gen. 39, 24) 2 Cl 10:1. περισσεία κακίας excess of wickedness Js 1:21. δεσμὸς κακίας fetter of wickedness IEph 19:3. W. πονηρία in the same general mng. (cp. Ael. Aristid. 33 p. 625 D.; Sir 25:17, 19) 1 Cor 5:8. πάσης κ. πλήρης 1 Cl 45:7. τῇ κακίᾳ νηπιάζειν be a child as far as wickedness is concerned i.e. have as little experience in wickedness as a child has 1 Cor 14:20; cp. Hs 9, 29, 1; 3. μετανόησον ἀπὸ τ. κακίας σου ταύτης Ac 8:22 (Just., D. 109, 1). ὡς ἐπικάλυμμα ἔχοντες τ. κακίας τὴν ἐλευθερίαν use freedom as a cloak for wickedness 1 Pt 2:16 (cp. ἵνα μὴ εἰς ἐπικάλλυμα κακίας καταχρησώμεθα τῇ ἐλευθερίᾳ Iren. 4, 37, 4 [Harv. II 288, 11]; s. ἐπικάλλυμα).
    a mean-spirited or vicious attitude or disposition, malice, ill-will, malignity (Diod S 1, 1; PRein 7, 15 [II B.C.]; POxy 1101, 7; Philo; Just., D. 65, 2 ἁπλῶς καὶ μὴ μετὰ κακίας εἰπών; 136, 2; Tat. 34, 1) w. other vices Ro 1:29; Eph 4:31; Col 3:8; Tit 3:3; 1 Pt 2:1; B 20:1; D 5:1. τὸ στόμα σου ἐπλεόνασεν κακίαν 1 Cl 35:8 (Ps 49:19). Cp. B 2:8 (Zech 8:17).
    a state involving difficult circumstances, trouble, misfortune (Thu. 3, 58, 1 opp. ἡδονή; 1 Km 6:9; Eccl 7:14 ἐν ἡμέρᾳ κακίας; 12:1; Sir 19:6; Am 3:6; 1 Macc 7:23; Jos., Ant. 1, 97; Just., D. 142, 3) ἀρκετὸν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἡ κ. αὐτῆς each day has enough trouble of its own Mt 6:34—GBaumbach, Das Verständnis des Bösen in den synopt. Evv., ’63.—DELG s.v. κακός. M-M. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > κακία

  • 9 near cash

    гос. фин. The resource budget contains a separate control total for “near cash” expenditure, that is expenditure such as pay and current grants which impacts directly on the measure of the golden rule.
    This paper provides background information on the framework for the planning and control of public expenditure in the UK which has been operated since the 1998 Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR). It sets out the different classifications of spending for budgeting purposes and why these distinctions have been adopted. It discusses how the public expenditure framework is designed to ensure both sound public finances and an outcome-focused approach to public expenditure.
    The UK's public spending framework is based on several key principles:
    consistency with a long-term, prudent and transparent regime for managing the public finances as a whole;
    " "
    the judgement of success by policy outcomes rather than resource inputs;
    " "
    strong incentives for departments and their partners in service delivery to plan over several years and plan together where appropriate so as to deliver better public services with greater cost effectiveness; and
    the proper costing and management of capital assets to provide the right incentives for public investment.
    The Government sets policy to meet two firm fiscal rules:
    the Golden Rule states that over the economic cycle, the Government will borrow only to invest and not to fund current spending; and
    the Sustainable Investment Rule states that net public debt as a proportion of GDP will be held over the economic cycle at a stable and prudent level. Other things being equal, net debt will be maintained below 40 per cent of GDP over the economic cycle.
    Achievement of the fiscal rules is assessed by reference to the national accounts, which are produced by the Office for National Statistics, acting as an independent agency. The Government sets its spending envelope to comply with these fiscal rules.
    Departmental Expenditure Limits ( DEL) and Annually Managed Expenditure (AME)
    Departmental Expenditure Limit ( DEL) spending, which is planned and controlled on a three year basis in Spending Reviews; and
    Annually Managed Expenditure ( AME), which is expenditure which cannot reasonably be subject to firm, multi-year limits in the same way as DEL. AME includes social security benefits, local authority self-financed expenditure, debt interest, and payments to EU institutions.
    More information about DEL and AME is set out below.
    In Spending Reviews, firm DEL plans are set for departments for three years. To ensure consistency with the Government's fiscal rules departments are set separate resource (current) and capital budgets. The resource budget contains a separate control total for “near cash” expenditure, that is expenditure such as pay and current grants which impacts directly on the measure of the golden rule.
    To encourage departments to plan over the medium term departments may carry forward unspent DEL provision from one year into the next and, subject to the normal tests for tautness and realism of plans, may be drawn down in future years. This end-year flexibility also removes any incentive for departments to use up their provision as the year end approaches with less regard to value for money. For the full benefits of this flexibility and of three year plans to feed through into improved public service delivery, end-year flexibility and three year budgets should be cascaded from departments to executive agencies and other budget holders.
    Three year budgets and end-year flexibility give those managing public services the stability to plan their operations on a sensible time scale. Further, the system means that departments cannot seek to bid up funds each year (before 1997, three year plans were set and reviewed in annual Public Expenditure Surveys). So the credibility of medium-term plans has been enhanced at both central and departmental level.
    Departments have certainty over the budgetary allocation over the medium term and these multi-year DEL plans are strictly enforced. Departments are expected to prioritise competing pressures and fund these within their overall annual limits, as set in Spending Reviews. So the DEL system provides a strong incentive to control costs and maximise value for money.
    There is a small centrally held DEL Reserve. Support from the Reserve is available only for genuinely unforeseeable contingencies which departments cannot be expected to manage within their DEL.
    AME typically consists of programmes which are large, volatile and demand-led, and which therefore cannot reasonably be subject to firm multi-year limits. The biggest single element is social security spending. Other items include tax credits, Local Authority Self Financed Expenditure, Scottish Executive spending financed by non-domestic rates, and spending financed from the proceeds of the National Lottery.
    AME is reviewed twice a year as part of the Budget and Pre-Budget Report process reflecting the close integration of the tax and benefit system, which was enhanced by the introduction of tax credits.
    AME is not subject to the same three year expenditure limits as DEL, but is still part of the overall envelope for public expenditure. Affordability is taken into account when policy decisions affecting AME are made. The Government has committed itself not to take policy measures which are likely to have the effect of increasing social security or other elements of AME without taking steps to ensure that the effects of those decisions can be accommodated prudently within the Government's fiscal rules.
    Given an overall envelope for public spending, forecasts of AME affect the level of resources available for DEL spending. Cautious estimates and the AME margin are built in to these AME forecasts and reduce the risk of overspending on AME.
    Together, DEL plus AME sum to Total Managed Expenditure (TME). TME is a measure drawn from national accounts. It represents the current and capital spending of the public sector. The public sector is made up of central government, local government and public corporations.
    Resource and Capital Budgets are set in terms of accruals information. Accruals information measures resources as they are consumed rather than when the cash is paid. So for example the Resource Budget includes a charge for depreciation, a measure of the consumption or wearing out of capital assets.
    Non cash charges in budgets do not impact directly on the fiscal framework. That may be because the national accounts use a different way of measuring the same thing, for example in the case of the depreciation of departmental assets. Or it may be that the national accounts measure something different: for example, resource budgets include a cost of capital charge reflecting the opportunity cost of holding capital; the national accounts include debt interest.
    Within the Resource Budget DEL, departments have separate controls on:
    Near cash spending, the sub set of Resource Budgets which impacts directly on the Golden Rule; and
    The amount of their Resource Budget DEL that departments may spend on running themselves (e.g. paying most civil servants’ salaries) is limited by Administration Budgets, which are set in Spending Reviews. Administration Budgets are used to ensure that as much money as practicable is available for front line services and programmes. These budgets also help to drive efficiency improvements in departments’ own activities. Administration Budgets exclude the costs of frontline services delivered directly by departments.
    The Budget preceding a Spending Review sets an overall envelope for public spending that is consistent with the fiscal rules for the period covered by the Spending Review. In the Spending Review, the Budget AME forecast for year one of the Spending Review period is updated, and AME forecasts are made for the later years of the Spending Review period.
    The 1998 Comprehensive Spending Review ( CSR), which was published in July 1998, was a comprehensive review of departmental aims and objectives alongside a zero-based analysis of each spending programme to determine the best way of delivering the Government's objectives. The 1998 CSR allocated substantial additional resources to the Government's key priorities, particularly education and health, for the three year period from 1999-2000 to 2001-02.
    Delivering better public services does not just depend on how much money the Government spends, but also on how well it spends it. Therefore the 1998 CSR introduced Public Service Agreements (PSAs). Each major government department was given its own PSA setting out clear targets for achievements in terms of public service improvements.
    The 1998 CSR also introduced the DEL/ AME framework for the control of public spending, and made other framework changes. Building on the investment and reforms delivered by the 1998 CSR, successive spending reviews in 2000, 2002 and 2004 have:
    provided significant increase in resources for the Government’s priorities, in particular health and education, and cross-cutting themes such as raising productivity; extending opportunity; and building strong and secure communities;
    " "
    enabled the Government significantly to increase investment in public assets and address the legacy of under investment from past decades. Departmental Investment Strategies were introduced in SR2000. As a result there has been a steady increase in public sector net investment from less than ¾ of a per cent of GDP in 1997-98 to 2¼ per cent of GDP in 2005-06, providing better infrastructure across public services;
    " "
    introduced further refinements to the performance management framework. PSA targets have been reduced in number over successive spending reviews from around 300 to 110 to give greater focus to the Government’s highest priorities. The targets have become increasingly outcome-focused to deliver further improvements in key areas of public service delivery across Government. They have also been refined in line with the conclusions of the Devolving Decision Making Review to provide a framework which encourages greater devolution and local flexibility. Technical Notes were introduced in SR2000 explaining how performance against each PSA target will be measured; and
    not only allocated near cash spending to departments, but also – since SR2002 - set Resource DEL plans for non cash spending.
    To identify what further investments and reforms are needed to equip the UK for the global challenges of the decade ahead, on 19 July 2005 the Chief Secretary to the Treasury announced that the Government intends to launch a second Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) reporting in 2007.
    A decade on from the first CSR, the 2007 CSR will represent a long-term and fundamental review of government expenditure. It will cover departmental allocations for 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010 11. Allocations for 2007-08 will be held to the agreed figures already announced by the 2004 Spending Review. To provide a rigorous analytical framework for these departmental allocations, the Government will be taking forward a programme of preparatory work over 2006 involving:
    an assessment of what the sustained increases in spending and reforms to public service delivery have achieved since the first CSR. The assessment will inform the setting of new objectives for the decade ahead;
    " "
    an examination of the key long-term trends and challenges that will shape the next decade – including demographic and socio-economic change, globalisation, climate and environmental change, global insecurity and technological change – together with an assessment of how public services will need to respond;
    " "
    to release the resources needed to address these challenges, and to continue to secure maximum value for money from public spending over the CSR period, a set of zero-based reviews of departments’ baseline expenditure to assess its effectiveness in delivering the Government’s long-term objectives; together with
    further development of the efficiency programme, building on the cross cutting areas identified in the Gershon Review, to embed and extend ongoing efficiency savings into departmental expenditure planning.
    The 2007 CSR also offers the opportunity to continue to refine the PSA framework so that it drives effective delivery and the attainment of ambitious national standards.
    Public Service Agreements (PSAs) were introduced in the 1998 CSR. They set out agreed targets detailing the outputs and outcomes departments are expected to deliver with the resources allocated to them. The new spending regime places a strong emphasis on outcome targets, for example in providing for better health and higher educational standards or service standards. The introduction in SR2004 of PSA ‘standards’ will ensure that high standards in priority areas are maintained.
    The Government monitors progress against PSA targets, and departments report in detail twice a year in their annual Departmental Reports (published in spring) and in their autumn performance reports. These reports provide Parliament and the public with regular updates on departments’ performance against their targets.
    Technical Notes explain how performance against each PSA target will be measured.
    To make the most of both new investment and existing assets, there needs to be a coherent long term strategy against which investment decisions are taken. Departmental Investment Strategies (DIS) set out each department's plans to deliver the scale and quality of capital stock needed to underpin its objectives. The DIS includes information about the department's existing capital stock and future plans for that stock, as well as plans for new investment. It also sets out the systems that the department has in place to ensure that it delivers its capital programmes effectively.
    This document was updated on 19 December 2005.
    Near-cash resource expenditure that has a related cash implication, even though the timing of the cash payment may be slightly different. For example, expenditure on gas or electricity supply is incurred as the fuel is used, though the cash payment might be made in arrears on aquarterly basis. Other examples of near-cash expenditure are: pay, rental.Net cash requirement the upper limit agreed by Parliament on the cash which a department may draw from theConsolidated Fund to finance the expenditure within the ambit of its Request forResources. It is equal to the agreed amount of net resources and net capital less non-cashitems and working capital.Non-cash cost costs where there is no cash transaction but which are included in a body’s accounts (or taken into account in charging for a service) to establish the true cost of all the resourcesused.Non-departmental a body which has a role in the processes of government, but is not a government public body, NDPBdepartment or part of one. NDPBs accordingly operate at arm’s length from governmentMinisters.Notional cost of a cost which is taken into account in setting fees and charges to improve comparability with insuranceprivate sector service providers.The charge takes account of the fact that public bodies donot generally pay an insurance premium to a commercial insurer.the independent body responsible for collecting and publishing official statistics about theUK’s society and economy. (At the time of going to print legislation was progressing tochange this body to the Statistics Board).Office of Government an office of the Treasury, with a status similar to that of an agency, which aims to maximise Commerce, OGCthe government’s purchasing power for routine items and combine professional expertiseto bear on capital projects.Office of the the government department responsible for discharging the Paymaster General’s statutoryPaymaster General,responsibilities to hold accounts and make payments for government departments and OPGother public bodies.Orange bookthe informal title for Management of Risks: Principles and Concepts, which is published by theTreasury for the guidance of public sector bodies.Office for NationalStatistics, ONS60Managing Public Money
    GLOSSARYOverdraftan account with a negative balance.Parliament’s formal agreement to authorise an activity or expenditure.Prerogative powerspowers exercisable under the Royal Prerogative, ie powers which are unique to the Crown,as contrasted with common-law powers which may be available to the Crown on the samebasis as to natural persons.Primary legislationActs which have been passed by the Westminster Parliament and, where they haveappropriate powers, the Scottish Parliament and the Northern Ireland Assembly. Begin asBills until they have received Royal Assent.arrangements under which a public sector organisation contracts with a private sectorentity to construct a facility and provide associated services of a specified quality over asustained period. See annex 7.5.Proprietythe principle that patterns of resource consumption should respect Parliament’s intentions,conventions and control procedures, including any laid down by the PAC. See box 2.4.Public Accountssee Committee of Public Accounts.CommitteePublic corporationa trading body controlled by central government, local authority or other publiccorporation that has substantial day to day operating independence. See section 7.8.Public Dividend finance provided by government to public sector bodies as an equity stake; an alternative to Capital, PDCloan finance.Public Service sets out what the public can expect the government to deliver with its resources. EveryAgreement, PSAlarge government department has PSA(s) which specify deliverables as targets or aimsrelated to objectives.a structured arrangement between a public sector and a private sector organisation tosecure an outcome delivering good value for money for the public sector. It is classified tothe public or private sector according to which has more control.Rate of returnthe financial remuneration delivered by a particular project or enterprise, expressed as apercentage of the net assets employed.Regularitythe principle that resource consumption should accord with the relevant legislation, therelevant delegated authority and this document. See box 2.4.Request for the functional level into which departmental Estimates may be split. RfRs contain a number Resources, RfRof functions being carried out by the department in pursuit of one or more of thatdepartment’s objectives.Resource accountan accruals account produced in line with the Financial Reporting Manual (FReM).Resource accountingthe system under which budgets, Estimates and accounts are constructed in a similar wayto commercial audited accounts, so that both plans and records of expenditure allow in fullfor the goods and services which are to be, or have been, consumed – ie not just the cashexpended.Resource budgetthe means by which the government plans and controls the expenditure of resources tomeet its objectives.Restitutiona legal concept which allows money and property to be returned to its rightful owner. Ittypically operates where another person can be said to have been unjustly enriched byreceiving such monies.Return on capital the ratio of profit to capital employed of an accounting entity during an identified period.employed, ROCEVarious measures of profit and of capital employed may be used in calculating the ratio.Public Privatepartnership, PPPPrivate Finance Initiative, PFIParliamentaryauthority61Managing Public Money
    GLOSSARYRoyal charterthe document setting out the powers and constitution of a corporation established underprerogative power of the monarch acting on Privy Council advice.Second readingthe second formal time that a House of Parliament may debate a bill, although in practicethe first substantive debate on its content. If successful, it is deemed to denoteParliamentary approval of the principle of the proposed legislation.Secondary legislationlaws, including orders and regulations, which are made using powers in primary legislation.Normally used to set out technical and administrative provision in greater detail thanprimary legislation, they are subject to a less intense level of scrutiny in Parliament.European legislation is,however,often implemented in secondary legislation using powers inthe European Communities Act 1972.Service-level agreement between parties, setting out in detail the level of service to be performed.agreementWhere agreements are between central government bodies, they are not legally a contractbut have a similar function.Shareholder Executive a body created to improve the government’s performance as a shareholder in businesses.Spending reviewsets out the key improvements in public services that the public can expect over a givenperiod. It includes a thorough review of departmental aims and objectives to find the bestway of delivering the government’s objectives, and sets out the spending plans for the givenperiod.State aidstate support for a domestic body or company which could distort EU competition and sois not usually allowed. See annex 4.9.Statement of Excessa formal statement detailing departments’ overspends prepared by the Comptroller andAuditor General as a result of undertaking annual audits.Statement on Internal an annual statement that Accounting Officers are required to make as part of the accounts Control, SICon a range of risk and control issues.Subheadindividual elements of departmental expenditure identifiable in Estimates as single cells, forexample cell A1 being administration costs within a particular line of departmental spending.Supplyresources voted by Parliament in response to Estimates, for expenditure by governmentdepartments.Supply Estimatesa statement of the resources the government needs in the coming financial year, and forwhat purpose(s), by which Parliamentary authority is sought for the planned level ofexpenditure and income.Target rate of returnthe rate of return required of a project or enterprise over a given period, usually at least a year.Third sectorprivate sector bodies which do not act commercially,including charities,social and voluntaryorganisations and other not-for-profit collectives. See annex 7.7.Total Managed a Treasury budgeting term which covers all current and capital spending carried out by the Expenditure,TMEpublic sector (ie not just by central departments).Trading fundan organisation (either within a government department or forming one) which is largely orwholly financed from commercial revenue generated by its activities. Its Estimate shows itsnet impact, allowing its income from receipts to be devoted entirely to its business.Treasury Minutea formal administrative document drawn up by the Treasury, which may serve a wide varietyof purposes including seeking Parliamentary approval for the use of receipts asappropriations in aid, a remission of some or all of the principal of voted loans, andresponding on behalf of the government to reports by the Public Accounts Committee(PAC).62Managing Public Money
    GLOSSARY63Managing Public MoneyValue for moneythe process under which organisation’s procurement, projects and processes aresystematically evaluated and assessed to provide confidence about suitability, effectiveness,prudence,quality,value and avoidance of error and other waste,judged for the public sectoras a whole.Virementthe process through which funds are moved between subheads such that additionalexpenditure on one is met by savings on one or more others.Votethe process by which Parliament approves funds in response to supply Estimates.Voted expenditureprovision for expenditure that has been authorised by Parliament. Parliament ‘votes’authority for public expenditure through the Supply Estimates process. Most expenditureby central government departments is authorised in this way.Wider market activity activities undertaken by central government organisations outside their statutory duties,using spare capacity and aimed at generating a commercial profit. See annex 7.6.Windfallmonies received by a department which were not anticipated in the spending review.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > near cash

  • 10 discount

    1. сущ.
    а) торг. скидка (с цены), ценовая скидка (денежная сумма или процент, на который поставщик снижает стандартную цену товара или услуги; напр., снижение стандартной цены товара в рамках кампании по стимулированию сбыта или снижение прейскурантной цены в качестве вознаграждения за быстрый или наличный платеж, за покупку в большом количестве и т. п.; также снижение стандартного тарифа на услуги для клиентов, удовлетворяющих определенным требованиям, напр., уменьшение величины страховой премии в связи с особенностями данного риска, отсутствием аварий или других страховых случаев в течение определенного времени, либо уменьшение стоимости туристической путевки при приобретении общей путевки для группы лиц и т. п.)


    one-time discount — единовременная [разовая\] скидка


    discount in the amount of— скидка в сумме

    At the purchase of 6-10 titles you will obtain the discount in the amount of 5%.

    discount of $125, $125 discount — скидка в размере 125 долл.

    10% discount, discount of 10% — скидка в размере 10%, десятипроцентная скидка

    1% discount for cash — скидка 1% за расчет наличными

    15% discount for quantity purchases — 15-процентная скидка за покупку в большом количестве

    less discount of 5% — со сидкой в 5%, за вычетом 5%

    A discount of up to 40% may apply to Physical Damage Coverage for your boat, if the boat is less than 11 years old.

    a discount of 10 to 40 percent — скидка (в размере) от 10% до 40%

    a discount (of) between 10% and 20% — скидка (в размере) от 10% до 20%, скидка между 10% и 20%

    discount on [below, to, off, from\] — скидка с (цены, тарифной ставки)

    50% discount below the normal retail price — 50% скидка с обычной розничной цены

    You can get 50% discount off the regular ticket price!

    Click here to order this book at a discount from the regular list price.

    discount on (smth.) — скидка на (что-л.)

    Members will receive special discounts on all products. — Участники получат специальные скидки на все товары.

    special discount to students, special students discounts — специальные скидки для студентов, специальные скидки студентам, специальные студенческие скидки

    50% discount for children under 12 — 50% скидка для детей в возрасте до 12 лет

    to give [to grant, to allow\] a discount — предоставить скидку

    Discounts are given for quantity purchases.

    First, they commit all participants to grant discounts of the same type to buyers who meet the same conditions of eligibility.

    The producer usually establishes a list price and then allows discounts from it to various types of intermediate customers.

    Later in the century, as competition for customers increased, some booksellers offered discounts of 20 percent and more.

    to get [to receive, to obtain\] a discount — получить скидку

    Club members get special discount off the normal rates. — Члены клуба получают специальную скидку с обычных тарифов.

    He received cash discount of 3%. — Он получил скидку в размере 3% за оплату наличными.

    to earn a discount — получить [заслужить, заработать\] скидку

    When purchases must be placed within a specified period to earn a discount, the prospective contractor must indicate the required time period.

    Those who purchase for cash are allowed a discount of 2%, while those who pay within one month can claim a discount of 1%.

    to ask for a discount — просить [требовать\] скидку, обращаться за скидкой

    If you're going to pay cash, ask for a discount.

    It could be very useful to be able to negotiate a discount for cash if you are buying luxury items like a fur coat or an expensive piece of jewellery.

    Large volume orders may be subject to a discount. — Крупные заказы могут подлежать скидке. [По крупным заказам может предоставляться скидка.\]

    to qualify for a discount — иметь право на скидку; получить право на скидку; давать право на скидку

    To qualify for discount all orders must be received by 30th June. — Чтобы иметь право на скидку, все заказы должны быть получены до 30 июня.

    to be eligible for [to be entitled to\] a discount — иметь право на скидку

    Find out if you are entitled to a discount. — Выясните, имеете ли вы право на скидку.

    to lose a discount — терять скидку, терять право на скидку

    This means that you can make 1 claim in any year or 2 claims in any 3-year period, and you won't lose the discount earned for your previous years of safe driving. — Это означает, что вы можете предъявить одно требование в течение любого года или два требования в течение любого трехлетнего периода, и вы не потеряете скидку, заработанную за предыдущие года безопасного вождения.

    To find the sale price of the item, you calculate the discount and subtract the discount from the original price.

    to reduce/to increase discount — уменьшать/увеличивать скидку

    ThyssenKrupp Nirosta reduces cash discount.

    Under the Local Government Act 2003, all District Councils have been allowed to reduce their Council Tax discount on second homes from 50% to 10%.

    American Airlines also has increased its discount from 21 percent to 22 percent on all domestic fares and international full fares.

    They've increased the tax discount on the house.

    rebate 1. 1), reduction 1. 2) б)
    advertising discount, aggregated discount, bulk discount а), bulk purchase discount, cash discount, chain discount, commercial discount, cumulative discount, deep discount 2) а), deferred discount, discount allowed, discount earned, discount for cash, discount for cash payment, discount for early payment, discount for paying cash, discount for prompt payment, discount for quantity, discount for quantity purchases, discount from price, discount on price, discount received, discounts lost, early payment discount, functional discount, group discount 1) а), insurance discount, insurance premium discount, invoice discount 1) а), long discount, lost discounts, loyalty discount, net name discount, noncumulative discount, off-invoice discount, patronage discount, premium discount, prepayment discount, price discount а), prompt payment discount, purchase discount, quantity discount, quantity purchase discount, renewal discount, retail discount, retro discount, retrodiscount, retrospective discount, sales discount, series discount 1) а), short discount, special discount, staff discount, trade discount, trade-in discount, unearned discount а), volume discount, wholesale discount, amount of discount, discount amount а), discount broker а), discount brokerage, discount card, discount chain, discount coupon, discount drugstore, discount fare, discount goods, discount house 2) а), discount loss, discount market 2) а), discount merchandiser, discount period 1) а), discount policy 1) а), discount price, discount pricing, discount retailer, discount retailing, discount sale, discount scale, discount series, discount schedule, discount store, discount supermarket, discount table, discount terms, percentage of discount, scale of discounts, table of discounts, allowance 1. 3) discounted price а), discounted goods, premium price а), trade credit, EOM, ROG, discounter б), discountable 2) б), regular price, list price, off-price product, at a discount 1) а) IDIOM: five-finger discount
    б) фин., бирж. дисконт (сумма, на которую номинал или цена погашения ценной бумаги больше цены ее первоначального размещения или текущей рыночной цены)


    accrued 2), amortizable 2) б)

    deep discount — глубокий дисконт, значительный дисконт*


    discount in the amount of— дисконт в сумме

    discount of $125, $125 discount — дисконт в размере 125 долл.

    As a result, X treats the loan as having original issue discount in the amount of $130000.

    10% discount, discount of 10% — дисконт в размере 10%, десятипроцентный дисконт

    For example, if a $1000 par bond was bought at a discount of $900, at maturity there would be a $100 gain.

    a discount of 10 to 40 percent — дисконт (в размере) от 10% до 40%

    a discount (of) between 10% and 20% — скидка (в размере) от 10% до 20%, скидка между 10% и 20%

    discount on [below, to, off, from\] — дисконт к (цене, номиналу), дисконт с [от\] (цены, номинала)

    Coupons are sold at a discount to maturity value.

    The Company amortizes any discount or premium as part of interest expense on the related debt using the effective interest method.

    Although the issuer will calculate original issue discount, if any, based on its determination of the accrual periods, a bondholder may, subject to some restrictions, elect other accrual periods.

    All taxable discount securities, including Corporate and Government Bonds, Federal STRIPs, Eurobonds, and Taxable Municipal securities.

    в) фин., банк. дисконт, скидка (разница между номиналом векселя и суммой, получаемой векселедержателем при учете векселя до наступления срока его погашения)
    г) фин., бирж. дисконт, скидка (отклонение в меньшую сторону от официального курса валюты, т. е. ситуация, когда цена одной валюты занижена по отношению к цене другой валюты, напр., франк может продаваться со скидкой к фунту)
    д) фин., банк. дисконт (разница между базовой согласованной суммой кредита и суммой, фактически получаемой заемщиком; в обычных дисконтных кредитах соответствует величине процентов, подлежащих уплате по кредиту; в некоторых кредитах из базовой суммы кредита могут вычитаться дисконтные пункты или другие единовременные вознаграждения и комиссионные, причитающиеся кредитору)
    е) фин. дисконт, скидка (при оценке стоимости предприятия или крупных пакетов акций: разница, на которую фактически согласованная цена предприятия/пакета акций меньше базовой рыночной цены; такой дисконт может использоваться в качестве компенсации за узость вторичного рынка для акций, недостаточный размер продаваемого пакета акций для приобретения контроля за предприятием и т. п.)
    ж) фин. скидка, дисконт (в самом общем смысле: сумма, на которую уменьшена базовая стоимость или другая базовая величина)
    2) банк., фин. учет, операция по учету [по дисконту\] (операция, в ходе которой банк или другое финансовое учреждение выкупает вексель или иное долговое обязательство у его держателя по цене, равной номиналу долгового обязательства за вычетом вознаграждения за оставшийся до погашения срок, напр., вексель с номиналом в 100 долл. может продаваться за 90 долл.; впоследствии банк взыскивает полную номинальную стоимость долгового обязательства с лица, выписавшего это долговое обязательство)
    3) фин. дисконтирование (определение текущей стоимости актива или текущей стоимости будущих потоков доходов и расходов)
    а) торг. процент скидки (величина скидки, выраженная в процентах к цене)
    б) фин. учетная ставка; ставка дисконта [дисконтирования\]
    discount rate 1) а), 1) а), 2) а)
    2. гл.
    1) торг. предоставлять [делать\] скидку, снижать цену (уменьшать обычную прейскурантную цену для покупателя, приобретающего значительное количество товара, рассчитывающегося наличными и т. п.); продавать со скидкой (уценивать товары, уменьшать цену продаваемых товаров)

    The shop discounted goods. — Магазин сделал скидку на товары.

    to discount from [off\] price — сделать скидку с цены

    to discount (by) 10% — делать скидку в размере 10%

    Companies discount their goods by 10%-75% only to sell more volume. — Компании предоставляют скидку на свои товары в размере 10-75% [компании снижают цену своих товаров на 10-75%\] только для того, чтобы увеличить объем продаж.

    If an item has not sold within two weeks the store discounts the item by 25% for the third week, 50% for the fourth week, and 75% for the fifth week. — Если предмет не продается в течении двух недель, то в течение третьей недели предмет предлагается со скидкой в 25%, в течение четвертой — со скидкой 50%, а в течение пятой — со скидкой 75%.

    All items were discounted about 20% from the suggested list prices. — Цена всех товаров была снижена на 20% по сравнению с рекомендованной прейскурантной ценой.

    The company discounted prices on its products. — Компания сделала скидку с цены на свои товары.

    United discounts the fare by 50%. — "Юнайтед" делает скидку с тарифа в размере 50%.

    The one-way fares are now discounted 15% off regular fares. — Стоимость проезда в один конец в настоящее время снижена на 15% по сравнению с обычными тарифами.

    This interest rate is discounted from the published bank standard variable rate for an agreed period from the start of the mortgage. — Эта процентная ставка снижена по сравнению с опубликованной стандартной плавающей процентной ставкой банка на оговоренный период, считая от начала действия ипотечного кредита.

    discounted mortgageипотека с дисконтом*, дисконтная ипотека*

    discounted period — период скидки [скидок\]*, период действия скидки*

    discounted price — цена со скидкой [с дисконтом\], дисконтная цена

    2) фин., банк. учитывать
    а) (приобретать векселя или счета-фактуры по цене ниже их номинала, т. е. с дисконтом, с целью последующего взыскания суммы долга с должника)

    to discount at the rate of 10% — учитывать по ставке 10%

    In the same way, circumstances often forced discount houses themselves to discount fine trade bills at the rate for fine bank bills. — Точно также, обстоятельства часто вынуждают сами дисконтные дома учитывать первоклассные торговые векселя по ставке, установленной для первоклассных банковских векселей.

    The Federal Reserve was given the right to discount “eligible paper” for member banks, that is lend money to the banks on the basis of the commercial paper arising from loan transactions with their customers. — Федеральной резервной системе было предоставлено право учитывать "приемлемые бумаги" для банков-членов, т. е. давать банкам деньги взаймы на базе коммерческих бумаг, возникающих в связи с кредитными операциями с их клиентами.

    б) (продавать векселя или счета-фактуры по цене ниже их номинала специализированному финансовому учреждению)

    to discount the note at 10% — учитывать долговое обязательство под 10%

    The company discounted the note at a bank at 10%. — Компания учла долговое обязательство в банке под 10%.

    If the vendor receives a note, he may discount it at the bank. — Если торговец получает простой вексель, он может учесть его в банке.

    to get a bill discounted — учесть вексель, произвести учет векселя

    3) фин., банк. предоставлять дисконтный заем* (получать проценты вперед при даче денег взаймы, т. е. выдавать заемщику не полную оговоренную сумму кредита, а ее часть, оставшуюся после вычета определенного дисконта, и взамен сокращать или аннулировать процентную ставку на весь или часть срока кредита; употребляется всегда с дополнением в виде названия кредита)

    to discount the loan — предоставлять дисконтный заем, делать заем дисконтным

    Negotiate the terms of the loan ( amount, interest rates) first and then lender discounts the loan by charging a fee which will be deducted from the loan amount before being dispersed to the borrower. — Договоритесь об условиях кредитования (сумма, процентные ставки) и потом кредитор сделает заем дисконтным путем взимания платы, которая будет вычтена из суммы займа перед выдачей заемщику.


    to discount at a rate of 10% — дисконтировать по ставке 10%

    Discount future cash flows to the present using the firm's cost of capital. — Приведите будущие денежные потоки к текущей стоимости, используя стоимость капитала фирмы.

    To adjust for the time value of money, we discounted future costs to present value. — Чтобы осуществить корректировку на временную стоимость денег, мы привели будущие затраты к текущей стоимости.

    We discount future cash flows by an interest rate that has been adjusted for risk. — Мы дисконтируем будущие денежные потоки, используя процентную ставку, скорректированную на риск.

    The taxpayer must continue to discount the unpaid losses attributable to proportional reinsurance from pre-1988 accident years using the discount factors that were used in determining tax reserves for the 1987 tax year. — Налогоплательщик должен продолжать дисконтировать неоплаченные убытки, относящиеся к пропорциональному перестрахованию за годы убытка, предшествующие 1988 г., используя коэффициенты дисконтирования, которые применялись при определении налоговых резервов на 1987 налоговый год.

    When comparing projects with different risk levels, it is best to discount each project's cash flows at its own discount rate and then compare the NPVs. — При сравнении проектов с разным уровнем риска, лучше всего произвести дисконтирование [продисконтировать\] денежные потоки каждого проекта по своей собственной ставке дисконтирования и затем сравнить чистую приведенную стоимость.

    discounted cash flow — дисконтированный [приведенный\] денежный поток

    discounted payback period — дисконтированный срок [период\] окупаемости

    5) общ. не принимать в расчет, игнорировать, пропускать, опускать; относиться скептически, не принимать на веру, сомневаться в правдивости

    to discount smb's opinion — игнорировать чье-л. мнение

    They discount my opinion. — Они не принимают в расчет мое мнение.

    We had already discounted the theory that they were involved. — Мы уже оставили идею об их причастности.

    By stressing one factor, each theory discounts the others. — Выделяя один фактор, каждая теория оставляет без внимания остальные.

    Democratic theory discounts the notion that allocation of scarce resources is the result of natural forces. — Демократическая теория игнорирует представление о том, что распределение редких ресурсов является результатом действия естественных сил.

    Knowing his political bias they discounted most of his story. — Зная о его политических пристрастиях, они сомневались в правдивости большей части его истории.

    Many people discount the value of statistical analysis. — Многие люди недооценивают статистический анализ.

    6) бирж. учитывать* (обычно используется в биржевом контексте, указывая на то, что плохие или хорошие новости о компании-эмитенте, отдельной отрасли, экономике в целом либо ожидания получения таких новостей учитываются участниками рынка при определении курсов ценных бумаг, вызывая соответственно понижение или повышение курсов)

    Many traders don't realize the news they hear and read has, in many cases, already been discounted by the market. — Многие трейдеры не осознают, что новости, о которых они услышали или прочитали, уже были учтены рынком.

    Technology stocks discounted a lot of bad news from abroad. — Акции технологических компаний отреагировали на обилие плохих новостей из-за границы.

    The bear market ends when at least most of the bad news is finally discounted by the market. — "Медвежий" рынок заканчивается, когда, по крайней мере, большая часть из плохих новостей наконец учитывается рынком.

    In the United States, the stock market double discounts expected inflation, first through long term bond yields and second through relative stock prices. — В Соединенных Штатах, фондовый рынок дважды учитывает ожидаемую инфляцию, во-первых, в доходности долгосрочных облигаций, а во-вторых, в ценах на соответствующие акции.

    These stock prices are discounting anticipated massive increases in profits for the S&P 500 companies in the future. — Цены акций учитывают ожидаемый в будущем массовый рост прибылей компаний, включаемых в расчет индекса "Стандард энд Пурз 500".

    Today’s prices are discounting all future events, not only today’s news. — Сегодняшние цены учитывают все будущие события, а не только сегодняшние новости.


    * * *
    discount (Dis; Disct) 1) дисконт, скидка: разница между ценой эмиссии ценной бумаги или кредита (номиналом или ценой погашения) и ее текущей рыночной ценой или разница между наличным и срочным валютными курсами; 2) учет векселей: операция купли-продажи векселей по номиналу минус вознаграждение за оставшийся до погашения срок (напр., вексель с номиналом в 100 долл. продается за 90 долл.); 3) скидка с цены товара (или возврат, напр., в качестве вознаграждения за быстрый или наличный платеж); см. cash discount; 4) учет информации об определенном событии в движении цен, ставок, в т. ч. до его наступления; 5) соотношение между двумя валютами; напр., франк может продаваться со скидкой к фунту; 6) определить текущую стоимость актива, который имеет определенную стоимость на определенную дату в будущем.
    * * *
    вычет (процентов); дисконт; скидка; учет (векселя), учетный процент
    . Относится к цене продажи облигации. Цена ниже номинальной стоимости. См. также Premium (премия) . (1) The amount a price would be reduced to purchase a commodity of lesser grade; (2) sometimes used to refer to the price differences between futures of different delivery months, as in the phrase "July is trading at a discount to May," indicating that the price of the July future is lower than that of May; (3) applied to cash grain prices that are below the futures price. Словарь экономических терминов .
    * * *
    особое условие договора купли-продажи, определяющее размер снижения (уменьшения) исходной (базисной) цены сделки
    1. учет векселя
    2. процент, взимаемый банками при учете векселей
    3. скидка с цены валюты в валютных сделках

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > discount

  • 11 reducir

    1 to reduce.
    nos han reducido el sueldo our salary has been cut
    reducir algo a algo to reduce something to something
    reducir algo al absurdo to make a nonsense of something
    Ella redujo la velocidad She reduced the speed.
    2 to suppress, to subdue (someter) (país, ciudad).
    3 to convert (Mat) (convertir).
    4 to set (medicine).
    5 to shorten, to shrink.
    Ellos redujeron las tablas They shortened the boards.
    6 to cut down, to depress, to de-escalate, to deescalate.
    Ellos redujeron los gastos They cut down expenses.
    7 to conquer, to subdue, to subjugate.
    Ellos redujeron a los nativos They conquered the natives.
    8 to hydrogenate.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ CONDUCIR], like link=conducir conducir
    1 (gen) to reduce
    2 (disminuir) to reduce, cut, cut down on
    3 (vencer) to subdue
    4 MEDICINA to set
    5 (una salsa, etc) to reduce, boil down
    1 AUTOMÓVIL to change down, change to a lower gear
    1 (gen) to be reduced; (decrecer) to decrease
    2 (resultar) to come down (a, to)
    * * *
    1) to reduce, cut
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=disminuir)
    a) [en cantidad] [+ gastos, inflación, precio] to reduce, bring down, cut; [+ tensión, ansiedad] to reduce; [+ riesgo] to reduce, lessen

    el autobús redujo su velocidad — the bus reduced speed, the bus slowed down

    el banco redujo su beneficio un 12% — the bank saw its profits fall by 12%

    reducir algo en algo — to reduce sth by sth, cut sth by sth

    tenemos que reducir la producción en un 20% — we have to reduce o cut production by 20%

    reducir a la mínima expresiónto reduce to the bare minimum

    reducir algo al mínimoto reduce o cut sth to the minimum

    reducir algo a la mitadto cut sth by half

    b) [en tiempo] [+ jornada laboral] to reduce, shorten; [+ sentencia] to reduce

    han reducido la mili a nueve mesesthey have reduced o cut military service to nine months

    c) [en tamaño] [+ copia] to reduce; [+ discurso, artículo] to cut down, shorten

    reducir algo a algo —

    a) (=limitar) to limit sth to sth; (=simplificar) to reduce sth to sth
    b) (=convertir) [+ cantidad, medida] to convert sth into sth; [+ fracción, ecuación] to reduce sth into sth
    3) (=someter) [+ ladrón, fugitivo, loco] to overpower; [+ alborotadores] to subdue; [+ fortaleza] to subdue, reduce frm

    reducir a algn a la obedienciato bring sb to heel

    reducir a algn al silencio[por la fuerza, por miedo] to silence sb; [por vergüenza, humillación] to reduce sb to silence

    4) (Med) [+ hueso, hernia] to set, reduce frm
    5) (Quím) to reduce
    6) LAm [en el mercado negro] to get rid of *
    VI (Aut) to change down
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <gastos/costos> to cut, reduce; <velocidad/producción/consumo> to reduce

    reducir al mínimo los riesgosto minimize o to reduce the risks to a minimum

    le redujeron la penathey shortened o reduced his sentence

    reducir algo a su mínima expresión — (Mat) to reduce something to its simplest form

    b) <fotocopia/fotografía> to reduce

    reducir algo A algo: reducir los gramos a milígramos to convert the grams to milligrams; quedaron reducidos a cenizas they were reduced to ashes; mis ilusiones quedaron reducidas a la nada — my dreams came to nothing

    b) (Quím) to reduce
    c) (AmS) < objeto robado> to receive, fence (colloq)
    3) ( dominar) <enemigo/rebeldes> to subdue; < ladrón> to overpower
    4) <fractura/hernia> to set, reduce (tech)
    1) (Coc) to reduce, boil down
    2) (Auto) to shift into a lower gear
    reducirse v pron

    reducirse A algo: todo se reduce a tener tacto it all comes down to being tactful; todo se redujo a un paseo por el río — in the end it was just a walk by the river

    * * *
    = abridge, compress, contract, curtail, erode, gut, narrow, prune, reduce, shorten, stifle, lower, cut back (on), cut, cut down (on), deplete, lessen, pare down, keep down + Nombre, retrench, narrow down, whittle (away/down/at), slim down, slow down, slow up, taper, wind + Nombre + down, cut + Nombre + short, scale back, downgrade [down-grade], shave off, shrink, mark + Nombre + down.
    Ex. Inevitably any abridgement poses the dilemma how to abridge, that is, what to leave out and what to include.
    Ex. A library of a million volumes could be compressed into one end of a desk.
    Ex. In the face of emergencies, breadth of vision tends to contract, narrowing the range of responses.
    Ex. The imposition of fee-based services may radically curtail the breadth of resources available to library users where historically information has been offered freely.
    Ex. These arrangements should also erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.
    Ex. Prices of European produced scientific, technical and medical serials continue to gut US research libraries.
    Ex. Hierarchical relationships must be indicated in order that the users may broaden or narrow the search parameters.
    Ex. More balanced schedules were achieved by pruning the 31000 subjects enumerated in the fourteenth edition to 4700.
    Ex. The disadvantage of inversion of words is that inversion or indirect word order reduces predictability of form of headings.
    Ex. If there are holds on the title, the loan period is shortened to 14 days.
    Ex. Excessive emphasis on the need to exact payment will stifle the flow of information.
    Ex. When a forme was in place on the press stone, paper was lowered on to it by means of a tympan and frisket.
    Ex. But higher education, which expanded between 1959 and 1979 from 164,000 to 519,600 students in full-time higher education, has also been cutting back on purchases.
    Ex. 'The word's out: all departments have to cut their staffs by 10%' -- Her voice was weak and laden with woe.
    Ex. Abstracts cut down considerably on legwork in hunting for information.
    Ex. This intermediate grade would equate with the senior library assistant, a category much depleted in UK academic librarianship.
    Ex. Two possible solutions are possible: (1) to lessen the frequency of production, or (2) to reduce the amount of detail in the entries.
    Ex. He said again that we should pare it down to something much more in line with his figures.
    Ex. Activities such as gardening or cookery are dealt with in many books in ways which go far beyond the simple keeping down of weeds or just filling empty stomachs.
    Ex. In the face of overpublishing and growing scepticism, this once booming area is now retrenching and broadening its coverage = En vista del exceso de publicaciones y del creciente escepticismo, este área que una vez estuvo en auge ahora ha venido a menos.
    Ex. By specifying the fields to be searched, the user can narrow down the search in a very convenient way.
    Ex. However, such idealism is often whittled away over time by bureaucratic problems & organizational demands.
    Ex. The abundance of book types and titles makes display and merchandising increasingly difficult; some booksellers are dealing with this by slimming down or cutting out certain categories.
    Ex. However, the flight from DC appears to have slowed down more quickly than was anticipated, and we no longer read of large numbers of libraries making the change.
    Ex. Since cataloging is the most time consuming part of digitization, it has slowed up the placement of files.
    Ex. The tube in the two types tapers almost unnoticeably from base to tip.
    Ex. Not the least of the ironies of this venture is that going ahead with it is as full of hazard as winding it down abruptly.
    Ex. May I just cut you short, because I've discussed this problem with Peter Jacobs just this week.
    Ex. He first spotted trouble when she started being short with users and so he solved the problem by scaling back her workload.
    Ex. The opposite of the 'halo effect' -- downgrading someone you dislike but whose work is good -- is also an error.
    Ex. You can shave off as much as 50% or even more from your current rate for home insurance in Arizona.
    Ex. The 'false hit' problem still arises, but becomes less likely as the 'neighborhood' of the two words shrinks.
    Ex. They have just marked down all summer handbags to 50 percent off.
    * que reduce el estrés = stress-reducing.
    * reducir a cero = reduce to + nil.
    * reducir a la mitad = halve, cut in + half, halve, reduce by + half.
    * reducir a la nada = reduce to + nil.
    * reducir al mínimo = minimise [minimize, -USA], reduce to + a minimum, cut down to + a minimum, keep to + a (bare) minimum, cut to + the bone.
    * reducir a lo mínimo = cut to + the bone.
    * reducir a miniatura = miniaturise [miniaturize, -USA].
    * reducir costes = reduce + costs.
    * reducir de plantilla = downsize.
    * reducir de tamaño = reduce in + size.
    * reducir el esfuerzo = reduce + effort.
    * reducir el impacto = minimise + impact.
    * reducir el papeleo = slash + red tape.
    * reducir el precio = reduce + price, cut + price.
    * reducir el presupuesto = cut + monies from + budget.
    * reducir el riesgo = reduce + risk.
    * reducir el tamaño = reduce + size.
    * reducir el tiempo = cut down + time.
    * reducir el valor = reduce + value.
    * reducir gastos = cut + costs, cut + spending, make + economies, make + cuts, reduce + costs.
    * reducir gradualmente = scale down.
    * reducir la burocracia = slash + red tape.
    * reducir la posibilidad = minimise + possibility.
    * reducir la probabilidad = reduce + chances.
    * reducir las diferencias = bridge + the gap, bridge + the divide, bridge + the chasm, bridge + the gulf, close + the gap.
    * reducir las diferencias entre... y = narrow + the gap between... and.
    * reducir las distancias = reduce + distance, close + the gap.
    * reducir las posibilidades de = narrow + the vision of.
    * reducir los beneficios = cut + profit.
    * reducir los impuestos = cut + taxes.
    * reducir pérdidas = cut down + losses, cut + losses.
    * reducir progresivamente = phase out.
    * reducirse a = boil down to, come down to.
    * reducirse poco a poco = dribble off.
    * reducir una limitación = push + limits (further and further back).
    * reducir una palabra a su raíz = stem.
    * reducir un obstáculo = lower + barrier.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <gastos/costos> to cut, reduce; <velocidad/producción/consumo> to reduce

    reducir al mínimo los riesgosto minimize o to reduce the risks to a minimum

    le redujeron la penathey shortened o reduced his sentence

    reducir algo a su mínima expresión — (Mat) to reduce something to its simplest form

    b) <fotocopia/fotografía> to reduce

    reducir algo A algo: reducir los gramos a milígramos to convert the grams to milligrams; quedaron reducidos a cenizas they were reduced to ashes; mis ilusiones quedaron reducidas a la nada — my dreams came to nothing

    b) (Quím) to reduce
    c) (AmS) < objeto robado> to receive, fence (colloq)
    3) ( dominar) <enemigo/rebeldes> to subdue; < ladrón> to overpower
    4) <fractura/hernia> to set, reduce (tech)
    1) (Coc) to reduce, boil down
    2) (Auto) to shift into a lower gear
    reducirse v pron

    reducirse A algo: todo se reduce a tener tacto it all comes down to being tactful; todo se redujo a un paseo por el río — in the end it was just a walk by the river

    * * *
    = abridge, compress, contract, curtail, erode, gut, narrow, prune, reduce, shorten, stifle, lower, cut back (on), cut, cut down (on), deplete, lessen, pare down, keep down + Nombre, retrench, narrow down, whittle (away/down/at), slim down, slow down, slow up, taper, wind + Nombre + down, cut + Nombre + short, scale back, downgrade [down-grade], shave off, shrink, mark + Nombre + down.

    Ex: Inevitably any abridgement poses the dilemma how to abridge, that is, what to leave out and what to include.

    Ex: A library of a million volumes could be compressed into one end of a desk.
    Ex: In the face of emergencies, breadth of vision tends to contract, narrowing the range of responses.
    Ex: The imposition of fee-based services may radically curtail the breadth of resources available to library users where historically information has been offered freely.
    Ex: These arrangements should also erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.
    Ex: Prices of European produced scientific, technical and medical serials continue to gut US research libraries.
    Ex: Hierarchical relationships must be indicated in order that the users may broaden or narrow the search parameters.
    Ex: More balanced schedules were achieved by pruning the 31000 subjects enumerated in the fourteenth edition to 4700.
    Ex: The disadvantage of inversion of words is that inversion or indirect word order reduces predictability of form of headings.
    Ex: If there are holds on the title, the loan period is shortened to 14 days.
    Ex: Excessive emphasis on the need to exact payment will stifle the flow of information.
    Ex: When a forme was in place on the press stone, paper was lowered on to it by means of a tympan and frisket.
    Ex: But higher education, which expanded between 1959 and 1979 from 164,000 to 519,600 students in full-time higher education, has also been cutting back on purchases.
    Ex: 'The word's out: all departments have to cut their staffs by 10%' -- Her voice was weak and laden with woe.
    Ex: Abstracts cut down considerably on legwork in hunting for information.
    Ex: This intermediate grade would equate with the senior library assistant, a category much depleted in UK academic librarianship.
    Ex: Two possible solutions are possible: (1) to lessen the frequency of production, or (2) to reduce the amount of detail in the entries.
    Ex: He said again that we should pare it down to something much more in line with his figures.
    Ex: Activities such as gardening or cookery are dealt with in many books in ways which go far beyond the simple keeping down of weeds or just filling empty stomachs.
    Ex: In the face of overpublishing and growing scepticism, this once booming area is now retrenching and broadening its coverage = En vista del exceso de publicaciones y del creciente escepticismo, este área que una vez estuvo en auge ahora ha venido a menos.
    Ex: By specifying the fields to be searched, the user can narrow down the search in a very convenient way.
    Ex: However, such idealism is often whittled away over time by bureaucratic problems & organizational demands.
    Ex: The abundance of book types and titles makes display and merchandising increasingly difficult; some booksellers are dealing with this by slimming down or cutting out certain categories.
    Ex: However, the flight from DC appears to have slowed down more quickly than was anticipated, and we no longer read of large numbers of libraries making the change.
    Ex: Since cataloging is the most time consuming part of digitization, it has slowed up the placement of files.
    Ex: The tube in the two types tapers almost unnoticeably from base to tip.
    Ex: Not the least of the ironies of this venture is that going ahead with it is as full of hazard as winding it down abruptly.
    Ex: May I just cut you short, because I've discussed this problem with Peter Jacobs just this week.
    Ex: He first spotted trouble when she started being short with users and so he solved the problem by scaling back her workload.
    Ex: The opposite of the 'halo effect' -- downgrading someone you dislike but whose work is good -- is also an error.
    Ex: You can shave off as much as 50% or even more from your current rate for home insurance in Arizona.
    Ex: The 'false hit' problem still arises, but becomes less likely as the 'neighborhood' of the two words shrinks.
    Ex: They have just marked down all summer handbags to 50 percent off.
    * que reduce el estrés = stress-reducing.
    * reducir a cero = reduce to + nil.
    * reducir a la mitad = halve, cut in + half, halve, reduce by + half.
    * reducir a la nada = reduce to + nil.
    * reducir al mínimo = minimise [minimize, -USA], reduce to + a minimum, cut down to + a minimum, keep to + a (bare) minimum, cut to + the bone.
    * reducir a lo mínimo = cut to + the bone.
    * reducir a miniatura = miniaturise [miniaturize, -USA].
    * reducir costes = reduce + costs.
    * reducir de plantilla = downsize.
    * reducir de tamaño = reduce in + size.
    * reducir el esfuerzo = reduce + effort.
    * reducir el impacto = minimise + impact.
    * reducir el papeleo = slash + red tape.
    * reducir el precio = reduce + price, cut + price.
    * reducir el presupuesto = cut + monies from + budget.
    * reducir el riesgo = reduce + risk.
    * reducir el tamaño = reduce + size.
    * reducir el tiempo = cut down + time.
    * reducir el valor = reduce + value.
    * reducir gastos = cut + costs, cut + spending, make + economies, make + cuts, reduce + costs.
    * reducir gradualmente = scale down.
    * reducir la burocracia = slash + red tape.
    * reducir la posibilidad = minimise + possibility.
    * reducir la probabilidad = reduce + chances.
    * reducir las diferencias = bridge + the gap, bridge + the divide, bridge + the chasm, bridge + the gulf, close + the gap.
    * reducir las diferencias entre... y = narrow + the gap between... and.
    * reducir las distancias = reduce + distance, close + the gap.
    * reducir las posibilidades de = narrow + the vision of.
    * reducir los beneficios = cut + profit.
    * reducir los impuestos = cut + taxes.
    * reducir pérdidas = cut down + losses, cut + losses.
    * reducir progresivamente = phase out.
    * reducirse a = boil down to, come down to.
    * reducirse poco a poco = dribble off.
    * reducir una limitación = push + limits (further and further back).
    * reducir una palabra a su raíz = stem.
    * reducir un obstáculo = lower + barrier.

    * * *
    reducir [I6 ]
    1 ‹gastos/costos› to cut, cut down on, reduce; ‹velocidad› to reduce; ‹producción/consumo› to reduce
    hemos reducido el número de casos we have brought down o reduced the number of cases
    redujeron el número de plazas they cut the number of places o the number of places was reduced
    han prometido reducir los impuestos they have promised to cut o reduce taxes
    con esto se intenta reducir al mínimo el riesgo de infección this is intended to minimize o to reduce to a minimum the risk of infection
    ejercicios para reducir (la) cintura exercises to reduce your waistline
    reducir algo A algo to reduce sth TO sth
    han reducido el texto a 50 páginas they have shortened o reduced the text to fifty pages
    le han reducido la pena a dos años they have commuted o shortened o reduced his sentence to two years
    la población quedó reducida a la mitad the population was reduced to half of its former size
    reducir algo a su mínima expresión ( Mat) to reduce sth to its simplest expression o form
    el suéter quedó reducido a su mínima expresión ( hum); the sweater shrank to nothing
    reducir algo EN algo to reduce sth BY sth
    pretenden reducir el gasto en cinco millones they aim to reduce costs by five million
    2 ‹fotocopia/fotografía› to reduce
    1 (transformar) reducir algo A algo:
    reducir los gramos a miligramos to convert the grams to milligrams
    reducir quebrados a un mínimo común denominador to reduce fractions to their lowest common denominator
    quedaron reducidos a cenizas they were reduced to ashes
    2 ( Quím) to reduce
    3 ( AmS) ‹objeto robado› to receive, fence ( colloq)
    C (dominar, someter) ‹enemigo/rebeldes› to subdue; ‹ladrón› to overpower
    reducir a un pueblo a la esclavitud to reduce a people to slavery
    D ‹fractura/hernia› to set, reduce ( tech)
    E (CS) ‹cadáver/restos mortales› to exhume ( for reburial in a niche or smaller coffin)
    ■ reducir
    A ( Coc) to reduce, boil down
    dejar reducir la salsa leave the sauce to boil down o reduce
    B ( Auto) to shift into a lower gear, change down ( BrE)
    reducirse A algo:
    todo se reduce a saber interpretar las cifras it all comes down to knowing how to interpret the figures
    todo se redujo a una visita a la catedral y un paseo por el río in the end it was just a visit to the cathedral and a walk along the river
    * * *


    reducir ( conjugate reducir) verbo transitivo
    a)gastos/costos to cut, reduce;

    velocidad/producción/consumo to reduce;

    reducir algo A algo to reduce sth to sth;
    reducir algo EN algo to reduce sth by sth
    b)fotocopia/fotografía to reduce


    quedaron reducidos a cenizas they were reduced to ashes
    b) (AmS) ‹ objeto robado to receive, fence (colloq)

    3 ( dominar) ‹enemigo/rebeldes to subdue;
    ladrón to overpower
    reducirse verbo pronominal:

    I verbo transitivo
    1 (disminuir) to reduce
    reducir algo en algo, to reduce sthg by sthg
    (gastos, consumo, etc) to cut (down), minimize
    2 (convertir, transformar) to reduce: el incendio redujo el bosque a cenizas, the fire reduced the wood to ashes
    3 (subyugar) to subdue
    II vi Auto to change down, US to downshift

    ' reducir' also found in these entries:
    - ceniza
    - encaminada
    - encaminado
    - moler
    - disminuir
    - minimizar
    - mínimo
    - mira
    - austerity
    - ax
    - axe
    - change down
    - corner
    - curtail
    - cut
    - cut back
    - cut down
    - decrease
    - deficit
    - deplenish
    - deplete
    - depress
    - downsize
    - effective
    - halve
    - lighten
    - lower
    - narrow down
    - prune
    - pulp
    - rate
    - receive
    - reduce
    - retrench
    - scale down
    - shorten
    - slow
    - wind down
    - bring
    - cost
    - deaden
    - decelerate
    - diminish
    - discount
    - get
    - lessen
    - loss
    - minimize
    - over
    - pare
    - scale
    - slacken
    - traffic
    - whittle
    - wind
    * * *
    1. [disminuir] to reduce;
    [gastos, costes, impuestos, plantilla] to cut; [producción] to cut (back on);
    nos han reducido el sueldo our salary has been cut;
    reduzca la velocidad [en letrero] reduce speed now;
    reducir algo a algo to reduce sth to sth;
    el edificio quedó reducido a escombros the building was reduced to a pile of rubble;
    reducir algo al mínimo to reduce sth to a minimum;
    reducir algo a o [m5] en la mitad to reduce sth by half;
    tú todo lo reduces a tener dinero the only thing you care about is money;
    reducir a la mínima expresión to cut down to the bare minimum
    2. [fotocopia] to reduce
    3. [someter] [país, ciudad] to suppress, to subdue;
    [atracador, ladrón, sublevados] to overpower
    4. Mat [unidades de medida] to convert (a to); [fracciones, ecuaciones] to cancel out
    5. Med [hueso] to set
    6. Quím to reduce
    7. Culin [guiso, salsa] to reduce
    8. Andes, RP [objetos robados] to receive, to fence
    9. RP [cadáver] to exhume [for reburial in smaller container]
    1. [en el automóvil]
    reducir (de marcha o [m5] velocidad) to change down;
    reduce a tercera change down into third (gear)
    2. Culin [guiso, salsa] to reduce
    * * *
    1 reduce (a to); gastos cut;
    reducir personal cut jobs, reduce staff numbers;
    reducir la marcha AUTO downshift, shift into a lower gear
    2 MIL overcome
    * * *
    reducir {61} vt
    1) disminuir: to reduce, to decrease, to cut
    2) : to subdue
    3) : to boil down
    * * *
    reducir vb to reduce

    Spanish-English dictionary > reducir

  • 12 valer

    that's enough.
    worth, value.
    1 to cost (costar) (price).
    ¿cuánto vale? how much does it cost?, how much is it?
    este cuadro vale mucho dinero this painting is worth a lot of money
    2 to earn.
    su generosidad le valió el afecto de todos her generosity earned her everyone's affection
    esta victoria puede valerles el campeonato this win may be enough for them to take the championship
    aquello nos valió muchos disgustos that cost us a lot of trouble
    Su obra le valió un gran premio Her work earned her a great reward.
    3 to deserve.
    esta noticia bien vale una celebración this news deserves a celebration
    4 to be good (tener valor, merecer aprecio) (persona, obra).
    la obra vale poco/no vale (nada) the play isn't up to much/is no good at all
    hacer valer algo to assert something (derechos, autoridad)
    hacerse valer to show one's worth
    5 to be valid (ser válido) (documento, norma).
    6 to be worth, to cost.
    7 to be of value, to be valuable.
    * * *
    Present Indicative
    valgo, vales, vale, valemos, valéis, valen.
    Future Indicative
    Present Subjunctive
    vale (tú), valga (él/Vd.), valgamos (nos.), valed (vos.), valgan (ellos/Vds.).
    * * *
    * * *
    Para la frase valer la pena, ver la otra entrada.
    1) (=costar) to cost

    solo el vuelo ya vale 8.000 euros — the flight alone costs 8,000 euros

    ¿cuánto vale?, ¿qué vale? — how much is it?, how much does it cost?

    2) (=tener un valor de) to be worth
    - no vale un higo o un pimiento
    - vale lo que pesa en oro
    3) (=ser causa de) [+ premio] to win; [+ críticas, amenazas] to earn
    4) (Mat) (=equivaler a) to equal
    5) (=proteger)

    ¡válgame (Dios)! — oh, my God!, God help me!

    1) (=costar)

    ¿vale mucho? — is it very expensive?

    2) (=tener valía)

    vale mucho como intérpretehe's an excellent o first-rate interpreter

    hacer valer, hizo valer su derecho al veto — he exercised his veto

    hacerse valer — to assert o.s.

    valer por(=equivaler a) to be worth

    cada cupón vale por un paquete de azúcareach coupon is worth o can be exchanged for one bag of sugar

    3) (=servir)
    a) [herramienta, objeto] to be useful

    eso no vale — that's no good o use

    ya no me valeit's no good o use to me now

    este destornillador no me vale porque es pequeño — this screwdriver is no good to me, it's too small

    valer para algo, es viejo, pero vale para la lluvia — it's old, but it'll do for when it rains

    b) [ropa]
    c) [situación]
    d) [persona]

    no vales para nadayou're hopeless o useless, you're a dead loss *

    4) (=ser válido) [documento] to be valid; [moneda, billete] to be legal tender

    está un poco chiflado, valga la expresión — he's a bit cracked, for want of a better way of putting it

    ¡no hay... que valga! —

    -¡pero querido! -¡no hay querido que valga! — "but darling!" - "don't darling me!" *

    pero I, 2., 2), redundancia

    más vale, más vale así — it's better this way

    - mañana te devuelvo el dinero -más te vale — "I'll give you the money back tomorrow" - "you'd better!"

    más vale que me vayaI'd o I had better go

    más vale que te lleves el abrigoyou'd o you had better take your coat

    6) ( Esp) (=ser suficiente) to be enough

    vale ya, que habéis estado gritando toda la tarde — that's enough! you've been shouting all afternoon

    ¡vale, vale!, no me eches más azúcar — OK! that's enough! don't put any more sugar in

    -¿subo más la persiana? -no, así ya vale — "shall I put the blind up a bit more?" - "no, it's OK like that"

    7) * (=estar permitido) to be allowed

    -¿puedo darle con la mano? -no, eso no vale — "can I hit it with my hand?" - "no, that's not allowed"

    no vale empujar — no pushing!, pushing's not allowed

    -le han dado el trabajo al hijo del jefe -¡pues, eso no vale! — "they've given the job to the boss's son" - "that's not on!" *o"they can't do that!"

    8) vale
    ( Esp) * (=de acuerdo) all right, OK *

    -¿vamos a tomar algo? -¡vale! — "shall we go for a drink?" - "OK!" o"all right!"

    pásate por mi casa esta tarde, ¿vale? — drop by my house this afternoon, OK?

    vale que discutan, pero que se peguen es imperdonable — having an argument is one thing but hitting each other is another matter entirely o is inexcusable

    - me vale madre o sombrilla
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( tener un valor de) to be worth; ( costar) to cost

    ¿cuánto valen? — how much are they?, what do they cost?

    si x vale 8 ¿cuánto vale y? — if x is 8, what is the value of y?

    ¿cuánto vale un dólar en pesos? — how many pesos are there to the dollar?

    2) (+ me/te/le etc)
    a) ( ganar)
    b) ( causar)
    valer vi
    a) (+ compl) ( tener cierto valor) to be worth; ( costar) to cost

    vale más, pero es mejor — it costs more but it's better

    b) ( equivaler)

    hacer valer algo< derecho> to assert, enforce

    hizo valer su autoridadhe used o imposed his authority

    3) ( servir)

    ésta no vale, es muy ancha — this one's no good, it's too wide

    no valer para algoto be useless o no good at something

    valer de algo — (+ me/te/le etc)

    4) vale (Esp fam)

    valer! — sure, fine, OK!

    ¿valer? — OK?, all right?

    que llegues tarde una vez valer, pero... — being late once is one thing, but...

    b) ( basta)

    ¿valer así? — is that OK o enough?

    ya valer ¿no? — don't you think that's enough?


    más vale: más vale que no se entere she'd better not find out; más vale así it's better that way; (+ me/te/le etc) más te vale ir you'd better go; dijo que vendría - más le vale! he said he'd come - he'd better!; más vale prevenir que curar — better safe than sorry

    a) ( ser válido) entrada/pasaporte to be valid; jugada/partido to count

    valga la comparaciónif you know o see what I mean

    ... y valga la expresión —... for want o lack of a better expression

    eso no vale, estás haciendo trampa — that's not fair, you're cheating

    7) (Méx fam)
    a) ( no importar) (+ me/te/le etc)
    b) ( no tener valor) to be useless o no good (colloq)
    valerse v pron
    1) ( servirse)

    valerse de algo/alguien — to use something/somebody

    se valió de sus apellidos para conseguirlohe took advantage of o used the family name to obtain it

    2) anciano/enfermo

    valerse solo or por sí mismo — to look after oneself

    3) (estar permitido, ser correcto)
    * * *
    = be worth, cost, do.
    Nota: Verbo irregular: pasado did, participio done.
    Ex. As an inveterate user of the British Museum Library he was able to confirm that 'a library is not worth anything without a catalogue'.
    Ex. The Mansell pre-1956 imprint catalog, in 604 volumes, is being edited at the rate of 20,000 entries a week, and is costing $1 million per year to edit.
    Ex. It needs a name, and, to coin one at random, 'memex' will do.
    * enterarse (de) lo que vale un peine = get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue.
    * hacer valer = vindicate.
    * hacer valer sus derechos = assert + Posesivo + rights.
    * hacer valer una idea = enforce + idea.
    * lo que vale para tí también vale para mí = what's good for the goose is good for the gander, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
    * más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer = better the devil you know (than the devil you don't).
    * más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando = a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
    * más vale prevenir que curar = a stitch in time saves nine, better (to be) safe than sorry.
    * más vale que + Subjuntivo = might + as well + Verbo.
    * más vale tarde que nunca = better late than never.
    * no haber pero que valer = not take + no for an answer.
    * no valer gran cosa = be no great shakes.
    * no valer la pena = be no good.
    * que vale la pena = worthwhile.
    * todo vale = no holds barred.
    * una imagen vale más que mil palabras = a picture is worth more than ten thousand words.
    * una imagen vale mil palabras = every picture tells a story.
    * vale la mitad = half the price.
    * vale más vale prevenir que curar = a stitch in time saves nine.
    * valer el oro y el moro = cost + the earth, cost + an arm and a leg, cost + a pretty penny.
    * valer la pena = be not for nothing, be worth it, be worthwhile, be worth + the effort, be worth + Posesivo + time.
    * valer la pena + Infinitivo = be worth + Gerundio, be worth + Gerundio.
    * valer la pena leer Algo = repay + reading.
    * valerle la pena a Uno = be worth + Posesivo + while.
    * valer una fortuna = cost + a fortune.
    * valer un dineral = cost + an arm and a leg, cost + a fortune.
    * valer un montón = cost + a bundle.
    * valer un ojo de la cara = cost + the earth, cost + an arm and a leg, cost + a pretty penny, cost + a fortune.
    * valer un riñón = cost + an arm and a leg, cost + the earth, cost + a fortune.
    * ¡Válgame Dios! = goodness gracious.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( tener un valor de) to be worth; ( costar) to cost

    ¿cuánto valen? — how much are they?, what do they cost?

    si x vale 8 ¿cuánto vale y? — if x is 8, what is the value of y?

    ¿cuánto vale un dólar en pesos? — how many pesos are there to the dollar?

    2) (+ me/te/le etc)
    a) ( ganar)
    b) ( causar)
    valer vi
    a) (+ compl) ( tener cierto valor) to be worth; ( costar) to cost

    vale más, pero es mejor — it costs more but it's better

    b) ( equivaler)

    hacer valer algo< derecho> to assert, enforce

    hizo valer su autoridadhe used o imposed his authority

    3) ( servir)

    ésta no vale, es muy ancha — this one's no good, it's too wide

    no valer para algoto be useless o no good at something

    valer de algo — (+ me/te/le etc)

    4) vale (Esp fam)

    valer! — sure, fine, OK!

    ¿valer? — OK?, all right?

    que llegues tarde una vez valer, pero... — being late once is one thing, but...

    b) ( basta)

    ¿valer así? — is that OK o enough?

    ya valer ¿no? — don't you think that's enough?


    más vale: más vale que no se entere she'd better not find out; más vale así it's better that way; (+ me/te/le etc) más te vale ir you'd better go; dijo que vendría - más le vale! he said he'd come - he'd better!; más vale prevenir que curar — better safe than sorry

    a) ( ser válido) entrada/pasaporte to be valid; jugada/partido to count

    valga la comparaciónif you know o see what I mean

    ... y valga la expresión —... for want o lack of a better expression

    eso no vale, estás haciendo trampa — that's not fair, you're cheating

    7) (Méx fam)
    a) ( no importar) (+ me/te/le etc)
    b) ( no tener valor) to be useless o no good (colloq)
    valerse v pron
    1) ( servirse)

    valerse de algo/alguien — to use something/somebody

    se valió de sus apellidos para conseguirlohe took advantage of o used the family name to obtain it

    2) anciano/enfermo

    valerse solo or por sí mismo — to look after oneself

    3) (estar permitido, ser correcto)
    * * *
    = be worth, cost, do.
    Nota: Verbo irregular: pasado did, participio done.

    Ex: As an inveterate user of the British Museum Library he was able to confirm that 'a library is not worth anything without a catalogue'.

    Ex: The Mansell pre-1956 imprint catalog, in 604 volumes, is being edited at the rate of 20,000 entries a week, and is costing $1 million per year to edit.
    Ex: It needs a name, and, to coin one at random, 'memex' will do.
    * enterarse (de) lo que vale un peine = get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue.
    * hacer valer = vindicate.
    * hacer valer sus derechos = assert + Posesivo + rights.
    * hacer valer una idea = enforce + idea.
    * lo que vale para tí también vale para mí = what's good for the goose is good for the gander, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
    * más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer = better the devil you know (than the devil you don't).
    * más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando = a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
    * más vale prevenir que curar = a stitch in time saves nine, better (to be) safe than sorry.
    * más vale que + Subjuntivo = might + as well + Verbo.
    * más vale tarde que nunca = better late than never.
    * no haber pero que valer = not take + no for an answer.
    * no valer gran cosa = be no great shakes.
    * no valer la pena = be no good.
    * que vale la pena = worthwhile.
    * todo vale = no holds barred.
    * una imagen vale más que mil palabras = a picture is worth more than ten thousand words.
    * una imagen vale mil palabras = every picture tells a story.
    * vale la mitad = half the price.
    * vale más vale prevenir que curar = a stitch in time saves nine.
    * valer el oro y el moro = cost + the earth, cost + an arm and a leg, cost + a pretty penny.
    * valer la pena = be not for nothing, be worth it, be worthwhile, be worth + the effort, be worth + Posesivo + time.
    * valer la pena + Infinitivo = be worth + Gerundio, be worth + Gerundio.
    * valer la pena leer Algo = repay + reading.
    * valerle la pena a Uno = be worth + Posesivo + while.
    * valer una fortuna = cost + a fortune.
    * valer un dineral = cost + an arm and a leg, cost + a fortune.
    * valer un montón = cost + a bundle.
    * valer un ojo de la cara = cost + the earth, cost + an arm and a leg, cost + a pretty penny, cost + a fortune.
    * valer un riñón = cost + an arm and a leg, cost + the earth, cost + a fortune.
    * ¡Válgame Dios! = goodness gracious.

    * * *
    valer [ E28 ]
    1 (tener un valor de) to be worth; (costar) to cost
    no vale mucho dinero it isn't worth much
    ¿cuánto or ( crit) qué valen esas copas? how much are those wineglasses?, what do those wineglasses cost?
    pide $2.000 por el cuadro — pues no los vale she wants $2,000 for the picture — well, it's not worth that
    valer algo lo que pesa (en oro) ( fam); to be worth its weight in gold ( colloq)
    ese chico vale lo que pesa (en oro) that kid's worth his weight in gold
    (equivaler a): si x vale 8 ¿cuánto vale y? if x is 8, what is the value of y?
    ¿cuánto vale un dólar en pesos? how much is a dollar worth in pesos?, how many pesos are there to the dollar?
    B (+ me/te/le etc)
    (ganar): le valió una bofetada it earned him a slap in the face
    esta obra le valió el premio nacional de literatura this play earned o won her the national literature prize
    (causar): aquellas declaraciones le valieron un gran disgusto that statement brought him a lot of trouble o caused a lot of trouble for him
    ■ valer
    1 (+ compl) (tener cierto valor) to be worth; (costar) to cost
    es de bisutería, vale muy poco it's costume jewelry, it's worth very little
    vale más caro pero es mejor it costs more o it's more expensive but it's better
    2 (equivaler) valer POR algo to be worth sth
    cada cupón vale por un regalo each voucher is worth a gift o can be exchanged for a gift
    las fichas negras valen por 50 pesos y las rojas por 100 the black chips are worth 50 pesos and the red ones 100
    (tener valor no material): ha demostrado que vale he has shown his worth o how good he is
    es buena persona pero como profesor no vale nada he's a nice guy but as a teacher he's useless o he's a dead loss ( colloq)
    vales tanto como él you're as good as he is
    no valgo nada para el I mean nothing to him
    ella es preciosa pero él no vale nada she's very pretty but he's not much to look at o not very good-looking
    para esos fanáticos la vida no vale nada those fanatics place no value at all on life, life has no value for those fanatics
    su última novela no vale gran cosa her latest novel isn't much good o ( colloq) isn't up to much
    hacerse valer to assert oneself
    aprende a hacerte valer learn to be more assertive o to assert yourself o ( colloq) to stick up for yourself
    hacer valer algo: las minorías tienen que hacer valer sus derechos minorities must assert o enforce their rights
    hizo valer su autoridad he used o imposed his authority
    más vale un `toma' que dos `te daré' a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
    (servir): ésta no vale, es muy ancha this one's no good o no use, it's too wide
    valer PARA algo:
    no valgo para el deporte I'm useless o no use o no good at sport
    ¡no vales para nada! you're completely useless
    (+ me/te/le etc): no le valió de nada protestar protesting got him nowhere, his protests were to no avail
    sus consejos me han valido de mucho her advice has been very useful o valuable to me
    ( Esp fam) «ropa/zapatos» (+ me/te/le etc): este abrigo ya no le vale this coat is no use to him any more
    los zapatos todavía le valen her shoes are still OK
    D vale ( Esp fam)
    ¿nos encontramos en la cafetería? — ¡valer! shall we meet in the cafeteria? sure o fine o OK!
    paso a buscarte a las ocho, ¿valer? I'll pick you up at eight, OK o all right?
    voy a llegar un poco más tarde — valer, no te preocupes I'll be a bit late — all right o OK, don't worry
    que llegues tarde una vez valer, pero tres días seguidos … being late once is one thing, but three days in a row …
    (basta): ¿valer así o quieres más? is that OK o enough or do you want some more?
    ¡valer, valer, que no me quiero emborrachar! hey, that's enough o plenty! I don't want to get drunk!
    ya valer, ¿no? lleváis media hora discutiendo don't you think that's enough? you've been arguing for half an hour
    más vale: más vale que no se entere she'd better not find out
    más vale que hagas lo que te dice you'd better do as he says
    se van a divorciarmás vale así they're getting divorced — it's better that way o it's the best thing for them
    (+ me/te/le etc): más te vale terminar a tiempo you'd better finish in time
    dijo que vendría temprano — ¡más le vale! he said he'd be here early — he'd better be!
    más vale prevenir que curar or ( Méx) lamentar prevention is better than cure
    1 (ser válido) «billete/pasaporte/carné» to be valid
    ese pase no vale, está caducado that pass isn't valid o is no good, it's out of date
    las entradas valen para toda la semana the tickets are valid for the whole week, the tickets can be used throughout the week
    esta partida no vale, me ha visto las cartas this game doesn't count, he's seen my cards
    lo que le dije a él también vale para ti what I told him goes for you too
    no hay excusa que valga I don't want to hear o I won't accept any excuses
    he tomado la decisión y no hay discusión que valga I've made my decision and I don't want any arguments
    valga la comparación if you know o see what I mean
    se comporta como un `nuevo millonario', valga la expresión he behaves like some sort of `nouveau millionaire', for want o lack of a better expression
    (estar permitido): eso no vale, estás haciendo trampa that's not fair, you're cheating
    no vale mirar you mustn't look, you're not allowed to look
    ( Méx fam) (no importar) (+ me/te/le etc): a mí eso me vale I don't give a damn about that ( colloq), I couldn't o ( AmE) I could care less about that ( colloq)
    eso me vale gorro or ( vulg) madres or ( vulg) una chingada I don't give a damn ( colloq) o ( vulg) a shit
    2 ( Méx fam) (no tener valor) to be useless o no good ( colloq)
    saben mucha teoría pero a la hora de la hora valen they know plenty of theoretical stuff but when it comes to the crunch they're useless o no good
    se las da de muy muy pero la neta es que vale gorro or ( vulg) madres he likes to make out he's really something but the truth is he's useless o (sl) he's crap
    ( Méx fam) (estropearse) «coche/aparato»: mi coche ya valió my car's had it ( colloq)
    A (servirse) valerse DE algo/algn to use sth/sb
    se valió de sus apellidos para conseguir el crédito he took advantage of o used the family name to get the loan
    se vale de mentiras para lograr lo que quiere she lies to get what she wants
    se valía de un bastón para andar he used a stick to help him walk
    «anciano/enfermo»: ya no se vale solo or no puede valerse por sí mismo he can't take care of o look after himself any more, he can't manage o cope on his own any more
    (AmC, Méx, Ven) (estar permitido, ser correcto): no se vale golpear abajo del cinturón hitting below the belt is not allowed
    ¡no se vale! that's not fair!
    * * *


    valer ( conjugate valer) verbo transitivo
    1 ( tener un valor de) to be worth;
    ( costar) to cost;

    2 (+ me/te/le etc) ( ganar):
    esta obra le valió un premio this play earned o won her a prize

    verbo intransitivo
    1 (+ compl) ( tener cierto valor) to be worth;
    ( costar) to cost;
    vale más, pero es mejor it costs more but it's better;

    cada cupón vale por un regalo each voucher is worth a gift
    2 ( tener valor no material):

    como profesor no vale (nada) as a teacher he's useless;
    vales tanto como él you're as good as he is;
    hacerse valer to assert oneself;
    hacer valer algo ‹ derecho› to assert o enforce sth
    3 ( servir):
    esta no vale, es muy ancha this one's no good, it's too wide;

    no le valió de nada protestar protesting got him nowhere;
    no valer para algo to be useless o no good at sth
    vale (Esp fam)

    ¿a las ocho? — ¡vale! at eight o'clock? — sure o fine o OK?;

    ¿vale? OK?, all right?
    b) ( basta):

    ¿valer así? is that OK o enough?

    más vale: más vale así it's better that way;

    más te vale ir you'd better go
    a) ( ser válido) [entrada/pasaporte] to be valid;

    [jugada/partido] to count

    eso no vale, estás haciendo trampa that's not fair, you're cheating;

    no vale mirar you're not allowed to look
    7 (Méx fam)

    b) ( no tener valor) to be useless o no good (colloq)

    valerse verbo pronominal
    1 ( servirse) valerse de algo/algn to use sth/sb
    2 [anciano/enfermo]:

    3 (estar permitido, ser correcto):

    ¡no se vale! that's not fair!
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (tener precio, costar) to cost
    2 (tener valor) to be worth ➣ Ver nota en worth
    3 (ser causa o motivo de) to earn: el suspenso le valió una reprimenda, he was told off for failing
    4 (merecer) to be worth: vale la pena leerlo, it is worth reading
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (ser meritorio) es una mujer que vale mucho, she is a fine woman
    2 (ser útil, capaz) vale para rastrillar hojas, it is used to rake up leaves
    no vale para estudiar, he is no good at studying
    de nada vale quejarse, it is useless to complain
    3 (ropa, zapatos) to fit: ya no me vale, it doesn't fit me anymore
    ' valer' also found in these entries:
    - potosí
    - riñón
    - significar
    - real
    - valdré
    - vale
    - valga
    - fit
    - pay off
    - stake
    - stand
    - worth
    - enforce
    - pay
    - stick
    - worthless
    * * *
    1. [costar] [precio] to cost;
    [tener un valor de] to be worth;
    ¿cuánto vale? how much does it cost?, how much is it?;
    ¿cuántos pesos vale un dólar?, ¿cuánto vale un dólar en pesos? how many pesos are there to the dollar?;
    este cuadro vale mucho dinero this painting is worth a lot of money;
    valer su peso en oro to be worth its/his/ etc weight in gold
    2. [suponer] to earn;
    su generosidad le valió el afecto de todos her generosity earned her everyone's affection;
    esta victoria puede valerles el campeonato this win may be enough for them to take the championship;
    aquello nos valió muchos disgustos that cost us a lot of trouble
    3. [merecer] to deserve;
    esta noticia bien vale una celebración this news calls for a celebration
    4. [en exclamaciones]
    ¡válgame Dios! good God o heavens!
    1. [tener valor, merecer aprecio] [persona, película, obra] to be good;
    él era el que más valía en el equipo he was the most valuable member of the team;
    ha demostrado que vale he's shown his worth;
    el muchacho vale mucho the lad's very good;
    su mujer vale más que él his wife's worth more than him;
    la obra vale poco/no vale nada the play isn't worth much o Br isn't up to much/is no good at all;
    hacer valer algo [derechos, autoridad, poder] to assert sth;
    el equipo local hizo valer su superioridad the home team made its superiority count;
    hacerse valer to show one's worth
    2. [servir]
    eso aún vale you can still use that;
    tíralo, ya no vale throw it away, it's no use any more;
    ¿te vale este martillo/este sobre? is this hammer/this envelope any use to you?;
    valer de algo: sus consejos me valieron de mucho her advice proved of great value o use to me;
    de nada le valdrán o [m5] no le valdrán de nada sus artimañas all his tricks will be no good o of no use to him;
    de nada vale insistir o [m5] que insistamos there's no point (in) insisting, it's no use insisting;
    ¿de qué vale contratar un seguro si no cubre estos casos? what's the use of o the point in taking out an insurance policy if it doesn't cover cases like these?;
    valer para algo [objeto, instrumento, aparato] to be for sth;
    [persona, trabajador] to be good at sth;
    ¿para qué vale? [cosa] what's it for?;
    no vale para nada he's/she's/it's useless;
    yo no valgo para mentir I'm useless o no good at telling lies
    3. [ser válido] [documento, carnet, argumentos, norma] to be valid;
    [respuesta] to be correct;
    eso no vale [en juegos] that's not allowed;
    no me valen esas razones I don't consider those reasons to be acceptable o valid;
    esta moneda ya no vale this coin is no longer legal tender;
    vale el gol the goal stands;
    vale la canasta the basket still counts;
    no vale el gol/la canasta the goal/basket has been disallowed;
    esta carrera vale para el campeonato del mundo this race counts towards the world championship;
    valga la expresión if you'll pardon the expression;
    valga la redundancia if you'll forgive me for using two words that sound so similar in the same sentence;
    no hay … que valga: no hay disculpa que valga there are no excuses
    4. [equivaler]
    vale por 1.000 pesos it's worth 1,000 pesos;
    vale por una camiseta de regalo it can be exchanged for a free T-shirt
    5. Esp [ser la talla] to be the right size, to fit;
    ya no me vale la falda the skirt doesn't fit me any more
    6. Méx Fam [no importar] to be irrelevant;
    lo que él piense me vale I couldn't care less what he thinks
    más vale: más vale que te calles/vayas it would be better if you shut up/left;
    más vale que no trate de engañarnos he'd better not try to cheat us;
    la llamaré – ¡más te vale! I'll call her – you'd better!;
    más vale tarde que nunca better late than never
    Formal worth, value
    * * *
    I v/t
    1 be worth
    2 ( costar) cost
    II v/i
    1 de billete, carné be valid
    2 ( estar permitido) be allowed
    vale mucho it’s worth a lot
    4 ( servir) be of use;
    no valer para algo be no good at sth;
    no valer para nada de objeto be useless;
    sus consejos me valieron de mucho his advice was very useful to me
    5 ( costar)
    ¿cuánto vale? how much is it?;
    vale más caro it’s more expensive
    6 ( emplear)
    el presidente hizo valer su voto de calidad para … the president used his casting vote to …
    más vale … it’s better to …;
    más te vale … amenaza you’d better …; consejo you’d be better to …
    ¡vale! okay, sure;
    ¿vale? okay?; ( amenaza) got it?;
    ¡eso no vale! that’s not fair!;
    ¡vale ya!, ¡ya vale! that’s enough!
    * * *
    valer {84} vt
    1) : to be worth
    valen una fortuna: they're worth a fortune
    no vale protestar: there's no point in protesting
    valer la pena: to be worth the trouble
    2) : to cost
    ¿cuánto vale?: how much does it cost?
    3) : to earn, to gain
    le valió una reprimenda: it earned him a reprimand
    4) : to protect, to aid
    ¡válgame Dios!: God help me!
    5) : to be equal to
    valer vi
    1) : to have value
    sus consejos no valen para nada: his advice is worthless
    2) : to be valid, to count
    ¡eso no vale!: that doesn't count!
    hacerse valer : to assert oneself
    más vale : it's better
    más vale que te vayas: you'd better go
    * * *
    valer vb
    1. (costar) to cost [pt. & pp. cost]
    ¿cuánto vale este libro? how much does this book cost?
    2. (tener el valor) to be worth
    3. (ganar) to earn
    4. (servir) to do / to be useful
    5. (tener cualidades) to be good
    esa película no vale nada that film is no good / that film is useless
    6. (ser válido) to be valid
    7. (ser permitido) to be allowed

    Spanish-English dictionary > valer

  • 13 en gran medida

    = broadly, by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, keenly, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a great extent, to a large degree, to a great degree
    Ex. These can be broadly categorised into the following two groups.
    Ex. This has been the case with newspapers which by and large have changed very little over the past century.
    Ex. Fiction classifications are used extensively in public libraries.
    Ex. The computer can greatly assist in thesaurus compilation and updating.
    Ex. Regular overhaul of guiding is important, especially for the new user who may rely heavily upon it.
    Ex. The reason for its popularity was largely that it was based upon a principle of conformity in essentials, and freedom in details.
    Ex. If the report is to a considerable extent in the words of the reporter then entry will be made under the heading for the reporter.
    Ex. UDC recognizes, to a high degree, the value of synthesis in classification.
    Ex. Variations in the extent of the description between a set of entries account to a large extent for the distinction between main, added and unit entries.
    Ex. The importance of the practicum in the curriculum has ebbed and flowed tremendously throughout the history of library education.
    Ex. And with the advent of computers, we have vastly accelerated the pace at which we are proceeding.
    Ex. She is still very much a children's book borrower with a smattering of titles taken from the applied sciences, which in Susan's case meant books on cookery and needlework.
    Ex. Those of us who deal with cooperatively produced catalogs and buy MARC tapes from a vendor will certainly feel the effects of all this keenly.
    Ex. His excellent rapport with Congress was in no small way responsible for the progress made by LC during his administration.
    Ex. Consumer advice centres were not used to any great degree by the working classes or those groups most at risk as consumers -- the elderly, divorced, widowed and separated.
    Ex. In many ways, the order in DC is poor, separating language (400) from literature (800), and history (900) from the other social sciences (300) = En muchos sentidos, el orden de la CD es pobre al separar la lengua (400) de la literatura (800) y la historia (900) de las otras ciencias sociales (300).
    Ex. Only journals published in the USA and devoted exclusively or in large part to the literature of social gerontology are described here.
    Ex. Despite their weight of numbers, nurses have not been accorded a pre-eminent place in hospitals, and in large measure they continue to rely on medical libraries for their information needs.
    Ex. Although it may have taken a little while to find its feet, this collection is now a most significant resource in its own right, due in no small measure by the stimulation provided by Victorian historians.
    Ex. To a great extent, these are self-explanatory reasons.
    Ex. To a large degree, the image an institution creates is determined by the leader who is the directing force of that institution.
    Ex. To a great degree, it is the faculty that make the Stanford psychology program so reputable.
    * * *
    = broadly, by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, keenly, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a great extent, to a large degree, to a great degree

    Ex: These can be broadly categorised into the following two groups.

    Ex: This has been the case with newspapers which by and large have changed very little over the past century.
    Ex: Fiction classifications are used extensively in public libraries.
    Ex: The computer can greatly assist in thesaurus compilation and updating.
    Ex: Regular overhaul of guiding is important, especially for the new user who may rely heavily upon it.
    Ex: The reason for its popularity was largely that it was based upon a principle of conformity in essentials, and freedom in details.
    Ex: If the report is to a considerable extent in the words of the reporter then entry will be made under the heading for the reporter.
    Ex: UDC recognizes, to a high degree, the value of synthesis in classification.
    Ex: Variations in the extent of the description between a set of entries account to a large extent for the distinction between main, added and unit entries.
    Ex: The importance of the practicum in the curriculum has ebbed and flowed tremendously throughout the history of library education.
    Ex: And with the advent of computers, we have vastly accelerated the pace at which we are proceeding.
    Ex: She is still very much a children's book borrower with a smattering of titles taken from the applied sciences, which in Susan's case meant books on cookery and needlework.
    Ex: Those of us who deal with cooperatively produced catalogs and buy MARC tapes from a vendor will certainly feel the effects of all this keenly.
    Ex: His excellent rapport with Congress was in no small way responsible for the progress made by LC during his administration.
    Ex: Consumer advice centres were not used to any great degree by the working classes or those groups most at risk as consumers -- the elderly, divorced, widowed and separated.
    Ex: In many ways, the order in DC is poor, separating language (400) from literature (800), and history (900) from the other social sciences (300) = En muchos sentidos, el orden de la CD es pobre al separar la lengua (400) de la literatura (800) y la historia (900) de las otras ciencias sociales (300).
    Ex: Only journals published in the USA and devoted exclusively or in large part to the literature of social gerontology are described here.
    Ex: Despite their weight of numbers, nurses have not been accorded a pre-eminent place in hospitals, and in large measure they continue to rely on medical libraries for their information needs.
    Ex: Although it may have taken a little while to find its feet, this collection is now a most significant resource in its own right, due in no small measure by the stimulation provided by Victorian historians.
    Ex: To a great extent, these are self-explanatory reasons.
    Ex: To a large degree, the image an institution creates is determined by the leader who is the directing force of that institution.
    Ex: To a great degree, it is the faculty that make the Stanford psychology program so reputable.

    Spanish-English dictionary > en gran medida

  • 14 गुण

    m. ( grah Uṇ.) a single thread orᅠ strand of a cord orᅠ twine (e.g.. tri-g- q.v.),

    string orᅠ thread, rope TS. VII Mṛicch. Kum. Ragh. ;
    a garland W. ;
    a bow-string R. III, 33, 16 ( cāpa-) Ragh. IX, 54 Ṛitus. Hit. ;
    (in geom.) a sinew;
    the string of a musical instrument, chord Ṡiṡ. IV, 57:
    ifc. (f. ā) with numerals « fold, times» ( seeᅠ cátur-, tri-, daṡa-, dví-, pañca-;
    rarely the numeral stands by itself along with guṇá <e.g.. viṡishṭodaṡabhirguṇaiḥ, « of ten times higher value» Mn. II, 85 >
    AV. X, 8, 43 MBh. III, 15649 Hariv. 509 ;
    < guṇa = bhāga> Pāṇ. 5-2, 47 Kāṡ.);
    a multiplier, co-efficient (in alg.);
    subdivision, species, kind
    (e.g.. gandhasyaguṇāḥ, the different kinds of smell MBh. XII, 6847);
    the 6 subdivisions of action for a king in foreign politics (viz. peace, war, march, halt, stratagem, andᅠ recourse to the protection of a mightier king) Mn. VII, 160 Yājñ. I, 346 MBh. II, 155 ;
    = upâ̱ya (q.v., denoting the 4 ways of conquering an enemy) R. V, 81, 41 ;
    « requisite» seeᅠ - ṇôpêta;
    a secondary element, subordinate orᅠ unessential part of any action (e.g.. sarva-g- mfn. « reaching to all subordinate parts», hence « valid throughout» KātyṠr.) ṠāṇkhṠr. ĀṡvṠr. KātyṠr. R. V, 1, 71 ;
    an auxiliary act ṠāṇkhBr. XXVI, 4 ;
    a secondary dish (opposed to anna i.e. rice orᅠ the chief dish), side-dish Mn. III, 224 ff. ;
    (= - karman, in Gr.) the secondary orᅠ less immediate object of an action Pāṇ. 1-4, 51 Sch. ;
    a quality, peculiarity, attribute orᅠ property Lāṭy. ṠāṇkhGṛ. Mn. III, IX, etc.. ;
    an attribute of the 5 elements (each of which has its own peculiar quality orᅠ qualities as well as organ of sense;
    1. ether has ṡabda, orᅠ sound for its Guṇa andᅠ the ear for its organ;
    2. the air has tangibility andᅠ sound for its Guṇas andᅠ the skin for its organ;
    3. fire orᅠ light has shape orᅠ colour, tangibility, andᅠ sound for its Guṇas, andᅠ the eye for its organs;
    4. water has flavour, shape, tangibility, andᅠ sound for its Guṇas, andᅠ the tongue for its organ;
    5. earth has the preceding Guṇas,
    with the addition of its own peculiar Guṇa of smell, andᅠ the nose for its organ)
    Mn. I, 20 and 76-78 MBh. XII, 6846 ff. Ṡak. I, 1 BhP. III, 5, 35 ;
    (in Ṡāṃkhya phil.) an ingredient orᅠ constituent of Prakṛiti, chief quality of all existing beings
    (viz. sattva, rajas, andᅠ tamas
    i.e. goodness, passion, andᅠ darkness, orᅠ virtue, foulness, andᅠ ignorance;
    cf. RTL. pp. 31; 36; 163)
    Mn. I; III, 40; XII, 24 ff. Sāṃkhyak. Bhag. XIII f. ;
    (hence) the number « three» VarBṛS. IIc, 1 ;
    a property orᅠ characteristic of all created things (in Nyāya phil. twenty-four Guṇas are enumerated, viz.
    1. rūpa, shape, colour;
    2. rasa, savour;
    3. gandha, odour;
    4. sparṡa, tangibility;
    5. saṉkhyā, number;
    6. parimāṇa, dimension;
    7. pṛithaktva, severalty;
    8. saṉyoga, conjunction;
    9. vibhāga, disjunction;
    10. paratva, remoteness;
    11. aparatva, proximity;
    12. gurutva, weight;
    13. dravatva, fluidity;
    14. sneha, viscidity;
    15. ṡabda, sound;
    16. buddhi orᅠ jñāna, understanding orᅠ knowledge;
    17. sukha, pleasure;
    18. duḥkha, pain;
    19. icchā, desire;
    20. dvesha, aversion;
    21. prayatna, effort;
    22. dharma, merit orᅠ virtue;
    23. adharma, demerit;
    24. saṉskāra, the self-reproductive quality);
    an epithet KātyṠr. ;
    good quality, virtue, merit, excellence Mn. MBh. etc.;
    the merit of composition (consistency, elegance of expression, etc.) Kāvyâd. I, 41 f. Kpr. VIII Sāh. VIII ;
    the peculiar properties of the letters (11 in number,
    viz. the 8 bāhya-prayatnās <q.v.> andᅠ the 3 accents) Kāṡ. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 9 and 50 (cf. - mātra);
    the first gradation of a vowel, the vowels a (with ar, al Pāṇ. 1-1, 51),
    e, o Nir. X, 17 RPrāt. XI, 6 Pāṇ. ;
    an organ of sense L. ;
    a cook (cf. - kāra) L. ;
    Bhīma-sena (cf. - kāra) L. ;
    (ā) f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana L. ;
    the plant māṉsarohiṇī L. ;
    N. of a princess Rājat. IV, 695 (cf. nir-, vi-, sa-;
    - गुणकरण्डव्यूह
    - गुणकरी
    - गुणकर्मन्
    - गुणकार
    - गुणकारक
    - गुणकिरणावली
    - गुणकिरी
    - गुणकीर्तन
    - गुणकृत्य
    - गुणकेतु
    - गुणकेशी
    - गुणक्री
    - गुणगण
    - गुणगान
    - गुणगृध्नु
    - गुणगृह्य
    - गुणग्रहण
    - गुणग्रहीतृ
    - गुणग्राम
    - गुणग्राहक
    - गुणग्राहिन्
    - गुणघातिन्
    - गुणचन्द्र
    - गुणच्छेद
    - गुणज्ञ
    - गुणतन्त्र
    - गुणतस्
    - गुणता
    - गुणत्यागिन्
    - गुणत्रय
    - गुणत्रितय
    - गुणत्व
    - गुणदीधितिटिप्पनी
    - गुणदीधितिटिका
    - गुणदीपक
    - गुणदेव
    - गुणदोष
    - गुणधर
    - गुणधर्म
    - गुणनिधि
    - गुणपदी
    - गुणपालित
    - गुणपूग
    - गुणप्रकर्ष
    - गुणप्रकाशदीधितिमाथुरी
    - गुणप्रकाशविवृति
    - गुणप्रभ
    - गुणप्रिय
    - गुणबद्ध
    - गुणभद्र
    - गुणभाज्
    - गुणभिन्न
    - गुणभुज्
    - गुणभूत
    - गुणभेदतस्
    - गुणभोक्तृ
    - गुणभ्रंश
    - गुणमत
    - गुणमति
    - गुणमय
    - गुणमहत्
    - गुणमात्र
    - गुणमुख्या
    - गुणयुक्त
    - गुणयोग
    - गुणरत्न
    - गुणराग
    - गुणराजप्रभास
    - गुणराशि
    - गुणर्द्ध
    - गुणलक्षण
    - गुणलयनिका
    - गुणलयनी
    - गुणलेशसुखद
    - गुणलुब्ध
    - गुणवचन
    - गुणवत्
    - गुणवर्णन
    - गुणवर्तिन्
    - गुणवर्मन्
    - गुणवाचक
    - गुणवाद
    - गुणवादिन्
    - गुणविध
    - गुणविवेचन
    - गुणविशेष
    - गुणविष्णु
    - गुणविस्तर
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    Sanskrit-English dictionary > गुण

  • 15 contra

    contrā, adv. and prep. [stem con, i. e. cum, through a comparative form conter; cf.: alter, uter, inter, praeter, etc.; in abl. fem. form like the locative adverbs ea, qua, etc.; cf.: ultra, intra, extra, citra], orig., in comparison with; hence, over against, fronting, in front, opposite, in opposition to, against, contrary to, opposed to, etc.
    Adv. (referring to an opposed object often with the force of a preposition with ellipsis of a pronoun, = against it, against him, etc.).
    Lit., of position in front of a person, place, or thing.
    With verb of being or position expressed or understood.
    Referring to living beings, opposite, in face of, face to face, facing, in front of, fronting, confronting (not in Cic., Caes., or Sall.):

    feminam scelestam te, adstans contra, contuor,

    Plaut. Pers. 2, 2, 26:

    ut confidenter mihi contra adstitit,

    id. Capt. 3, 5, 6; Lucr. 4, 223; 6, 929:

    signum contra, quoad longissume oculi ferebant, animo finivit,

    Liv. 1, 18, 8:

    stat contra starique jubet,

    Juv. 3, 290:

    stat contra dicitque tibi tua pagina Fures!

    Mart. 1, 55, 12:

    ulmus erat contra,

    in front of her, Ov. M. 14, 661:

    templa vides contra,

    in front (of us), id. ib. 7, 587.—Of position in front of the enemy:

    contra conserta manu,

    Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 3: contra consistere, to make front against them, Caes. B. G. 2, 17.—
    Referring to things and places, over against (it), opposite (to it), on the opposite side (mostly post-Aug.):

    contra jacet Cancer patulam distentus in alvum,

    Manil. 2, 253:

    posita contra Hispania,

    Tac. Agr. 11:

    promuntorium quod contra procedit,

    Plin. 4, 2, 3, § 6: relinquendae autem contra erunt vacuae tabellae, on the opposite side, i. e. of the leaf, Quint. 10, 3, 32: illo quaerente cur non decidant contra siti, the antipodes (cf. Cic. Ac. 2, 39, 123; v. II. A. 1. c. a), Plin. 2, 65, 65, § 161.—With the governing verb understood:

    arguam hanc vidisse apud te contra conservum meum,

    face to face, Plaut. Mil. 2, 2, 91:

    jam omnia contra circaque hostium plena erant, Liv 5, 37, 8: eadem verba contra (i. e. ponuntur),

    side by side, Quint. 9, 3, 36; Verg. A. 6, 23.—
    With verbs of motion, so as to be opposite to an object or face to face with a person, variously rendered.
    Referring to persons:

    accede ad me atque adi contra,

    come right up to me, Plaut. Rud. 1, 4, 23; id. Bacch. 3, 6, 6: hostes crebri cadunt; nostri contra ingruunt, advance to their front (in Plaut. hostility is not implied in contra), id. Am. 1, 1, 84: quis nos pater aut cognatu' volet contra tueri, face to face, eye to eye, Enn. ap. Varr. L. L. 7, § 12 Mull. (Trag. Rel. v. 444 Rib.); Att. ap. Macr. S. 6, 1, 55 (Trag. Rel. v. 538 ib.):

    adspicedum contra me = contra adspice me,

    Plaut. Most. 5, 1, 56 Lorenz ad lec.:

    contra adspicere,

    id. Mil. 2, 1, 45:

    contra intueri,

    Liv. 1, 16, 6; 9, 6, 8; Sen. Q. N. 1, 3, 6:

    cum veniret contra Marcianus,

    Quint. 6, 3, 95; Plin. 9, 46, 70, § 152.—
    Of things:

    hic ubi sol radiis... Adversa fulsit nimborum aspergine contra,

    Lucr. 6, 525; Cels. 8, 8, 1:

    quam (turrim) promoti contra validi asseres... perfregere,

    Tac. H. 4, 30.—Reciprocally: oscula non pervenientia contra, not coming through (the wall) so as to meet, Ov. M. 4, 80.—
    Transf. to equivalents of weight, value, and price; so,
    In Plaut. only in the colloq. phrases auro contra, aurichalco contra, and contra auro (sc. posito); lit., for gold placed against; cf.:

    aes contrarium, s. v. contrarius: (servus) non carus'st auro contra,

    at his weight in gold, Plaut. Ep. 3, 3, 30: jam auro contra constat filius, id. Truc. 2, 6, 57 (Speng. aurichalco): auro contra cedo modestum amatorem! A me aurum accipe. Pa. Cedo mihi contra aurichalco quoi ego sano serviam, id. Curc. 1, 3, 45 sq.; id. Mil. 3, 1, 63; 4, 2, 85; id. Ps. 2, 3, 23.—
    In post-Aug. prose (very rare):

    at si aquae et ejus rei quam contra pensabis par pondus erit, nec pessum ibit, nec exstabit, etc.,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 25, 5.—
    Of reciprocal actions, = vicissim, in turn, in return, back, on my, his, etc., part, likewise, counter-.
    In gen.:

    te ut deludam contra, lusorem meum,

    Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 71:

    quae me amat, quam ego contra amo,

    id. Merc. 5. 2, 77; id. Cist. 1, 1, 96; id. Trin. 4, 2, 55; id. As. 2, 2, 110:

    qui arguat se, eum contra vincat jurejurando suo,

    make a victorious counter-charge, id. Mil. 2, 2, 37:

    si laudabit haec Illius formam, tu hujus contra (i. e. lauda),

    Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 54:

    audi nunc contra jam,

    listen in turn, id. Phorm. 4, 4, 18; id. Ad. 5, 4, 23:

    at tu mihi contra nunc videre fortunatus, Phaedria, Cui, etc.,

    you likewise seem fortunate to me, id. Phorm. 1, 3, 21:

    Mettius Tullo gratulatur, contra Tullus Mettium benigne alloquitur,

    Liv. 1, 28, 1:

    contra ut me diligat illa,

    Cat. 76. 23; Hor. S. 1, 3, 27 Orell. ad loc.—Hence, with ellipsis of inquit, = respondit:

    cui latrans contra senex,

    Phaedr. 5, 10, 7:

    scietis, inquam, etc., contra Nigrinus: ad quem missi sunt? ego, etc.,

    Plin. Ep. 7, 6, 4.—

    Rarely with inquit, etc., expressed: at ille contra, renidens, Audi, inquit, discipule, etc.,

    Gell. 15, 9, 9; cf.:

    contra talia reddit,

    Claud. B. Gild. 379.—
    With dat. pers.:

    consulo quem dolum doloso contra conservo parem,

    Plaut. Mil. 2, 2, 45:

    facere contra huic aegre,

    Ter. Eun. 4, 1, 10:

    hiscine contra insidiabere?

    id. Hec. 1. 1, 13:

    tibi contra gratiam Referre,

    id. ib. 4, 2, 7.—
    With item:

    item a me contra factum est,

    Plaut. Aul. prol. 20:

    puellam senex Amat et item contra filius,

    id. Cas. prol. 49; id. Pers. 5, 2, 36; id. Am. 1, 1, 67; Ter. Ad. 1, 1, 25.—
    Combining a reciprocal with a local relation (A. 1. a. a, and b. a): contra carinantes verba, exchanging abusive words ( face to face), Enn. ap. Serv. ad Verg. A. 8, 361 (Ann. v. 181 Vahl.): tubae utrimque contra canunt;

    Consonat terra,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 73; 1, 1, 86:

    confer gradum Contra pariter,

    id. Ps. 2, 4, 18; id. Truc. 1, 2, 28:

    video amicam... Ubi contra adspexit me, etc.,

    id. Mil. 2, 1, 45; Verg. E. 7, 8; cf. Lucr. 4, 243:

    vesper adest, juvenes consurgite!... Cernitis, innuptae, juvenes? consurgite contra!

    Cat. 62, 6.—
    Implying also opposition: Pe. Conpellabo. Ph. Orationis aciem contra conferam, Plaut. Ep. 4, 1, 20:

    si scias quod donum huic dono contra comparet,

    what counter gift, Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 63: quod Scipio postulavit... ut, etc. Et quod contra collega postulavit ne, etc., Annal. Trib. Pleb. ap. Gell. 7 (6), 19, 5:

    si vobis aequa et honesta postulatio videtur, ego contra brevem postulationem adfero,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 2, 7; Nep. Epam. 6, 1;

    Auct. B. Alex. 24: illo licente contra liceri audeat nemo,

    to bid in opposition, Caes. B. G. 1, 18; Liv. 4, 53, 6:

    agedum pauca accipe contra,

    Hor. S. 1, 4, 38.—So in battle:

    Numidae... Romanorum ordines conturbare... neque contra feriundi copia erat,

    Sall. J. 50, 4; and in law: et ab eo is qui adoptat vindicat... et illo contra non vindicante, etc., Gai Inst. 1, 134; 2, 24.—Esp. in replies:

    oratio contra a Demosthene pro Ctesiphonte edita,

    Cic. de Or. 3, 56, 213:

    dicit accusator haec: primum, etc.... quid contra reus?

    id. Clu. 30, 81; id. Fin. 5, 22, 63; Curt. 4, 1, 10; 7, 9, 1.
    Of opposition, strife, etc., against; constr. absol., with dat., and ne, quominus or quin.
    Of physical exertion.

    concurrunt... aetheriae nubes contra pugnantibu' ventis,

    struggling against each other, Lucr. 6. 98:

    nec nos obniti contra... Sufficimus,

    bear up, battle against, Verg. A. 5, 21; Ov. M. 9, 50; 2, 434:

    at ille contra nititur,

    resists, Plin. 2, 38, 38, § 103; 7, 20, 19, § 82:

    pars remigum, tamquam imperitia... officia nautarum impediebant. Mox contra tendere,

    rowed in an opposite direction, Tac. H. 4, 16.—

    te rogo ne contrahas ac demittas animum, neque te obrui tamquam fluctu... sinas, contraque erigas ac resistas,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 1, § 4:

    et torrens judicem vel nitentem contra feret, cogatque ire qua rapiet,

    Quint. 12, 10, 61.— With ne: vi contra niti, ne advorsus eum fiat, Cato ap. Gell. 7 (6), 3, 16.—With quominus, Lucr. 1, 780.—
    Of mental exertion:

    si tibi vera videntur, Dede manus, aut, si falsum est, accingere contra,

    arm yourself against them, Lucr. 2, 1043; 2, 280. —With dat.:

    siti contra... pugnandum,

    Cels. 4, 2 fin.
    Of hostile opposition in gen.

    quod animadversum est in eo qui contra omni ratione pugnarunt, non debeo reprehendere,

    who made opposition in every way, Cic. Rosc. Am. 47, 137; id. Verr. 2, 2, 43, § 107:

    contra etiam aliquid abs te profectum ex multis audivi,

    something inimical, id. Fam. 5, 5, 2.—

    aut alio quovis (sc. colore) qui contra pugnet et obstet,

    Lucr. 2, 794; 2, 868.—
    Of warfare.

    ut eos adversarios existimemus qui arma contra ferant,

    Cic. Off. 1, 25, 87; 1, 12, 37; Vell. 2, 28, 4; cf.:

    quid quod exercitum contra duxit?

    Auct. Her. 4, 16, 23:

    ut si qua ex parte obviam contra veniretur, acie instructa depugnarent,

    if they should be attacked by an open charge, Caes. B. G. 7, 28:

    issentque confestim ad urbem ni venire contra exercitum... audissent,

    Liv. 7, 39, 17:

    cum Romanae legiones contra direxerint,

    would oppose their march, Tac. H. 4, 58; id. A. 6, 44.—With dat.:

    et huic contra itum ad amnem Erinden,

    Tac. A. 11, 10.—

    quod ubi viderunt corvi, contra auxiliantur, velut adversus communem hostem,

    Plin. 10, 74, 95, § 205.—
    Of legal contests.
    With verbs of saying; v. 9. a.—
    Venire contra, of any legal act with the intention to hurt the adversary:

    quid? si omnium mortalium Sthenio nemo inimicior quam hic C. Claudius... fuit? si de litteris corruptis contra venit, etc.?

    if he made a charge of forgery against him? Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 43, § 107; cf. II. B. c. b.—
    On the part of the adversary:

    inveniendum contra est, quo distet haec causa a ceteris,

    Quint. 5, 10, 114; 9, 2, 35; 12, 8, 10.—
    Of judgments against the parties or against opinions:

    ne spoliaret fama probatum hominem si contra judicasset,

    given an adverse decision, Cic. Off. 3, 19, 77; cf. Val. Max. 7, 2, 4; Cic. Caecin. 24, 69.—
    Of literary opposition.
    Mostly with verbs of saying; v. 9. a. g.—
    With other verbs:

    astrologorum artem contra convincere tendit,

    Lucr. 5, 728:

    contra nunc illud pone, etc.,

    Sen. Ben. 7, 14, 6:

    habeat (liber meus) etiam quosdam qui contra sentiant et adversentur,

    some dissentients and opponents, Quint. 3, 1, 5; 2, 17, 40; 3, 8, 69.—
    Of public and political opposition.
    With verbs of saying; v. 9. a. d.—
    With petere, to be a candidate for office in opposition to another:

    nihil enim supererat de quo certarent, nihil quod contra peterent,

    no office was left for which to canvass against each other, Cic. Agr. 2, 33, 91:

    honores contra petere,

    Quint. 6, 1, 17.—With ire, with dat., of an opposing vote in the senate (cf.:

    pedibus ire): sententia Cassii ut nemo unus contra ire ausus est, ita dissonae voces respondebant,

    Tac. A. 14, 45.—
    Of violation of law, contracts, etc.: contra facere, or contra committere, to violate, transgress a law, etc.: leges esse non ex ejus qui contra commiserit utilitate, spectari oportere, not in the interest of the transgressor, Cic. Inv. 2, 48, 153:

    si quis sub hoc pacto vendiderit ancillam ne prostitueretur, et si contra factum esset,

    and if the contract was violated, Dig. 18, 1, 56.—
    With verbs of saying, etc., contra dicere; less freq. disputare, disserere, pugnare, in the sense of dicere, and contra scribere (often contradico, in one word, in post-Aug. writers; esp. with dat.).
    Contra dicere, to speak as counsel of the adversary, to plead his cause, in legal proceedings:

    cum contra dicturus Hortensius esset,

    would speak on the other side, Cic. Quint. 24, 77:

    hoc... contra dicente Cotta judicatum est,

    id. Caecin. 33, 97:

    dixisse ut contra nemo videretur,

    id. Brut. 53, 198: ut contra Crassus... exorsus est, began on the other side, id. ib. § 197.—Hence: qui contra dicit, the adversary or counsel of the adversary:

    contra autem qui dicet, similitudinem infirmare debebit,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 50, 151; id. Part. Or. 21, 108.—In the same sense: agens contra: si nos... impares agentium contra ingeniis dixerimus, that we are unequal to the talents of our adversary's counsel, [p. 453] Quint. 4, 1, 8.—
    To make charges against (rare):

    si qui contra vellet dicere, usurum esse eum suo testimonio,

    Cic. Clu. 48, 134:

    qua ratione nemo neque tum item fecerit, neque nunc contra dicat,

    id. Quint. 29, 88; so,

    contra disputare, of objections to or against a witness: nihil contra disputabo priusquam dixerit,

    id. Fl. 21, 51.—
    In gen., to speak on the other side of a question:

    fiebat autem ita, ut cum is qui audire vellet dixisset quid sibi videretur, tum ego contra dicerem,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 4, 8; id. Fin. 2, 1, 2; so,

    contra disputare and contra scribere,

    id. Or. 1, 19, 85; Vitr. 3, 1, 6; Quint. 2, 17, 13; Dig. 9, 2, 21, § 1.—Hence: qui contra dicunt or disputant, the opponents:

    nec qui contra dicunt causam difficilem repellunt,

    Cic. Fin. 3, 1, 2:

    ad coarguendos qui contra disputant,

    to refule his opponents, Quint. 2, 15, 26.—
    To oppose or object to a proposition, motion, or petition:

    quam palam principes dixerunt contra!

    protested against it, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 16, § 41; Caes. B. C. 1, 32; Cic. Clu. 47, 130.—With pugnare:

    cum decerneretur frequenti senatu, contra pugnante Pisone, etc.,

    Cic. Att. 1, 14, 5:

    filius ejus incolumitatem optat: contradicit pater,

    the father objects, Quint. 9, 2, 85; 9, 2, 83; Plin. ap. Gell. 9, 16, 5; Cic. Dom. 33, 87:

    contradicente nullo,

    Suet. Caes. 20; Dig. 3, 3, 15.—
    To reply:

    contradixit edicto,

    answered by an edict, Suet. Aug. 56. —
    Abl. absol. impers.:

    explorandum videtur an etiam contradicto aliquando judicio consuetudo firmata sit,

    whether the custom has been confirmed by judgment upon a judicial contest, Dig. 1, 3, 34.—
    With acc. neutr. pron., to object, to make or raise an objection, to reply; esp. in legal proceedings:

    ego enim, te disputante, quid contra dicerem meditabar,

    Cic. N. D. 3, 1, 1:

    ut contra si quid dicere velit non audiatur,

    id. Fin. 5, 10, 27:

    aiebat illum primo sane diu multa contra (i. e. dixisse), ad extremum autem, etc.,

    id. Att. 2, 22, 2.— Hence: quod contra dicitur, or quae contra dicuntur, the objections:

    ut et id quod intenderemus confirmare, et id quod contra diceretur refellere (possemus),

    refute the objections, Cic. de Or. 1, 20, 90:

    quia neque reprehendi quae contra dicuntur possunt, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 81, 331; id. Inv. 2, 44, 127; Quint. 1, 2, 17.—In the same sense, as subst.: contrā dicta, orum, n. plur.:

    seu proposita confirmamus, sive contra dicta dissolvimus,

    or refute the objections, Quint. 4, prooem. 6.—With acc. and inf.:

    dicitur contra, nullum esse testamentum,

    the objection is made that there is no testament, Cic. Agr. 2, 6, 42.—
    With dat., written in one word (post-Aug.).
    To oppose a person by speaking against his views:

    solitum se etiam Thraseae contradicere,

    to oppose even Thrasea, Tac. H. 2, 91:


    Suet. Aug. 54:


    id. Rhet. 1. —Hence of answers and replies in law: quid si filium testatoris heres ejus prohibuit? Huic contradici potest: ergo pietatis, etc., he may be answered by this plea, etc., Dig. 11, 7, 14, § 13.—And of advisory answers opposed to one's legal views:

    volenti mihi ream adulterii postulare eam, etc., contradictum est,

    my views were disapproved, rejected, Dig. 48, 5, 11, § 10.—
    To oppose an opinion, with dat. of the thing:

    cum plures tantum sententiis aliorum contradicerent,

    opposed the opinions, Tac. H. 1, 39.—
    To object to a motion or petition, with dat. of the petitioner:

    patrem qui damnavit optat ne is torqueatur: pater ei contradicit,

    the father objects, Quint. 9, 2, 81:

    cum ambienti ut legibus solveretur multi contradicerent,

    Suet. Caes. 18; Dig. 40, 5, 14; 40, 12, 33.—
    With dat. of the petition:

    preces erant, sed quibus contradici non posset,

    which could not be denied, Tac. H. 4, 46 fin.; Dig. 3, 1, 1, § 2.—
    To contest the validity of a law (rare):

    quibus (legibus) contradici potest,

    Quint. 7, 7, 4.—
    To contradict an assertion (very rare):

    pro certis autem habemus... cuicunque adversarius non contradicit,

    Quint. 5, 10, 13.—
    With quin, to object:

    praetor Samnitibus respondit... nec contra dici quin amicitia de integro reconcilietur,

    there was no objection to a reconciliation, Liv. 8, 2, 2.
    To one's disadvantage; mostly predic. with esse, unfavorable, adverse, damaging (post-Aug.;

    but cf. II. B. 2.): ut eum qui responsurus est vel tacere, vel etiam invitum id quod sit contra cogat fateri,

    Quint. 7, 3, 14:

    cum verba (legis) contra sint,

    id. 7, 1, 49:

    sed experimentum contra fuit,

    unsuccessful, Tac. H. 2, 97 fin.:

    ubi fortuna contra fuit,

    id. ib. 3, 18:

    si fortuna contra daret,

    should be unfavorable, id. ib. 1, 65 fin.; id. A. 15, 13.
    Of logical opposition, with negative force.
    Of a direct contrast.
    Predicatively, with esse, fieri, etc., the contrary, the opposite:

    quod fieri totum contra manifesta docet res,

    but experience teaches that just the contrary is true, Lucr. 3, 686; 4, 1088:

    in stultitia contra est,

    with fools the reverse is true, Cic. Clu. 31, 84:

    in hac quidem re vereor ne etiam contra (i. e. sit),

    id. Att. 12, 46; id. Off. 1, 15, 49:

    quod contra est,

    Sall. J. 85, 21:

    quis non credat, etc.? Contra autem est,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 25, 12; id. Ep. 7, 3; Dig. 37, 4, 4:

    contra fore si, etc.,

    ib. 34, 2, 39, § 2:

    immo forsitan et contra (i. e. erit),

    ib. 41, 3, 49:

    ego contra puto (i. e. esse),

    Plin. Ep. 1, 20, 7; Lampr. Alex. Sev. 25.—
    With evenire, accidere, sentire, scribere, habere, etc.:

    utrumque contra accidit: istic enim bellum est exortum, hic pax consecuta,

    of both the contrary has happened, Cic. Fam. 12, 18, 2; so Dig. 38, 2, 51:

    id ego contra puto (sc.: faciendum esse),

    id. Att. 10, 8, 2:

    contra evenit in iis morbis,

    Sen. Ep. 52, 7; Plin. 2, 65, 65, § 163:

    ego contra sentio,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 15, 5; Sedig. ap. Gell. 15, 24, 4; Dig. 40, 2, 25:

    Proculus contra (sc. sentit),

    ib. 35, 2, 1, § 14; 33, 7, 25:

    licet Celsus contra scribat,

    ib. 9, 2, 21, § 1: contra probatur, Gai Inst. 2, 78; Dig. 33, 7, 12, § 34.—Very rarely referring to a term in the same clause:

    cujus disparem mitioremque naturam contra interpretabatur,

    interpreted in an opposite sense, misinterpreted, misunderstood, Tac. H. 4, 86 fin.
    Referring to a word or phrase in the same predicate.
    To an adverb, in an opposite manner, otherwise, differently, not, etc.:

    nam ad summam totius rei pertinet, caute an contra demonstrata res sit,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 81, 330: quod viriliter animoque fit, id, etc.;

    quod contra, id turpe,

    id. Off. 1, 27, 94:

    sit sapienter usus aut contra,

    Quint. 2, 5, 15:

    lactuca locis apricis optume autumno ponitur, mediterraneis aut frigidis contra ( = pessime),

    Col. 11, 3, 25.—
    To a predicative adjective, not, the opposite, the reverse, etc.:

    ut aliae (res) probabiles videantur aliae contra,

    improbable, Cic. Ac. 2, 32, 103; id. Off. 2, 2, 7:

    quid est quod me impediat ea quae probabilia mihi videantur sequi, quae contra, improbare,

    id. ib. 2, 2, 8; id. Or. 2, 31, 135; Quint. 4, 2, 52.—
    To a verbal predicate:

    an frater fratri exsistat heres, an contra ( = annon),

    Dig. 34, 5, 19.—
    To a subject infinitive:

    laudare testem vel contra pertinet ad momentum judiciorum,

    praising or censuring a witness, Quint. 3, 7, 2.—
    To a clause, translated by not or by a repetition of the clause with a negative:

    quae secundum naturam essent, ea sumenda et quadam aestimatione dignanda docebat, contraque contraria,

    those that were not, not, Cic. Ac. 1, 10, 36: quod cuidam aut sapiens videor quod una non jerim, aut felix fuisse;

    mihi contra,

    id. Att. 9, 12, 4: an credibile est, incestum cum filia commissum? Et contra, veneficum in noverca, adulterum in luxurioso? and incredible, etc., Quint. 5, 10, 19; so Dig. 9, 1, 2, § 1.—
    To an attributive genitive:

    Marius cognoscere quid boni utrisque or contra esset (i. e. mali),

    Sall. J. 88, 2:

    verum de origine laudis contraque perspiciemus suo tempore (i. e. vituperationis),

    Quint. 2, 4, 21:

    alii a propositione accusatoris contraque loci oriuntur,

    the accuser and the accused, id. 7, 2, 31;

    so in several titles of the Digests, as Depositi vel contra, = actio depositi, vel contraria actio depositarii,

    Dig. 16, 3 tit.; so ib. 16, 17, 1; 16, 13, 6; 16, 13, 7.—
    Reversing the relation of terms in the preceding sentence, the reverse, conversely, vice versa, etc.
    With its own predicate: saepe... corpus aegret, Cum tamen ex alia laetamur parte latenti;

    Et retro fit uti contra sit saepe vicissim, Cum miser ex animo laetatur corpore toto,

    Lucr. 3, 108: illa altera argumentatio, quasi retro et contra, prius sumit, etc., ( proceeding), so to speak, backward and in inverted order, Cic. Part. Or. 13, 46: neque illud ignoro, etc.; sed non idem accidit contra, but the converse is not true, Quint. 8, 6, 3; Gell. 4, 2, 5: ut vocabula verbis, verba rursus adverbiis, nomina appositis et pronominibus essent priora. Nam fit contra quoque frequenter non indecore. for often, not inelegantly, the order is reversed, Quint. 9, 4, 24:

    quae etiam contra valent,

    i. e. if the terms are reversed, id. 3, 7, 25; 9, 2, 49; 8, 6, 25; 9, 4, 72.—
    Belonging to the same predicate:

    ut quidque erit dicendum ita dicet, nec satura jejune, nec grandia minute, nec item contra,

    Cic. Or. 36, 123:

    cum emtor venditori, vel contra, heres exstitit,

    Dig. 35, 2, 48:

    in quibus patrium pro possessivo dicitur, vel contra,

    Quint. 1, 5, 45; 5, 10, 71:

    junguntur autem aut ex nostro et peregrino, ut biclinium, aut contra, ut epitogium et Anticato,

    id. 1, 5, 68:

    ut capras in montosis potius locis quam in herbidis (pascar), equas contra,

    but with mares the reverse is the case, Varr. R. R. 2, 1, 16:

    itaque ille dicere melius quam praecipere, nos contra fortasse possumus,

    Cic. Or. 42, 143:

    qua collegi solent ex his quae faciunt ea quae faciuntur, aut contra,

    or vice versa, Quint. 5, 10, 80; Dig. 14, 1, 1, § 12; 48, 5, 23, § 4.
    In logical antithesis of clauses with a merely rhet. force, on the contrary, on the other hand, vice versa; sometimes almost = sed or autem (freq.).
    In independent clauses.
    Opposing persons or parties: fortunam insanam esse... perhibent philosophi... Sunt autem alii philosophi qui contra Fortunam negant ullam exstare, Pac. ap. Auct. Her. 2, 23, 36 (Trag. Rel. v. 372 Rib.); Caecil. ap. Cic. Tusc. 4, 32, 68; Varr. R. R. 1, 8, 1:

    ego etiam quae tu sine Verre commisisti Verri crimini daturus sum... Tu, contra, ne quae ille quidem fecit, obicies,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 11, 35:

    ego contra ostendo, non modo nihil fecisse Sex. Roscium, sed, etc.,

    id. Rosc. Am. 29, 79; id. Phil. 8, 3, 8; id. Off. 1, 30, 108; id. Fin. 5, 22, 62:

    in Italia bellum gerimus, in sede ac solo nostro... Hannibal contra in aliena, in hostili est terra,

    Liv. 22, 39, 13; 21, 50, 2; 3, 15, 2; 6, 7, 4; 9, 35, 4 et saep.; Nep. Alcib. 8, 1; Vell. 2, 31, 4; Sen. Ep. 9, 14; id. Ira, 2, 33, 6; Plin. 35, 10, 37, § 113; Tac. H. 3, 84; 3, 57; Suet. Tib. 2; id. Vit. 2; Just. 2, 1, 10; 8, 4, 11:

    contra mercator, navim jactantibus austris Militia est potior?

    Hor. S. 1, 1, 6; 1, 2, 30; 1, 3, 27; Prop. 2, 1, 45; 2, 23, 13 (3, 17, 3); Sen. Hippol. 214;

    so with versa vice: barbarae gentes (Alexandrum) non ut hostem, sed ut parentem luxerunt... Contra Macedones versa vice non ut civem, sed ut hostem amissum gaudebant,

    Just. 13, 1, 7.—
    Introducing a secondary or parallel opposition of thought: in loco umidiore far potius serunt quam triticum;

    contra in aridiore hordeum potius quam far,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 9, 4; 1, 1, 47: si nihil esset quod inane vocaret, Omne foret solidum;

    nisi contra corpora certe Essent, etc., Omne quod est spatium vacuum constaret inane,

    Lucr. 1, 521; 4, 348; cf.:

    justa omnia decora sunt, injusta contra, ut turpia, sic indecora,

    Cic. Off. 1, 27, 94; id. N. D. 2, 15, 41; id. de Or. 3, 33, 136; id. Quint. 30, 93: id. Off. 3, 21, 84; id. Leg. 2, 1, 2: facilem esse rem... si modo unum omnes sentiant; contra in dissensione nullam se salutem perspicere, Caes. B. G, 5, 31; Liv. 25, 30, 3; Sen. Ben. 1, 5, 2; Plin. 12, 19, 42, § 92; 11, 14, 14, § 35; Suet. Caes. 73; Gell. 1, 4, 5:

    si male rem gerere insani est, contra bene, sani,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 74.—
    In opposition to a dependent clause:

    ut hi miseri, sic contra illi beati quos, etc.,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 6, 16; so id. de Or. 1, 45, 198; Quint. 9, 3, 39:

    cui ego rei tantum abest ut impedimento sim, ut contra te M. Manli adhorter, etc.,

    Liv. 6, 15, 5; 6, 31, 4:

    cum virtus adeo neminem spe ac pollicitatione corrumpat, ut contra in se inpendere jubeat, ac, etc.,

    Sen. Ben. 4, 1, 2: aut igitur negemus quidquam ratione confici, cum contra nihil sine ratione recte fieri possit, aut, etc., whereas on the contrary, etc., Cic. Tusc. 4, 38, 84; cf.:

    at contra,

    Lucr. 2, 392.—
    With co-ordinate conjunctions.
    Copulative, et contra or contraque (never with ac or atque); also nec contra (rare), and on the other hand.
    With reference to a reason or conclusion, after nam, enim, cum, or itaque: nam et ratione uti... omnique in re quid sit veri videre et tueri decet, contraque falli [p. 454]... tam dedecet quam, etc., Cic. Off. 1, 27, 94:

    malus est enim custos... metus, contraque benevolentia fidelis,

    id. ib. 2, 7, 23:

    cum reficiat animos varietas ipsa, contraque sit aliquanto difficilius in labore uno perseverare,

    Quint. 1, 12, 4; 3, 8, 32; 8, 6, 20:

    itaque in probris maxime in promptu est, si quid tale dici potest, etc. Contraque in laudibus, etc.,

    Cic. Off. 1, 18, 61; cf. Suet. Calig. 51; so with nec:

    nam nec comoedia cothurnis assurgit, nec contra tragoedia socculo ingreditur,

    Quint. 10, 2, 22.—
    With contrasted examples or illustrations, often after ut or sic:

    audivi ex majoribus natu, hoc idem fuisse in P. Scipione Nasica, contraque patrem ejus... nullam comitatem habuisse sermonis,

    Cic. Off. 1, 30, 109:

    ut suspitionibus credi oportere, et contra suspitionibus credi non oportere,

    id. Inv. 2, 15, 48; Quint. 8, 4, 1; 5, 10, 48; 9, 3, 7; 9, 4, 52; 11, 1, 14; Sen. Ep. 82, 14; Dig. 17, 1, 22, § 4.—
    With contrasted actions, assumptions, etc.:

    atque utinam qui ubique sunt propugnatores hujus imperii possent in hanc civitatem venire, et contra oppugnatores rei publicae de civitate exterminari!

    Cic. Balb. 22, 51:

    domo pignori data, et area ejus tenebitur... et contra jus soli sequitur aedificium,

    Dig. 13, 7, 21:

    equo et asina genitos mares, hinnos antiqui vocabant: contraque mulos quos asini et equae generassent,

    Plin. 8, 44, 69, § 17: ceterum potest ex lege quidem esse judicium, sed legitimum non esse, et contra ex lege non esse, sed legitimum esse, Gai Inst. 4, 109; Plin. 2, 65, 65, § 161; 35, 15, 5, § 183.—
    After a negative clause, affirming the opposite idea, et contra or contraque, but on the contrary:

    in quo (consulatu) ego imperavi nihil, et contra patribus conscriptis et bonis omnibus parui,

    Cic. Sull. 7, 21:

    nunc vero cum ne pulsus quidem ita sim ut superare non possim, contraque a populo Romano semper sim defensus, etc.,

    id. Dom. 33, 88; id. Fin. 2, 17, 55; id. Marcell. 6, 20; so,

    et contra,

    Suet. Tit. 7.—
    With adversative conjunctions, at contra, sed contra, contra autem, contra vero (not verum contra, nor contra tamen).
    At contra (freq.), merely a strengthened contra (v. 1. supra): huc accedit uti mellis lactisque liquores Jucundo sensu linguae tractentur in ore;

    At contra taetri absinthi natura... foedo pertorqueat ora sapore,

    Lucr. 2, 400:


    id. 2, 74; 1, 366; 2, 235 et saep.: nos qui domi sumus, tibi beati videmur;

    at contra nobis tu quidem... prae nobis beatus,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 4, 2; id. Tusc. 1, 3, 5; id. Rosc. Am. 45, 131; id. Verr. 2, 5, 26, § 66; Sall. J. 36, 2; 4, 7; 15, 3; id. C. 12, 5:

    ideo siccas aiunt Aethiopiae solitudines... At contra constat Germaniam abundare rivis,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 6, 2; 1, 3, 1; id. Ep. 100, 7; Plin. 7, 53, 54, § 186; Suet. Galb. 15; Tac. A. 4, 28.—
    Sed contra, after a negative sentence (class.):

    non quo acui ingenia adulescentium nollem, sed contra ingenia obtundi nolui,

    Cic. de Or. 3, 24, 93; id. Att. 9, 15, 3; id. Ac. 1, 10, 35; id. Fl. 11, 26:

    arma populi Romani non liberis servitutem, sed contra servientibus libertatem adferre,

    Liv. 45, 18, 1:

    tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito,

    Verg. A. 6, 95; Plin. Ep. 1, 10, 12.—PostAug. also without a preceding negation:

    obiisse nostro Laium scelere autumant superi inferique: sed animus contra innocens... negat,

    Sen. Oedip. 765; Symm. Ep. 6, 81.—
    Contra autem (rare;

    in Cic. only where different subjects have contrasted predicates in dependent clauses): quia pacis est insigne toga, contra autem arma tumultus atque belli,

    Cic. Pis. 30, 73.—In later writers = contra alone:

    sub septemtrione aedificia... conversa ad calidas partes oportere fieri videntur. Contra autem sub impetu solis meridiani regionibus conversa ad septemtrionem... sunt facienda,

    Vitr. 6, 1, 2; Gell. 14, 2, 19; Dig. 7, 1, 25, § 3; 34, 3, 25.—
    Contra vero (very rare;

    not in Cic.), used for contra: contra vero quercus infinitam habet aeternitatem,

    Vitr. 2, 9, 8; 6, 1, 3; Cels. 3, 6 fin.
    Atqui contra, App. Mag. p. 287, 24.—
    With disjunctive conjunctions, aut contra, vel contra, seu contra, or on the contrary, or conversely (always without change of subject).
    Aut contra:

    num aut scriptum neget, aut contra factum infitietur?

    Cic. Part. Or. 38, 133: quae (mens) aut languescit... aut contra tumescit, etc., Quint. 1, 2, 18:

    si imbres defuere, aut contra abundavere,

    Plin. 17, 24, 37, § 228.—
    Vel contra:

    hinc enim quaestiones oriuntur: Injuriam fecisti, sed quia magistratus, majestatis actio est? Vel contra: Licuit... quia magistratus?

    Quint. 5, 10, 40; 9, 4, 96; Suet. Galb. 3; Dig. 35, 2, 56, § 4; 8, 4, 6.—
    Seu contra:

    seu tristis veniam, seu contra laetus amicis,

    Prop. 1, 11, 25.—
    With causal conjunctions, nam contra (very rare;

    never contra enim): falso queritur de natura sua genus humanum quod, etc. Nam contra, reputando, neque majus aliud, neque praestabilius invenies,

    Sall. J. 1, 1; Quint. 1, 1, 1; 9, 2, 23. —
    In late Lat., e contra (also one word, ēcontrā) = contra,
    In the meaning, the contrary (D. 1.):

    aliis vero econtra videtur,

    Hier. Ep. 12.—
    Et econtra = et contra (E. 3. a.):

    honestiorum provectu et econtra suppliciis,

    Aur. Vict. Caes. 39, 45.—For quod contra, v. II. E. 1. c.—
    With emphatic particles.
    Quin contra, nay on the contrary, opposing an affirmative sentence to a preceding negative statement (quin etiam amplifies without opposition; sed contra opposes without amplification; quin contra both opposes and amplifies);

    not before Livy: num qui enim socordius rempublicam administrari post Calvi tribunatum... quam? etc. Quin contra patricios aliquot damnatos... neminem plebeium,

    Liv. 6, 37, 8; 31, 31, 9; 35, 26, 10; 37, 15, 3.—
    Immo contra (post-Aug.).
    = no, on the contrary, refuting opinions, after questions and in the form of a dialogue:

    existimas nunc me detrahere tibi multas voluptates?... Immo contra, nolo tibi umquam deesse laetitiam,

    Sen. Ep. 23, 3; Dig. 33, 7, 5; 33, 7, 29.—
    = sed contra, but on the contrary:

    proinde ne submiseris te, immo contra fige stabilem gradum,

    Sen. Cons. Marc. 5, 6; id. Cons. Polyb. 15, 2; cf. prep.:

    immo contra ea,

    Liv. 41, 24, 8; cf. II. E. 1. b. infra.—
    Item contra = an emphatic et contra (very rare):

    quoniam... beate vivere alii in alio, vos in voluptate ponitis, item contra miseriam in dolore, etc.,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 27, 86; cf. I. A. 3. g supra.
    With a comparative clause introduced by ac, atque, or quam, representing a logical or moral opposition (contra atque debuit = non ita ut debuit; cf. Cic. Or. 3, 19, 70); cf. prep., II. C. 3. g, and II. E. 2. infra.
    Of logical opposition, contrary to, different from, otherwise than; in the best prose only with atque or ac.
    With atque:

    item, contra atque apud nos, fieri ad Elephantinem ut neque ficus neque vites amittant folia,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 7, 6:

    simulacrum Jovis, contra atque ante fuerat, ad orientem convertere,

    Cic. Cat. 3, 8, 20; id. Sull. 24, 69:

    judicium suscepturos contra atque omnis Italia populusque Romanus judicavisset,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 12; id. B. G. 4, 13; Plin. 12, 19, 43, § 95.—
    With ac:

    itaque contra est ac dicitis,

    Cic. Fin. 4, 15, 41:

    vides, omnia fere contra ac dicta sint evenisse,

    id. Div. 2, 24, 53; so id. Verr. 2, 4, 6, § 11; id. Or. 40, 137:

    cum contra ac Deiotarus sensit victoria belli judicaret,

    id. Phil. 11, 13, 34:

    Petreius ubi videt, Catilinam, contra ac ratus erat, magna vi tendere, etc.,

    Sall. C. 60, 5.—
    With ac and atque:

    si denique aliquid non contra ac liceret factum diceretur, sed contra atque oporteret,

    Cic. Balb. 3, 7.—
    With quam (post-Aug.):

    cui contra quam proposuerat aliqua cesserunt,

    Sen. Ira, 3, 6, 5; Plin. 10, 53, 74, § 149; 11, 21, 24, § 72; Gell. 6 (7), 8, 6:

    contra quam licet,

    id. 1, 3, 19; Sil. 15, 107.—
    Of moral opposition of acts contrary to rules and principles (cf. II. 3. g infra); so always with quam:

    mater Aviti, generi sui, contra quam fas erat, amore capta,

    contrary to the divine law, Cic. Clu. 5, 12:

    ut senatus, contra quam ipse censuisset, ad vestitum rediret,

    contrary to its own resolution, id. Pis. 8, 18:

    contra quam ista causa postulasset,

    id. Caecin. 24, 67:

    contra quam sanctum legibus est,

    Liv. 30, 19, 9; Cic. Leg. 2, 5, 11; id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 1, § 2; id. Dom. 46, 122:

    contraque faciunt quam polliceri videntur,

    Auct. Her. 4, 3, 6; Cic. de Or. 2, 20, 86.
    Prep. with acc., before, against, facing, towards, opposite to, contrary to (acc. to many scholars not ante-class.; cf. Hand, Turs. II. p. 108; but found Plaut. Ps. 1, 2, 24 Fleck., a line omitted by Lorenz as a gloss; id. Pers. 1, 1, 13 Ritschl; Att. ap. Non. p. 469, 15, or Trag. Rel. v. 476 Rib.; cf. also Plaut. Poen. 5, 6, 18; Cato, R. R. 18, 1, and v. I. A. 1. a. b, and I. A. 1. b. a supra).
    Local uses.
    Opposite, over against, facing.
    Of countries and places (mostly of those separated by water;

    adversus and e regione mostly of places opposite by land): insulae natura triquetra, cujus unum latus est contra Galliam,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 13; 3, 9; 4, 20:

    ad insulam quae est contra Massiliam,

    id. B. C. 1, 56; 3, 23:

    Rhodios, pacatis contra insulam suam terris, etc.,

    Liv. 37, 15, 7; 3, 26, 8:

    Carthago Italiam contra,

    Verg. A. 1, 13; 5, 124; Ov. M. 14, 17:

    insulae quae contra Tauri promuntorium inopportune navigantibus objacent, Chelidoniae nominantur,

    Mel. 2, 7; Plin. 3, 26, 30, § 151; 6, 28, 32, § 152; 5, 7, 7, § 41; Tac. A. 3, 1; id. H. 2, 17.—
    Of the heavenly bodies:

    donique (luna) eum (sc. solem) contra pleno bene lumine fulsit,

    Lucr. 5, 708:

    contra Volucris rostrum posita est Lyra,

    Vitr. 9, 4, 5; Sen. Q. N. 1, 5, 9; 1, 8, 3; Plin. 2, 31, 31, § 99; 5, 10, 10, § 56.—So, tertium (latus Britanniae) est contra septem triones, opposite ( facing); hence, contra meridiem and contra ortus (instead of ad or adversus meridiem, etc.), facing the south and east, Plin. 6, 24, 24, § 85; 17, 2, 2, § 22. —So of a person standing in the sunlight:

    cum minima umbra (i. e. a sole) contra medium fiet hominem,

    Plin. 18, 33, 76, § 327; cf.:

    contra mediam faciem meridies erit,

    id. 18, 33, 76, § 326.—
    Of opposite ends of a line.
    Of the diameter of the earth: esse e regione nobis e contraria parte terrae qui adversis vestigiis stent contra nostra vestigia, quos antipodas vocatis, Cic. Ac. 2, 39, 123.—
    Of a line drawn:

    contra autem E littera I erit ubi secat circinationem linea,

    opposite the point E will be the letter I, Vitr. 9, 7, 4.—
    Of buildings, etc.:

    contra hoc aviarium est aliud minus in quo quae mortuae sunt aves curator servare solet,

    Varr. R. R. 3, 5, 5; Vitr. 5, 6, 3; 3, 5, 15:

    (statuam) quae fuerit contra Jovis Statoris aedem in vestibulo Superbi domus,

    Plin. 34, 6, 13, § 29:

    contra medium fere porticum diaeta paulum recedit,

    Plin. Ep. 5, 6, 20; 2, 17, 5; Suet. Aug. 44.—
    Of places on the human body:

    id quod contra stomachum est,

    Cels. 4, 5 (4, 12 med.); 7, 7;

    4, 20 (13).—Of the direction of the intestines, etc.: ea... contra medium alvum orsa,

    Cels. 4, 1 fin.
    Of actions, opposite, towards, against, facing (syn.:

    adversus, ad, e regione,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 61).
    In gen.:

    quamvis subito... quamque Rem contra speculum ponas, apparet imago,

    Lucr. 4, 156: Democritus... clipeum constituit contra exortum Hyperionis, Laber. ap. Gell. 10, 17, 4:

    et contra magnum potes hos (i.e. oculos) attollere solem, Nec tremis...?

    Prop. 1, 15, 37; Col. 7, 3, 8:

    rex constiterat contra pedites,

    Curt. 10, 9, 13; 9, 5, 1:

    ne contra septentrionem paveris,

    Plin. 18, 33, 76, § 330; 28, 6, 19, § 69:

    contra solem varie refulgens,

    placed in the sun, id. 37, 10, 63, § 173; 10, 54, 75, § 151; 37, 6, 22, § 83;

    37, 7, 25, § 95: cum terrestres volucres contra aquam clangores dabunt,

    id. 18, 35, 87, § 363; 19, 8, 39, § 131.—
    Dependent on verbs of motion (very rare without the idea of hostility):

    (Dinocrates) incessit contra tribunal regis jus dicentis,

    towards, Vitr. 2, praef. 1.—So trop., of actions done for a purpose:

    lege Cornelia de sicariis tenetur qui, cum in magistratu esset, eorum quid fecerit contra hominis necem quod legibus permissum non sit,

    Dig. 48, 8, 4.—
    Appositively, with the predicate: (elephanti) tanta narratur clementia contra minus validos, ut, etc., if fronting weaker animals, if brought in contact with them (not to be connected with clementia), Plin. 8, 7, 7, § 23.—Similarly: dum... fidens non est contra feram, if fronting the animal (not dependent on fidens), Plin. 8, 16, 21, § 57.—
    Against an opposing action, etc.:

    contra vim atque impetum fluminis conversa,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 17, 5:

    cum plateae contra directos ventos erunt conformatae,

    Vitr. 1, 6, 8:

    ut contra ventum gregem pascamus,

    Col. 7, 3, 12; Sen. Q. N. 2, 31, 2; Plin. 29, 3, 12, § 52; 17, 2, 2, § 21; 8, 16, 21, § 54:

    contra fluminum impetus aggeribus,

    id. 35, 14, 48, § 169:

    capite in sole contra pilum peruncto,

    id. 27, 4, 5, § 17; 18, 35, 88, § 364; Varr. ap. Plin. 7, 20, 19, § 83; Sil. 14, 352; Dig. 9, 2, 29, § 4. [p. 455] — Trop.:

    contra fortunam tenendus est cursus,

    Sen. Prov. 5, 9.—Prov.:

    contra stimulum calces,

    kick against the pricks, Isid. Orig. 1, 36, 28 (al. calcitres); cf. Amm. 18, 5, 1.—
    Of local actions with hostile intent.

    quae vis Coclitem contra omnes hostium copias tenuit?

    Cic. Par. 1, 2, 12:

    Pompeium Cartejae receptum scribis: jam igitur contra hunc exercitum (sc. constitit),

    id. Att. 15, 20, 3:

    pertimescam, credo, ne mihi non liceat contra vos in contione consistere,

    to face you, id. Agr. 1, 8, 25; Lepidus ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 34, 1; Caes. B. C. 1, 26:

    a fronte contra hostem pedum quindecim fossam fieri jussit,

    id. ib. 1, 41; 1, 42; id. B. G. 7, 62:

    Tullus adversus Veientem hostem derigit suos: Albanos contra legionem Fidenatium collocat,

    Liv. 1, 27, 5; 24, 41, 5; 38, 4, 5; Verg. A. 12, 279; Front. Strat. 2, 2, 13; 2, 3, 17.—Appositively, with a local verb understood:

    terribilis haec contra fugientes belua est, fugax contra insequentes,

    i. e. if fronting, if placed opposite, Plin. 8, 25, 38, § 92.—

    castra sunt in Italia contra populum Romanum in Etruriae faucibus collocata,

    Cic. Cat. 1, 2, 5; id. Mil. 1, 2; Quint. 7, 7, 5:

    tum contra hanc Romam illa altera Roma quaeretur,

    will be as a rival against this Rome, Cic. Agr. 2, 22, 86:

    cui rationi contra homines barbaros atque imperitos locus fuisset, hac ne ipsum quidem sperare, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 40:

    (Cicero) plerumque contra inimicos atque obtrectatores plus vindicat sibi,

    when fronting adversaries, Quint. 11, 1, 23.—
    In partic.
    Stare contra aliquem (opp. stare ab aliquo); usu. implying hostility; mostly trop., to stand against, to be arrayed against, to face, oppose:

    quod contra hoc exemplum nulla staret eorum ratio,

    Auct. Her. 4, 5, 7:

    contra populi studium,

    Cic. Brut. 34, 126:

    contra civium perditorum... dementiam a senatu et a bonorum causa,

    id. ib. 79, 273; so,

    a mendacio contra veritatem,

    id. Inv. 1, 3, 4:

    contra cives in acie,

    id. Att. 16, 11, 2:

    et adversi contra stetit ora juvenci,

    opposite, Verg. A. 5, 477; 5, 414:

    haec enim (ratio) sola... stat contra fortunam,

    Sen. Ep. 14, 4, 2: contra leonem etiam stetit, fronted, i. e. hunted, Spart. Carac. 5 fin.
    Contra aliquem ire:

    aut saevos Libyae contra ire leones,

    Stat. Th. 9, 16.— Trop.:

    uti contra injurias armati eatis,

    Sall. J. 31, 6:

    interritus (sapiens) et contra illa (mala) ibit et inter illa,

    Sen. Ep. 59, 8; cf.: contra venire, II. B. 1. c. b infra, and v. also II. B. 2. b. and II. B. 1. b. infra.—
    To persons placed together for comparison:

    C. vero Caesar, si foro tantum vacasset, non alius ex nostris contra Ciceronem nominaretur,

    Quint. 10, 1, 114:


    Inscr. Grut. p. 331, n. 4.—
    To things compared, as if weighed against each other as to their value, strength, etc.
    Lit. (very rare):

    quamcunque vis rem expende, et contra aquam statue... Si gravior est, leviorem rem... feret, etc.,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 25, 5.—

    cujus (i. e. generis humani) causa videtur cuncta alia genuisse natura, magna saeva mercede contra tanta sua munera,

    Plin. 7, 1, 1, § 1:

    qui amicus esse coepit quia expedit, placebit ei aliquod pretium contra amicitiam,

    Sen. Ep. 9, 9:

    numquam ulli fortiores cives fuerunt quam qui ausi sunt eum contra tantas opes ejus... condemnare,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 2, 3:

    tantum studium bonorum in me exstitisse, contra incredibilem contentionem clarissimi et potentissimi viri,

    id. ib. 7, 2, 2; Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 9, 3:

    nomen prorogans nostrum et memoriam extendens contra brevitatem aevi,

    as a compensation for, Plin. 2, 63, 63, § 154.—So esp., valere contra, to weigh against, counterbalance, avail or prevail against: non vereor ne meae vitae modestia parum valitura sit contra falsos rumores, Matius ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 28, 8:

    (illa facta) pro periculo potius quam contra salutem valere debere,

    Cic. Part. Or. 35, 120; id. Off. 3, 29, 104:

    contrane lucrum nil valere Pauperis ingenium?

    Hor. Epod. 11, 11; Sen. Ben. 4, 15, 1; id. Cons. Helv. 5, 5; so,

    robur habere contra: si contra unamquamlibet partem fortunae satis tibi roboris est,

    id. ib. 13, 2;

    so of counterchecks: in Creta decem qui cosmoe vocantur, ut contra consulare imperium tribuni plebis, sic illi contra vim regiam constituti,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 33, 58.—Of antidotes: cimicum natura contra serpentium morsus valere dicitur, item contra venena omnia, Plin. 29, 4, 17, § 61.—Hence,
    Colloq., aliquid contra aurum est, something is worth gold, is superb, both predicatively and attributively (cf.: auro contra, I. A. 2. supra): hujusce pomaria in summa Sacra Via ubi poma veneunt, contra aurum imago, a spectacle for gold, i. e. a magnificent sight, Varr. R. R. 1, 2, 10 MSS. (al. aliter):

    numcubi hic vides citrum... num quod emblema aut lithostratum? quae illic omnia contra aurum,

    superb, id. ib. 3, 2, 4 MSS. (Schneid. omits aurum, ex conj.):

    oneravi vinum, et tunc erat contra aurum,

    Petr. 7, 6.—
    Transf., of replies, with aiebat, inquit, etc.; both in friendly and inimical sense; esp., contra ea, contra haec, = the adv. contra:

    contra ea Titurius sero facturos clamitabat, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 29:

    contra ea Verginius unum Ap. Claudium et legum expertem et, etc., aiebat,

    Liv. 3, 57, 1; 24, 45, 4:

    quae contra breviter fata est vates,

    Verg. A. 6, 398:

    contra quod disertus Tu impie fecisti inquit, etc.,

    Quint. 7, 1, 53 (cf.: contra ea, II. E. 1. infra).
    Denoting hostility or disadvantage.
    With verbs of hostile action.
    Of physical exertion:

    pugnavere et tertio consulatu ejus viginti (elephanti) contra pedites quingentos,

    Plin. 8, 7, 7, § 22:

    proelium Afri contra Aegyptios primi fecere fustibus,

    id. 7, 56, 57, § 200; 8, 40, 61, § 142. —
    Referring to warfare (usu. adversus), bellum gerere (rarely for cum or adversus; but contra patriam, contra aras, etc., not cum patria, etc.; cf.

    bellum, II. A. 1. e.): a quo prohibitos esse vos contra Caesarem gerere bellum (opp. pro),

    Cic. Lig. 8, 25; id. Phil. 5, 10, 27; Liv. Ep. 129.—With bellum suscipere:

    contra Antonium,

    Cic. Phil. 8, 2, 5; so,

    contra patriam,

    id. Sull. 20, 58:

    pugnare contra patriam,

    id. ib. 25, 70:

    contra conjuges et liberos,

    Sen. Ben. 5, 15, 5:

    armatum esse contra populum Romanum,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 13, 32.—With arma ferre (freq.), Cic. Phil. 2, 29, 72; 13, 21, 47; Liv. 28, 28, 15; Nep. Att. 4, 2; Tib. 1, 6, 30; Ov. M. 4, 609; 13, 269; id. P. 1, 1, 26.—With arma sumere or capere, Cic. Rab. Perd. 6, 19; id. Phil. 4, 1, 2; 4, 3, 7:

    armis contendere contra,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 13:

    arma alicui dare (trop.),

    Cic. Phil. 2, 21, 53:

    aciem instruere (trop.),

    Liv. 25, 4, 4:

    exercitum comparare,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 6, 14; 4, 1, 2:

    exercitum instruere,

    id. Cat. 2, 11, 24:

    exercitum ducere and adducere,

    id. Phil. 4, 2, 5; 3, 4, 11:

    exercitum contra Philippum mittere,

    id. Inv. 1, 12, 17:

    naves ducere contra,

    Hor. Epod. 4, 19:

    ducere contra hostes,

    Liv. 1, 27, 4:

    florem Italiae educere contra,

    Cic. Cat. 2, 11, 24:

    proficisci contra,

    to march against, Liv. 1, 11, 3; 8, 2, 5:

    auxilium ferre Rutulis contra Latinos,

    Plin. 14, 12, 14, § 88:

    juvare aliquem contra,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 35:

    consilium inire contra Sequanos,

    to take hostile measures against, id. B. G. 6, 12.—
    Of legal contention (more freq. adversus, except with verbs of saying).
    In gen., with agere or causam agere, to act as counsel against a party or his attorney:

    cum agerem contra hominem disertissimum nostrae civitatis,

    Cic. Caecin. 33, 97; id. Brut. 63, 226; Sen. Ben. 4, 15, 3; Quint. 11, 1, 59.—Causam recipere or suscipere contra, to accept a retainer against:

    (causam) quam receperam contra pueros Octavios,

    Cic. Att. 13, 49, 1; Quint. 6, 1, 12; Plin. Ep. 4, 17, 1.—Adesse alicui contra, to appear, act as one's counsel against:

    rogavit me Caecilius ut adessem contra Satrium,

    Cic. Att. 1, 1, 3; Plin. Ep. 1, 7, 5 al.; cf.:

    esse contra,

    id. ib. 1, 18, 3.— Trop.: conquesturus venit;

    at contra se adfuit et satisfacienti satisfecit,

    Sen. Fragm. Amic. 14, 1, 89:

    causam defendere contra,

    against the accuser, Cic. de Or. 1, 39, 178:

    statuere contra aliquem (sc. causam),

    to establish a case against an adversary, id. Or. 10, 34:

    actio competit contra,

    Dig. 49, 14, 41:

    querelam instituere contra,

    ib. 5, 2, 21, § 1:

    bonorum possessionem petere contra,

    ib. 5, 2, 23:

    jus obtinere contra,

    Cic. Quint. 9, 34:

    pugnare contra,

    to struggle against the accuser, id. Sull. 17, 49; id. Verr. 1, 11, 33:

    id quod mihi contra illos datum est,

    i. e. a local advantage over, id. Tull. 14, 33:

    judicare contra aliquem,

    id. Fl. 20, 48; Dig. 21, 2, 55; 5, 2, 14; Just. Inst. 4, 17, 2:

    pronuntiare contra,

    Paul. Sent. 5, 34, 2: dare sententiam contra, Dig. 21, 2, 56, § 1:

    decernere contra,

    Cic. Fl. 31, 76:

    appellare contra aliquem,

    Dig. 49, 1, 3; 49, 5, 6; cf.:

    contra sententiam,

    Cod. Just. 7, 62, 32, § 2.—Sentire contra aliquem, to have an opinion unfavorable to:

    cur vos (cum) aliquid contra me sentire dicatis, etc.,

    Cic. Caecin. 27, 79.—
    Venire contra aliquem, to appear as counsel for one's adversary:

    quid tu, Saturi, qui contra hunc venis, existimas aliter?

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 6, 18; id. Mur. 4, 9; id. Phil. 8, 6, 18.—Venire contra rem alicujus, to give advice damaging one's interests:

    contra rem suam me venisse questus est,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 2, 3.—
    With dicere and other verbs of saying. (aa) Of a lawyer pleading against a lawyer:

    ipse ille Mucius, quid in illa causa cum contra te diceret, attulit quod? etc.,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 57, 244:

    cum ille contra me pro Sex. Naevio diceret,

    id. Brut. 60, 2, 7; id. de Or. 2, 7, 30; id. Rosc. Am. 15, 45; id. Div. in Caecil. 14, 44; id. Planc. 2, 5; id. Brut. 26, 102; so,

    causam dicere,

    id. Or. 2, 23, 98:

    causam perorare,

    id. Quint. 24, 77.—(bb) Of a lawyer's pleading against the parties: dic mihi, M. Pinari, num si contra te dixero mihi male dicturus es? Servil. ap. Cic. de Or. 2, 65, 261; 3, 34, 138; 1, 14, 60; id. Or. 35, 123; Quint. 11, 1, 57; cf. with ellipsis of acc.:

    quorum alter pro Aufldia, contra dixit alter,

    id. 10, 1, 22.—(ng) Of a party against a lawyer:

    si Gaditani contra me dicerent,

    if the Gaditani were my adversaries, Cic. Balb. 17, 38.—(dd) Of witnesses and experts, and the pleadings against them:

    si decressent legationem quae contra istum diceret,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 4, § 12: contra testes dicere (opp. a testibus or pro testibus). Auct. Her. 2, 6, 9; Cic. de Or. 2, 27, 118 (cf.:

    testimonium in aliquem dicere,

    id. Sull. 17, 48; Quint. 7, 4, 36):

    contra juris consultos dicere,

    against their legal opinions, Cic. Caecin. 24, 69.—So of witnesses in scientific questions:

    contra testes dicendum est,

    Sen. Q. N. 7, 16, 1.—(ee) Dicere or contendere aliquid contra aliquem, to maintain a point against:

    cum interrogamus adversarios... quid contra nos dici possit,

    Auct. Her. 4, 23, 33:

    tamenne vereris ut possis hoc contra Hortensium contendere?

    Cic. Quint. 25, 78. —
    Of literary adversaries, mostly with verbs of saying and writing:

    cum scriberem contra Epicurios,

    Cic. Att. 13, 38, 1:

    contra Epicurum satis superque dictum est,

    id. N. D. 2, 1, 2:

    contra Brutum,

    id. Tusc. 5, 8, 21:

    contra Academiam,

    id. Ac. 2, 19, 63; id. Fin. 1, 1, 2; 5, 8, 22; id. Tusc. 5, 11, 32; 5, 30, 84; id. Ac. 2, 4, 17:

    contra autem omnia disputatur a nostris,

    id. Off. 2, 2, 8.—
    Of public and political adversaries (syn. adversus and in).
    In gen.:

    sentire contra,

    Cic. Mil. 2, 5:

    pugnare contra bonos,

    id. Sull. 25, 71:

    contra eos summa ope nitebatur nobilitas,

    Sall. C. 38, 2; Cic. Sest. 19, 42; 52, 112:

    (tribuni) qui aut contra consulem, aut pro studio ejus pugnabant,

    Liv. 39, 32, 12.—
    Of political speaking:

    cum (Cato) eo ipso anno contra Serv. Galbam ad populum summa contentione dixisset,

    Cic. Brut. 20, 80; so id. Imp. Pomp. 17, 53; Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 9, 1.—
    Of hostile or criminal acts in gen. (syn.:

    adversus, in): inire consilia contra,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 38, 110; id. Cat. 1, 7, 18:

    manum comparare contra aliquem,

    id. Sull. 24, 68:

    conjurationem facere,

    id. ib. 4, 12:


    id. Lig. 3, 9; Sall. J. 64, 4:

    aliquid contra imperatorem moliri,

    Just. Inst. 4, 18, 3:

    nec dolor armasset contra sua viscera matrem,

    against her own offspring Ov. R. Am. 59.—Facere contra (more freq. with abstr. objects; cf. II. C. 1. f. b infra): nunc te contra Caesarem facere summae stultitiae est, to take parts against, Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 16, 2:

    eae (res) contra nos ambae faciunt,

    operate against us, id. Quint. 1, 1.—With verbs of saying, etc.:

    homo disertus non intellegit, eum quem contra dicit laudari a se?

    Cic. Phil. 2, 8, 18; 2, 1, 2; 2, 21, 51; Sen. Ep. 15, 3, 70:

    epigramma quod contra quamdam Gelliam scripsit,

    Lampr. Alex. Sev. 38:

    disputare contra deos, in two signif.: contra deum licet disputare liberius,

    to accuse, reproach a god, Cic. N. D. 3, 31, 76; but: mala et impia consuetudo est contra deos disputandi, to reason against the gods, i. e. against their existence, id. ib. 2, 67, 168.—
    Predicatively, with esse (videri, etc.), against, injurious to, unfavorable, prejudicial, to one's disadvantage: ut [p. 456] ex senatusconsulto neque cujus intersit, neque contra quem sit intellegi possit, Cic. Mur. 32, 68; id. de Or. 3, 20, 75; 2, 74, 299; 2, 81, 330; id. Sull. 13, 39; Sen. Ben. 6, 31, 6:

    licentiam malis dare certe contra bonos est,

    injurious to, Quint. 4, 2, 75:

    res contra nos est, of unfavorable chances in a lawsuit,

    id. 4, 66, 1; 4, 2, 75; 5, 13, 32.—Often, contra aliquem = quod est contra aliquem, referring to indef. pronouns or adjectives:

    nihil contra me fecit odio mei = nihil quod esset contra me,

    Cic. Har. Resp. 3, 5; id. Off. 3, 31, 112:

    quibus (temporibus) aliquid contra Caesarem Pompeio suaserim,

    id. Phil. 2, 10, 24.—
    Added adverb. to the predicate, mostly referring to purpose, with hostile intent, for the purpose of some hostile act, in order to oppose, in opposition:

    Caesarine eam (provinciam) tradituri fuistis, an contra Caesarem retenturi?

    or keep it against Caesar, Cic. Lig. 7, 23:

    sero enim resistimus ei quem per annos decem aluimus contra nos,

    id. Att. 7, 5, 5:

    judicium illud pecunia esse temptatum non pro Cluentio, sed contra Cluentium,

    id. Clu. 4, 9; id. Imp. Pomp. 17, 52; id. Ac. 2, 28, 92:

    cum quae facitis ejusmodi sint ut ea contra vosmet ipsos facere videamini,

    id. Rosc. Am. 36, 104; Sen. Ep. 3, 7, 3: Curio se contra eum totum parat, i. e. to speak against him, Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 8, 10; Caes. B. C. 1, 85 ter; Sen. Q. N. 1, 7, 1; Plin. 16, 39, 74, § 192; Plin. Pan. 41.—So with the force of a temporal clause:

    fidem meam quam essent contra Massam Baebium experti,

    in the suit against, Plin. Ep. 3, 4, 4.—
    Dependent on adjectives (rare):

    contra se ipse misericors,

    to his own injury, Phaedr. 4, 18, 3:

    severissimus judex contra fures,

    Lampr. Alex. Sev. 28.—
    With nouns.
    Acc. to 1. b.:

    ut quam maximae contra Hannibalem copiae sint,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 12, 17; cf. Vell. 2, 76, 3.—
    Acc. to 1. c. and 1. e.; so esp., oratio contra (cf.: oratio in).
    Oratio contra (never in), of an address against the counsel of a party or against the prosecutor:

    quid in omni oratione Crassus vel apud centumviros contra Scaevolam, vel contra accusatorem Brutum, cum pro Cn. Plancio diceret?

    Cic. de Or. 2, 54, 220; cf.:

    Cato pro se contra Cassium = in oratione contra,

    Gell. 10, 15, 3; so,

    haec perpetua defensio contra Scaevolam,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 54, 221:

    orationem illam egregiam quam (Aeschines) in Ctesiphontem contra Demosthenem dixerat,

    id. ib. 3, 56, 213.—
    Of an address against the party, either in judicial or political affairs:

    unam orationem contra Gracchum reliquit,

    Cic. Brut. 26, 99:

    (Demosthenis) oratio contra Leptinem... contra Aeschinem falsae legationis,

    id. Or. 31, 111; Gell. 10, 24, 10; 10, 18, 91; Cic. Brut. 46, 169; Quint. 12, 10, 61; Cic. de Or. 2, 11, 45; id. Brut. 44, 164; Gell. 13, 25 (24), 15; cf. Quint. 4, 3, 13; 11, 2, 25.—
    Acc. to 1. f.:

    contra patres concitatio et seditio,

    Cic. Brut. 14, 56.—Of animals:

    contra volpium genus communibus inimicitiis,

    Plin. 10, 76, 96, § 207.
    With inanimate and abstract objects.
    Directly dependent on verbs (cf. B. 1.).
    Of physical or moral exertion:

    cum fulmina contra Tot paribus streperet clipeis,

    Verg. A. 10, 567:

    pugnandum tamquam contra morbum, sic contra senectutem,

    Cic. Sen. 11, 35:

    contra verum niti,

    Sall. J. 35, 8:

    contra fortunam luctari,

    Sen. Ben. 7, 15, 2; id. Brev. Vit. 10, 1; id. Ep. 78, 15; 99, 32; cf. Cic. Off. 1, 31, 110.—
    Of warfare (lit. and trop.):

    bellum contra aras, focos, vitam fortunasque gerere,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 1, 1:

    bellum gerimus... contra arma verbis,

    id. Fam. 12, 22, 1.—So of logical contradictions:

    artificis autem est invenire in actione adversarii quae semet ipsa pugnent,

    Quint. 5, 13, 30.—
    Of legal contention.
    Of the actions of the counsel or prosecutor: dicere, or perorare, agere contra aliquid, to plead against, contest something:

    contra argumenta, rumores, tabulas, quaestiones (opp. ab argumentis, etc.),

    Auct. Her. 2, 6, 9 sqq.; Cic. de Or. 2, 27, 118:

    contra ratiocinationem,

    id. Inv. 2, 50, 153: contra scriptum dicere, to contest, controvert a written law or a document, id. ib. 2, 47, 138; 2, 48, 143; id. Brut. 39, 145; Quint. 7, 7, 1:

    contra caput dicere,

    to plead against life, Cic. Quint. 13, 44 (cf.:

    servum in caput domini interrogare,

    Paul. Sent. 1, 1, 34; 5, 16, 5 and 8; 5, 46, 3): contra libertatem agere, Dig. 40, 12, 26.—Pregn.:

    contra rerum naturam, contraque consuetudinem hominum dicere (opp. contra nos dicere),

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 15, 45.—
    Of judicial decisions contradicting documents, etc.:

    contra tabulas judicare,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 70, 281:

    contra testamentum,

    Dig. 2, 17, § 1:

    contra sententiam dicere,

    ib. 49, 8, 1, § 2.—
    Admittere aliquem contra bona, to admit a petition for bonorum possessio (cf.:

    inmittere in bona),

    Dig. 38, 2, 3, § 6.—
    Of antagonism in literary and ethical questions.
    To contend that something is false:

    dicere, disputare, disserere contra opinionem or sententiam,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 4, 8; 5, 19, 55; id. de Or. 3, 18, 67; id. Fin. 5, 4, 10; id. Ac. 2, 18, 60; Sen. Ira, 1, 3, 3; id. Ep. 87, 5; 102, 5 (cf.:

    in sententiam dicere,

    in support of an opinion, Caes. B. G. 1, 45):

    contra sensus dicere,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 31, 101:

    contra rhetoricen dicere,

    Quint. 2, 17, 40.—
    Of criticism, hostility to principles, etc.:

    contra Iliadem et Odysseam scribere,

    Vitr. 7, praef. 8:

    contra quorum disciplinam ingenium ejus exarserat,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 29, 83.—

    contra voluptatem dicere,

    that pleasure is a moral evil, Cic. Fin. 5, 8, 21:

    contra mortem loqui,

    that death is no evil, Sen. Ep. 82, 7;

    in both senses: contra vitia, pericula, fortunam, ambitionem,

    id. ib. 100, 10:

    contra fortunam gloriari,

    that fortune has no power over him, Cic. Tusc. 5, 9, 26; Sen. Ep. 26, 5.—
    Of public and political acts and speeches:

    contra potentiam accusatorum dicere,

    Cic. Brut. 44, 164:

    contra legem dicere or verba facere,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 15, 53; Liv. 34, 8, 1:

    rogationem ferre contra coloniam ( = contra legem de colonia deducenda),

    Cic. Clu. 51, 140; Auct. Her. 1, 17, 21; Plin. 8, 17, 24, § 64.—
    Of hostility, injury, wrongs, etc.
    In gen.:

    senatusconsulto quod contra dignitatem tuam fieret,

    directed against, Cic. Fam. 12, 29, 2:

    contra rem publicam se commovere,

    id. Cat. 1, 26; 1, 3, 7:


    id. Sest. 47, 100:

    consilia inire,

    id. Agr. 2, 3, 8:

    conjurationem facere,

    Sall. C. 30, 6:

    contra salutem urbis incitari,

    Cic. Cat. 3, 8, 20:

    cogitare aliquid contra salutem,

    id. ib. 3, 9, 21: contra voluntatem or studium dicere, to oppose one's will in a speech:

    esse aliquem in civitate qui contra ejus (Chrysogoni) voluntatem dicere auderet,

    id. Rosc. Am. 22, 60; id. Phil. 1, 11, 28; id. de Or. 3, 34, 138; id. Mur. 4, 10; Tac. H. 2, 91:

    ne quid contra aequitatem contendas, ne quid pro injuria,

    do not array yourself against equity, Cic. Off. 2, 20, 71.— Trop.:

    quis non contra Marii arma, contra Suliae proscriptionem irascitur? ( = Mario propter arma, Sullae propter proscriptionem),

    Sen. Ira, 2, 2, 3.—
    In partic.: facere contra aliquid (syn. adversus), to commit an offence against, to transgress, etc.:

    si quis ad Antonium profectus esset... senatus existimaturum eum contra rem publicam fecisse,

    Cic. Phil. 8, 11, 33; id. Mil. 5, 13; 6, 14; id. Off. 3, 10, 43; 3, 25, 95; S. C. ap. Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 8, 6; Liv. 25, 4, 7; so,

    contra salutem rei publicae facere,

    Cic. Dom. 38, 102:

    contra majestatem,

    against the emperor, Dig. 48, 4, 5:

    contra leges,

    Cic. Dom. 18, 48; id. Vatin. 7, 18; id. Fin. 2, 17, 55; id. Mur. 32, 67; id. de Or. 3, 19, 70; cf. id. Clu. 34, 92; id. Mur. 32, 68; id. Dom. 14, 38; id. Phil. 10, 6, 13; Gai Inst. 4, 121:

    contra edictum (praetoris),

    Cic. Verr 2, 3, 10, § 25; Dig. 39, 1, 20, § 1:

    contra foedus,

    Cic. Balb. 6, 16:

    contra jusjurandum ac fidem,

    id. Off. 3, 10, 43; id. Lael. 3, 30, 74; id. Verr. 2, 3, 3, § 7; Prop. 3, 30, 44 (2, 32, 44).—And ironically:

    tune contra Caesaris nutum (sc. facies)?

    Cic. Att. 14, 10, 1.—Rarely contra ea facere = contra facere, adverb. (cf. I. B. 8. and II. E. 1. b.):

    corpus in civitatem inferri non licet... et qui contra ea fecerit, extra ordinem punitur,

    Paul. Sent. 1, 21, 2; 1, 21, 12.—
    Predicatively with esse (usu. impers.), in violation of, in conflict with, contrary to (cf. 3. g).
    With esse expressed as the predicate:

    hominem hominis incommodo suum augere commodum magis est contra naturam quam mors,

    Cic. Off. 3, 5, 21; id. Fin. 3, 9, 31; id. N. D. 3, 13, 33; Sen. Ep. 5, 4; Plin. 7, 8, 6, § 45:

    contra leges or legem est,

    Cic. Pis. 13, 30; id. Mur. 32, 67:

    contra officium est,

    id. Off. 3, 10, 43; 1, 10, 32; 1, 6, 19; cf. id. Lael. 11, 39; id. Off. 3, 15, 63; Liv. 6, 40, 5; Sen. Q. N. 2, 37, 2; Gai Inst. 3, 157; Dig. 30, 1, 112, § 3; 16, 3, 1, § 7.—With ellipsis of object (naturam), Cic. Fin. 5, 29, 89; cf.:

    adeo res ista non habet ullam moram quae contra causas ignium sit,

    unfavorable to the formation of fire, Sen. Q. N. 2, 26, 7.—
    With verbal predicate, referring to an indef. pron. or adj., with esse understood:

    scis hunc... nihil umquam contra rem tuam cogitasse ( = nihil quod contra rem tuam esset),

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 50, 147; id. Mil. 5, 13:

    aliquid contra animum audiendi,

    something against our liking, Sen. Const. 19, 2.—So mostly with facere:

    si quid Socrates aut Aristippus contra morem consuetudinemque fecerint,

    Cic. Off. 1, 41, 148; id. Att. 3, 23, 2; 2, 22, 2; id. Off. 3, 15, 63; Sall. C. 15, 1; Dig. 8, 2, 11; 8, 2, 17; 35, 1, 79, § 2. —
    Contra officium, substantively, = id quod contra officium est:

    Sic inter recte factum atque peccatum, officium et contra officium, media locabat quaedam,

    Cic. Ac. 1, 10, 37.—
    Adverbially with the predicate.
    In order to oppose, in opposition to, with hostile intent (cf. B. 3.):

    eidem illam proscriptionem capitis mei contra salutem rei publicae rogatam esse dicebant,

    that the proposal of the law was an attack on the republic, Cic. Prov. Cons. 19, 45; id. Rab. Perd. 12, 35; id. Phil. 10, 10, 22:

    imperator contra postulata Bocchi nuntios mittit,

    to reply to the demands, Sall. J. 83, 3; 25, 6; so,

    advocare contra,

    Sen. Cons. Polyb. 12, 4; id. Ep. 15, 2, 52:

    si contra mortem te praeparaveris,

    to meet death, id. ib. 11, 3, 8.—
    With the force of a clause of manner, injuriously to, etc.:

    quibus contra valetudinis commodum laborandum est,

    Cic. Mur. 23, 47; Suet. Aug. 78:

    contra hominis salutem,

    with danger to a man's life, Cod. Just. 7, 62, 29.—
    In gen., of conflict with some rule or principle, contrary to, in violation of, without regard to ( = ita ut contra sit; cf. 2. supra; very freq. from the class. period;

    syn. adversus): ceperitne pecunias contra leges P. Decius,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 31, 136; id. Verr. 2, 1, 4, § 10; id. Fl. 34, 86:

    pecuniam contra leges auferre,

    id. Verr. 1, 18, 56; 2, 1, 10, § 27; 2, 5, 18, § 46; id. Har. Resp. 26, 56:

    contra legem,

    id. Rab. Perd. 3, 8; id. Dom. 16, 41:

    contra jus fasque,

    id. Har. Resp. 16, 34; id. Quint. 6, 28:

    contra jus,

    Liv. 5, 4, 14; id. Dom. 13, 55; id. Verr. 2, 5, 13, § 34:

    contra jus gentium,

    Liv. 4, 32, 5; 9, 10, 10; 21, 25, 7; 5, 36, 6;

    6, 1, 6: contra juris rigorem,

    Dig. 40, 5, 24, § 10 et saep.:

    contra testimonium aliquid judicare,

    without regard to, Cic. Brut. 31, 117:

    aliquid contra verecundiam disputare,

    contrary to the rules of decency, id. Off. 1, 35, 128:

    aliquid contra fidem constituere,

    Quint. 5, 13, 34:

    quae majores nostri contra lubidinem animi sui recte atque ordine fecere,

    contrary to the dictates of passion, Sall. C. 51, 4; id. J. 33, 1; cf. of logical opposition, II. E. 2. infra.—
    Dependent on substt.
    Of physical strife:

    scit ille imparem sibi luctatum contra nexus (draconis),

    Plin. 8, 12, 12, § 33. —
    Of warfare:

    imperatorum copia contra tuum furorem,

    Cic. Mur. 39, 83:

    Parthorum gloria contra nomen Romanum,

    Liv. 9, 18, 6: in castris perditorum contra patriam, Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 23, 6.—
    Of legal contention:

    causa contra scriptum,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 46, 135.—
    Of political speaking:

    divina M. Tullii eloquentia contra leges agrarias,

    Quint. 2, 16, 7; 9, 3, 50; Gell. 18, 7, 7.—
    Of literary opposition:

    Caesaris vituperatio contra laudationem meam,

    Cic. Att. 12, 40, 1.—
    Of hostility, etc.:

    cujus factum, inceptum, conatumve contra patriam,

    Cic. Cat. 2, 12, 27:

    ullum factum dictumve nostrum contra utilitatem vestram,

    Liv. 6, 40, 5.—
    Of injury:

    vitae cupiditas contra rem publicam,

    Cic. Planc. 37, 90: contra serpentes venenum, fatal to serpents, or as a defence against serpents, Plin. 7, 2, 2, § 15.—
    Of violation, disregard, etc. (cf. 3. g):

    iter contra senatus auctoritatem,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 19, 48:

    contra consuetudinem somnium,

    Plin. 10, 77, 98, § 211:

    bonorum possessio contra tabulas,

    Dig. 37, 4, 3, § 13; Gai Inst. 3, 41.—
    Dependent on adjectives (very rare; cf.

    II. D. 2. c. infra): contraque patris impii regnum impotens, avum resolvam,

    Sen. Herc. Fur. 966.
    Of defence, protection, and resistance (syn.: adversus, ab).
    Against persons.
    Dependent on verbs:

    cum populus Romanus suam auctoritatem vel contra omnes qui dissentiunt possit defendere,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 22, 63: si ego consul rem publicam [p. 457] contra te et gregales tuos defendissem, id. Sest. 52, 111; 22, 49; 8, 20; id. Fam. 11, 27, 7; id. Phil. 2, 18, 45:

    contra quem multum omnes boni providerunt,

    provided a great defence, id. Mur. 38, 81: formula qua utitur patronus contra libertum qui eum in jus vocat, as a defence against, Gai Inst. 4, 46. —And of protection of plants against injurious animals:

    contra haec animalia proderit, si, etc.,

    Pall. 10, 3, 2.—
    Dependent on adjectives, mostly participial:

    paratus contra,

    Cic. Mil. 21, 56:

    nihil satis firmum contra Metellum,

    Sall. J. 80, 1:

    contra potentes nemo est munitus satis,

    Phaedr. 2, 6, 1.—
    Against inanimate and abstract things.
    Dependent on verbs:

    contra avium morsus munitur vallo aristarum,

    Cic. Sen. 15, 51:

    propugnaculum, quo contra omnes meos impetus usurum se putat,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 16, § 40; 2, 5, 39, § 102:

    publicam causam contra vim armatam suscipere,

    id. Dom. 34, 91; id. Quint. 30, 94; id. Leg. 3, 3, 9:

    contra tantas difficultates providere,

    Sall. J. 90, 1; 76, 4; so,

    contra ea,

    id. ib. 57, 5:

    patricii vi contra vim resistunt,

    Liv. 3, 13, 4; Plin. 14, 2, 4, § 28; Tac. Agr. 45; Sen. Prov. 4, 12; id. Const. 5, 4.—
    Dependent on substt.:

    suffragia contra oppugnationem vestrae majestatis,

    Cic. Rab. Perd. 12, 35:

    defensio contra vim,

    id. Mil. 5, 14:

    patronus justitiae fuit contra orationem Phili,

    id. Lael. 7, 25; Plin. 29, 2, 9, § 30; 14, 3, 4, § 40:

    contra labores patientia,

    id. 23, 1, 22, § 37.—
    Dependent on adjectives (in Cic. freq. with P. a. predicatively used; otherwise very rare;

    in later prose freq.): nec est quidquam Cilicia contra Syriam munitius,

    against an attack from the side of Syria, Cic. Fam. 14, 4, 4:

    ut nullius res tuta, nullius domus clausa, nullius vita saepta, nullius pudicitia munita contra tuam cupiditatem posset esse,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 15, § 39; id. Fin. 1, 16, 51; id. Mil. 25, 67; id. Tusc. 5, 8, 19; 5, 27, 76:

    vir contra audaciam firmissimus,

    id. Rosc. Am. 30, 85; Sall. J. 33, 2; 28, 5:

    fortis contra dolorem,

    Sen. Ep. 98, 18; Quint. 12, 1, 10:


    Plin. 11, 37, 54, § 147; 14, 2, 4, § 23:

    far contra hiemes firmissimum,

    id. 18, 8, 19, § 83:

    equus tenax contra vincula,

    Ov. Am. 3, 4, 13:

    contraque minantia fata pervigil,

    Claud. I. Cons. Stil. 1, 284.—
    Of remedies against sickness and its causes, poison, etc.; so only in Plin.; in Pall. only of preventives and of protection against hurtful animals, and against mental perturbations in gen.; cf. infra (syn. ad in Cat., Cic., Cels., Col.; adversus only in Celsus, who also has in with abl.).
    Dependent on verbs:

    cujus et vinum et uva contra serpentium ictus medetur,

    Plin. 14, 18, 22, § 117; 7, 2, 2, § 13:

    prodest et contra suspiria et tussim,

    id. 20, 13, 50, § 128:

    valet potum contra venena,

    id. 28, 7, 21, § 74; 29, 4, 22, § 71; 29, 4, 26, § 81; 28, 8, 27, § 98; 16, 37, 71, § 180; 35, 6, 14, § 34; 28, 6, 18, §§ 65-67.—
    Dependent on substt.:

    remedium contra morsus,

    Plin. 8, 32, 50, § 118; 10, 59, 79, § 163:

    contra venena esse omnia remedio,

    id. 16, 44, 95, § 251; 17, 24, 37, § 240; 7, 1, 1, § 4.—
    Dependent on adjectives:

    vinum quod salutare contra pestilentiam sit,

    Pall. 11, 14, 17.—
    Appositively, as a remedy:

    cujus lacteum succum miris laudibus celebrat... contra serpentes et venena,

    Plin. 5, 1, 1, § 16; 29, 4, 26, § 83. —So of remedies against affections:

    Tiberium tonante caelo coronari ea (lauro) solitum ferunt contra fulminum metus,

    Plin. 15, 30, 40, § 135; cf. Sen. Ira, 2, 21, 1; id. Tranq. 5. 1.
    Of logical opposition.
    With a neuter demonstrative (contra ea, contra haec, contra quae, quod contra = contra, adv.).
    The contrary, the reverse (very rare; cf.

    I. D. 1.): sed mihi contra ea videtur,

    but to me the contrary seems true, Sall. J. 85, 1:

    omnia quae contra haec sunt, omnia quae contra sunt,

    and vice versa, Quint. 5, 10, 90. —
    Contra ea, on the contrary, in logical antithesis (not in Cic. and Sall.; once in Caes. and Quint.; several times in Liv. and Nep.; cf.: contra ea, in other uses, II. A. 2. e. a, II. D. 2. a., II. A. 3. d., II. C. 1. f.):

    omnes arderent cupiditate pugnandi... contra ea Caesar... spatiumque interponendum... putabat ( = at contra),

    but Caesar on the contrary, Caes. B. C. 3, 74: superbe ab Samnitibus... legati prohibiti commercio sunt;

    contra ea benigne ab Siculorum tyrannis adjuti,

    Liv. 4, 52, 6; 2, 60, 1; 21, 20, 6;

    44, 43, 5: pater... Thracem me genuit, contra ea mater Atheniensem,

    Nep. Iphicr. 3, 4; id. praef. 6; id. Alcib. 8, 1.—And after a question, with immo (cf. I. E. 5. b.):

    an infirmissimi omnium... (sumus)? Immo contra ea vel viribus nostris, vel, etc., tuti (sumus),

    Liv. 41, 24, 8.—
    Quod contra, by anastrophe (v. F. 1.), contrary to which, whereas, while on the contrary (only once in Lucr. and three times in Cic.):

    illud in his rebus vereor ne forte rearis, Inpia te rationis inire elementa viamque indugredi sceleris: quod contra saepius illa Religio peperit scelerosa atque impia facta,

    whereas on the contrary, Lucr. 1, 81:

    cujus a me corpus crematum est, quod contra decuit ab illo meum (sc. cremari),

    Cic. Sen. 23, 84:

    quod contra oportebat delicto dolere, correctione gaudere,

    id. Lael. 24, 90 (B. and K. place a comma after oportebat; cf.

    Nauck ad loc.): reliquum est ut eum nemo judicio defenderit: quod contra copiosissime defensum esse contendi,

    id. Quint. 28, 87 (many consider contra in all these passages as an adverb; cf. Hand, Turs. II. p. 121 sq.; some explain quod as an ancient ablative, = qua re;

    v. Ritschl,

    Plaut. Exc. p. 57, Munro ad Lucr. 1, 82).—
    With an abstract noun, with the force of the adverb contra with ac or atque (I. F. 1.), contrary to, contrary to what, etc. (esp. in Sall., not in Cic.; cf. praeter): celeriter contraque omnium opinionem confecto itinere, contrary to the opinion ( = contra ac rati erant), Caes. B. G. 6, 30:

    contra opinionem Jugurthae ad Thalam perveniunt,

    Sall. J. 75, 9; Hirt. B. G. 8, 40.—Contra spem either contrary to the opinion, or against the hope:

    Metellus contra spem suam laetissume excipitur ( = contra ac ratus, veritus est),

    Sall. J. 88, 1; so,

    cetera contra spem salva invenit,

    Liv. 9, 23, 17:

    contra spem omnium L. Furium optavit,

    id. 6, 25, 5; Curt. 8, 4, 45;

    but: at Jugurtha contra spem nuntio accepto ( = contra ac speraverat),

    Sall. J. 28, 1; Liv. 24, 45, 3:

    postquam... Jugurtha contra timorem animi praemia sceleris adeptum sese videt,

    Sall. J. 20, 1:

    ipse in Numidiam procedit, ubi contra belli faciem tuguria plena hominumque... erant ( = contra ac in bello evenire solet),

    id. ib. 46, 5:

    contra famam,

    Plin. 13, 22, 43, § 126; 7, 53, 54, § 180:

    segniterque et contra industriam absconditae formicae,

    slowly, and in a manner different from their usual activity, id. 18, 35, 88, § 364.—Of persons:

    frigidam potionem esse debere, contra priores auctores, Asclepiades confirmavit,

    contrary to the opinion of the former physicians, Cels. 4, 26 (19).
    Sometimes by anastrophe after its noun.
    In prose, after relatives, esp. in Cic.:

    quos contra disputant,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 15, 47:

    quem contra dicit,

    id. Phil. 2, 8, 18 (v. II. B. 1. f.):

    quem contra veneris,

    id. Mur. 4, 9:

    quas contra, praeter te, etc.,

    id. Vatin. 7, 18:

    eos ipsos quos contra statuas,

    id. Or. 10, 34:

    quos contra me senatus armavit,

    id. Att. 10, 8, 8:

    quam contra multa locutus est,

    Sen. Ep. 82, 7, Plin. Ep. 1, 23, 3; Claud. in Rufin. 1, 332; v. also E. 1. c. supra.—
    After other words ( poet. and in post-Aug. prose):

    hunc igitur contra mittam contendere causam,

    Lucr. 4, 471:

    dicere eos contra,

    id. 4, 484:

    donique eum contra,

    id. 5, 708:

    agmina contra,

    Verg. A. 12, 279:

    magnum Alciden contra,

    id. ib. 5, 414:

    Paridem contra,

    id. ib. 5, 370:

    Italiam contra,

    id. ib. 1, 13:

    deos contra,

    Ov. P. 1, 1, 26:

    Messania moenia contra,

    id. M. 14, 17:

    litora Calabriae contra,

    Tac. A. 3, 1.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > contra

  • 16 contra dicta

    contrā, adv. and prep. [stem con, i. e. cum, through a comparative form conter; cf.: alter, uter, inter, praeter, etc.; in abl. fem. form like the locative adverbs ea, qua, etc.; cf.: ultra, intra, extra, citra], orig., in comparison with; hence, over against, fronting, in front, opposite, in opposition to, against, contrary to, opposed to, etc.
    Adv. (referring to an opposed object often with the force of a preposition with ellipsis of a pronoun, = against it, against him, etc.).
    Lit., of position in front of a person, place, or thing.
    With verb of being or position expressed or understood.
    Referring to living beings, opposite, in face of, face to face, facing, in front of, fronting, confronting (not in Cic., Caes., or Sall.):

    feminam scelestam te, adstans contra, contuor,

    Plaut. Pers. 2, 2, 26:

    ut confidenter mihi contra adstitit,

    id. Capt. 3, 5, 6; Lucr. 4, 223; 6, 929:

    signum contra, quoad longissume oculi ferebant, animo finivit,

    Liv. 1, 18, 8:

    stat contra starique jubet,

    Juv. 3, 290:

    stat contra dicitque tibi tua pagina Fures!

    Mart. 1, 55, 12:

    ulmus erat contra,

    in front of her, Ov. M. 14, 661:

    templa vides contra,

    in front (of us), id. ib. 7, 587.—Of position in front of the enemy:

    contra conserta manu,

    Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 3: contra consistere, to make front against them, Caes. B. G. 2, 17.—
    Referring to things and places, over against (it), opposite (to it), on the opposite side (mostly post-Aug.):

    contra jacet Cancer patulam distentus in alvum,

    Manil. 2, 253:

    posita contra Hispania,

    Tac. Agr. 11:

    promuntorium quod contra procedit,

    Plin. 4, 2, 3, § 6: relinquendae autem contra erunt vacuae tabellae, on the opposite side, i. e. of the leaf, Quint. 10, 3, 32: illo quaerente cur non decidant contra siti, the antipodes (cf. Cic. Ac. 2, 39, 123; v. II. A. 1. c. a), Plin. 2, 65, 65, § 161.—With the governing verb understood:

    arguam hanc vidisse apud te contra conservum meum,

    face to face, Plaut. Mil. 2, 2, 91:

    jam omnia contra circaque hostium plena erant, Liv 5, 37, 8: eadem verba contra (i. e. ponuntur),

    side by side, Quint. 9, 3, 36; Verg. A. 6, 23.—
    With verbs of motion, so as to be opposite to an object or face to face with a person, variously rendered.
    Referring to persons:

    accede ad me atque adi contra,

    come right up to me, Plaut. Rud. 1, 4, 23; id. Bacch. 3, 6, 6: hostes crebri cadunt; nostri contra ingruunt, advance to their front (in Plaut. hostility is not implied in contra), id. Am. 1, 1, 84: quis nos pater aut cognatu' volet contra tueri, face to face, eye to eye, Enn. ap. Varr. L. L. 7, § 12 Mull. (Trag. Rel. v. 444 Rib.); Att. ap. Macr. S. 6, 1, 55 (Trag. Rel. v. 538 ib.):

    adspicedum contra me = contra adspice me,

    Plaut. Most. 5, 1, 56 Lorenz ad lec.:

    contra adspicere,

    id. Mil. 2, 1, 45:

    contra intueri,

    Liv. 1, 16, 6; 9, 6, 8; Sen. Q. N. 1, 3, 6:

    cum veniret contra Marcianus,

    Quint. 6, 3, 95; Plin. 9, 46, 70, § 152.—
    Of things:

    hic ubi sol radiis... Adversa fulsit nimborum aspergine contra,

    Lucr. 6, 525; Cels. 8, 8, 1:

    quam (turrim) promoti contra validi asseres... perfregere,

    Tac. H. 4, 30.—Reciprocally: oscula non pervenientia contra, not coming through (the wall) so as to meet, Ov. M. 4, 80.—
    Transf. to equivalents of weight, value, and price; so,
    In Plaut. only in the colloq. phrases auro contra, aurichalco contra, and contra auro (sc. posito); lit., for gold placed against; cf.:

    aes contrarium, s. v. contrarius: (servus) non carus'st auro contra,

    at his weight in gold, Plaut. Ep. 3, 3, 30: jam auro contra constat filius, id. Truc. 2, 6, 57 (Speng. aurichalco): auro contra cedo modestum amatorem! A me aurum accipe. Pa. Cedo mihi contra aurichalco quoi ego sano serviam, id. Curc. 1, 3, 45 sq.; id. Mil. 3, 1, 63; 4, 2, 85; id. Ps. 2, 3, 23.—
    In post-Aug. prose (very rare):

    at si aquae et ejus rei quam contra pensabis par pondus erit, nec pessum ibit, nec exstabit, etc.,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 25, 5.—
    Of reciprocal actions, = vicissim, in turn, in return, back, on my, his, etc., part, likewise, counter-.
    In gen.:

    te ut deludam contra, lusorem meum,

    Plaut. Am. 2, 2, 71:

    quae me amat, quam ego contra amo,

    id. Merc. 5. 2, 77; id. Cist. 1, 1, 96; id. Trin. 4, 2, 55; id. As. 2, 2, 110:

    qui arguat se, eum contra vincat jurejurando suo,

    make a victorious counter-charge, id. Mil. 2, 2, 37:

    si laudabit haec Illius formam, tu hujus contra (i. e. lauda),

    Ter. Eun. 3, 1, 54:

    audi nunc contra jam,

    listen in turn, id. Phorm. 4, 4, 18; id. Ad. 5, 4, 23:

    at tu mihi contra nunc videre fortunatus, Phaedria, Cui, etc.,

    you likewise seem fortunate to me, id. Phorm. 1, 3, 21:

    Mettius Tullo gratulatur, contra Tullus Mettium benigne alloquitur,

    Liv. 1, 28, 1:

    contra ut me diligat illa,

    Cat. 76. 23; Hor. S. 1, 3, 27 Orell. ad loc.—Hence, with ellipsis of inquit, = respondit:

    cui latrans contra senex,

    Phaedr. 5, 10, 7:

    scietis, inquam, etc., contra Nigrinus: ad quem missi sunt? ego, etc.,

    Plin. Ep. 7, 6, 4.—

    Rarely with inquit, etc., expressed: at ille contra, renidens, Audi, inquit, discipule, etc.,

    Gell. 15, 9, 9; cf.:

    contra talia reddit,

    Claud. B. Gild. 379.—
    With dat. pers.:

    consulo quem dolum doloso contra conservo parem,

    Plaut. Mil. 2, 2, 45:

    facere contra huic aegre,

    Ter. Eun. 4, 1, 10:

    hiscine contra insidiabere?

    id. Hec. 1. 1, 13:

    tibi contra gratiam Referre,

    id. ib. 4, 2, 7.—
    With item:

    item a me contra factum est,

    Plaut. Aul. prol. 20:

    puellam senex Amat et item contra filius,

    id. Cas. prol. 49; id. Pers. 5, 2, 36; id. Am. 1, 1, 67; Ter. Ad. 1, 1, 25.—
    Combining a reciprocal with a local relation (A. 1. a. a, and b. a): contra carinantes verba, exchanging abusive words ( face to face), Enn. ap. Serv. ad Verg. A. 8, 361 (Ann. v. 181 Vahl.): tubae utrimque contra canunt;

    Consonat terra,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 73; 1, 1, 86:

    confer gradum Contra pariter,

    id. Ps. 2, 4, 18; id. Truc. 1, 2, 28:

    video amicam... Ubi contra adspexit me, etc.,

    id. Mil. 2, 1, 45; Verg. E. 7, 8; cf. Lucr. 4, 243:

    vesper adest, juvenes consurgite!... Cernitis, innuptae, juvenes? consurgite contra!

    Cat. 62, 6.—
    Implying also opposition: Pe. Conpellabo. Ph. Orationis aciem contra conferam, Plaut. Ep. 4, 1, 20:

    si scias quod donum huic dono contra comparet,

    what counter gift, Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 63: quod Scipio postulavit... ut, etc. Et quod contra collega postulavit ne, etc., Annal. Trib. Pleb. ap. Gell. 7 (6), 19, 5:

    si vobis aequa et honesta postulatio videtur, ego contra brevem postulationem adfero,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 2, 7; Nep. Epam. 6, 1;

    Auct. B. Alex. 24: illo licente contra liceri audeat nemo,

    to bid in opposition, Caes. B. G. 1, 18; Liv. 4, 53, 6:

    agedum pauca accipe contra,

    Hor. S. 1, 4, 38.—So in battle:

    Numidae... Romanorum ordines conturbare... neque contra feriundi copia erat,

    Sall. J. 50, 4; and in law: et ab eo is qui adoptat vindicat... et illo contra non vindicante, etc., Gai Inst. 1, 134; 2, 24.—Esp. in replies:

    oratio contra a Demosthene pro Ctesiphonte edita,

    Cic. de Or. 3, 56, 213:

    dicit accusator haec: primum, etc.... quid contra reus?

    id. Clu. 30, 81; id. Fin. 5, 22, 63; Curt. 4, 1, 10; 7, 9, 1.
    Of opposition, strife, etc., against; constr. absol., with dat., and ne, quominus or quin.
    Of physical exertion.

    concurrunt... aetheriae nubes contra pugnantibu' ventis,

    struggling against each other, Lucr. 6. 98:

    nec nos obniti contra... Sufficimus,

    bear up, battle against, Verg. A. 5, 21; Ov. M. 9, 50; 2, 434:

    at ille contra nititur,

    resists, Plin. 2, 38, 38, § 103; 7, 20, 19, § 82:

    pars remigum, tamquam imperitia... officia nautarum impediebant. Mox contra tendere,

    rowed in an opposite direction, Tac. H. 4, 16.—

    te rogo ne contrahas ac demittas animum, neque te obrui tamquam fluctu... sinas, contraque erigas ac resistas,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 1, § 4:

    et torrens judicem vel nitentem contra feret, cogatque ire qua rapiet,

    Quint. 12, 10, 61.— With ne: vi contra niti, ne advorsus eum fiat, Cato ap. Gell. 7 (6), 3, 16.—With quominus, Lucr. 1, 780.—
    Of mental exertion:

    si tibi vera videntur, Dede manus, aut, si falsum est, accingere contra,

    arm yourself against them, Lucr. 2, 1043; 2, 280. —With dat.:

    siti contra... pugnandum,

    Cels. 4, 2 fin.
    Of hostile opposition in gen.

    quod animadversum est in eo qui contra omni ratione pugnarunt, non debeo reprehendere,

    who made opposition in every way, Cic. Rosc. Am. 47, 137; id. Verr. 2, 2, 43, § 107:

    contra etiam aliquid abs te profectum ex multis audivi,

    something inimical, id. Fam. 5, 5, 2.—

    aut alio quovis (sc. colore) qui contra pugnet et obstet,

    Lucr. 2, 794; 2, 868.—
    Of warfare.

    ut eos adversarios existimemus qui arma contra ferant,

    Cic. Off. 1, 25, 87; 1, 12, 37; Vell. 2, 28, 4; cf.:

    quid quod exercitum contra duxit?

    Auct. Her. 4, 16, 23:

    ut si qua ex parte obviam contra veniretur, acie instructa depugnarent,

    if they should be attacked by an open charge, Caes. B. G. 7, 28:

    issentque confestim ad urbem ni venire contra exercitum... audissent,

    Liv. 7, 39, 17:

    cum Romanae legiones contra direxerint,

    would oppose their march, Tac. H. 4, 58; id. A. 6, 44.—With dat.:

    et huic contra itum ad amnem Erinden,

    Tac. A. 11, 10.—

    quod ubi viderunt corvi, contra auxiliantur, velut adversus communem hostem,

    Plin. 10, 74, 95, § 205.—
    Of legal contests.
    With verbs of saying; v. 9. a.—
    Venire contra, of any legal act with the intention to hurt the adversary:

    quid? si omnium mortalium Sthenio nemo inimicior quam hic C. Claudius... fuit? si de litteris corruptis contra venit, etc.?

    if he made a charge of forgery against him? Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 43, § 107; cf. II. B. c. b.—
    On the part of the adversary:

    inveniendum contra est, quo distet haec causa a ceteris,

    Quint. 5, 10, 114; 9, 2, 35; 12, 8, 10.—
    Of judgments against the parties or against opinions:

    ne spoliaret fama probatum hominem si contra judicasset,

    given an adverse decision, Cic. Off. 3, 19, 77; cf. Val. Max. 7, 2, 4; Cic. Caecin. 24, 69.—
    Of literary opposition.
    Mostly with verbs of saying; v. 9. a. g.—
    With other verbs:

    astrologorum artem contra convincere tendit,

    Lucr. 5, 728:

    contra nunc illud pone, etc.,

    Sen. Ben. 7, 14, 6:

    habeat (liber meus) etiam quosdam qui contra sentiant et adversentur,

    some dissentients and opponents, Quint. 3, 1, 5; 2, 17, 40; 3, 8, 69.—
    Of public and political opposition.
    With verbs of saying; v. 9. a. d.—
    With petere, to be a candidate for office in opposition to another:

    nihil enim supererat de quo certarent, nihil quod contra peterent,

    no office was left for which to canvass against each other, Cic. Agr. 2, 33, 91:

    honores contra petere,

    Quint. 6, 1, 17.—With ire, with dat., of an opposing vote in the senate (cf.:

    pedibus ire): sententia Cassii ut nemo unus contra ire ausus est, ita dissonae voces respondebant,

    Tac. A. 14, 45.—
    Of violation of law, contracts, etc.: contra facere, or contra committere, to violate, transgress a law, etc.: leges esse non ex ejus qui contra commiserit utilitate, spectari oportere, not in the interest of the transgressor, Cic. Inv. 2, 48, 153:

    si quis sub hoc pacto vendiderit ancillam ne prostitueretur, et si contra factum esset,

    and if the contract was violated, Dig. 18, 1, 56.—
    With verbs of saying, etc., contra dicere; less freq. disputare, disserere, pugnare, in the sense of dicere, and contra scribere (often contradico, in one word, in post-Aug. writers; esp. with dat.).
    Contra dicere, to speak as counsel of the adversary, to plead his cause, in legal proceedings:

    cum contra dicturus Hortensius esset,

    would speak on the other side, Cic. Quint. 24, 77:

    hoc... contra dicente Cotta judicatum est,

    id. Caecin. 33, 97:

    dixisse ut contra nemo videretur,

    id. Brut. 53, 198: ut contra Crassus... exorsus est, began on the other side, id. ib. § 197.—Hence: qui contra dicit, the adversary or counsel of the adversary:

    contra autem qui dicet, similitudinem infirmare debebit,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 50, 151; id. Part. Or. 21, 108.—In the same sense: agens contra: si nos... impares agentium contra ingeniis dixerimus, that we are unequal to the talents of our adversary's counsel, [p. 453] Quint. 4, 1, 8.—
    To make charges against (rare):

    si qui contra vellet dicere, usurum esse eum suo testimonio,

    Cic. Clu. 48, 134:

    qua ratione nemo neque tum item fecerit, neque nunc contra dicat,

    id. Quint. 29, 88; so,

    contra disputare, of objections to or against a witness: nihil contra disputabo priusquam dixerit,

    id. Fl. 21, 51.—
    In gen., to speak on the other side of a question:

    fiebat autem ita, ut cum is qui audire vellet dixisset quid sibi videretur, tum ego contra dicerem,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 4, 8; id. Fin. 2, 1, 2; so,

    contra disputare and contra scribere,

    id. Or. 1, 19, 85; Vitr. 3, 1, 6; Quint. 2, 17, 13; Dig. 9, 2, 21, § 1.—Hence: qui contra dicunt or disputant, the opponents:

    nec qui contra dicunt causam difficilem repellunt,

    Cic. Fin. 3, 1, 2:

    ad coarguendos qui contra disputant,

    to refule his opponents, Quint. 2, 15, 26.—
    To oppose or object to a proposition, motion, or petition:

    quam palam principes dixerunt contra!

    protested against it, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 16, § 41; Caes. B. C. 1, 32; Cic. Clu. 47, 130.—With pugnare:

    cum decerneretur frequenti senatu, contra pugnante Pisone, etc.,

    Cic. Att. 1, 14, 5:

    filius ejus incolumitatem optat: contradicit pater,

    the father objects, Quint. 9, 2, 85; 9, 2, 83; Plin. ap. Gell. 9, 16, 5; Cic. Dom. 33, 87:

    contradicente nullo,

    Suet. Caes. 20; Dig. 3, 3, 15.—
    To reply:

    contradixit edicto,

    answered by an edict, Suet. Aug. 56. —
    Abl. absol. impers.:

    explorandum videtur an etiam contradicto aliquando judicio consuetudo firmata sit,

    whether the custom has been confirmed by judgment upon a judicial contest, Dig. 1, 3, 34.—
    With acc. neutr. pron., to object, to make or raise an objection, to reply; esp. in legal proceedings:

    ego enim, te disputante, quid contra dicerem meditabar,

    Cic. N. D. 3, 1, 1:

    ut contra si quid dicere velit non audiatur,

    id. Fin. 5, 10, 27:

    aiebat illum primo sane diu multa contra (i. e. dixisse), ad extremum autem, etc.,

    id. Att. 2, 22, 2.— Hence: quod contra dicitur, or quae contra dicuntur, the objections:

    ut et id quod intenderemus confirmare, et id quod contra diceretur refellere (possemus),

    refute the objections, Cic. de Or. 1, 20, 90:

    quia neque reprehendi quae contra dicuntur possunt, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 81, 331; id. Inv. 2, 44, 127; Quint. 1, 2, 17.—In the same sense, as subst.: contrā dicta, orum, n. plur.:

    seu proposita confirmamus, sive contra dicta dissolvimus,

    or refute the objections, Quint. 4, prooem. 6.—With acc. and inf.:

    dicitur contra, nullum esse testamentum,

    the objection is made that there is no testament, Cic. Agr. 2, 6, 42.—
    With dat., written in one word (post-Aug.).
    To oppose a person by speaking against his views:

    solitum se etiam Thraseae contradicere,

    to oppose even Thrasea, Tac. H. 2, 91:


    Suet. Aug. 54:


    id. Rhet. 1. —Hence of answers and replies in law: quid si filium testatoris heres ejus prohibuit? Huic contradici potest: ergo pietatis, etc., he may be answered by this plea, etc., Dig. 11, 7, 14, § 13.—And of advisory answers opposed to one's legal views:

    volenti mihi ream adulterii postulare eam, etc., contradictum est,

    my views were disapproved, rejected, Dig. 48, 5, 11, § 10.—
    To oppose an opinion, with dat. of the thing:

    cum plures tantum sententiis aliorum contradicerent,

    opposed the opinions, Tac. H. 1, 39.—
    To object to a motion or petition, with dat. of the petitioner:

    patrem qui damnavit optat ne is torqueatur: pater ei contradicit,

    the father objects, Quint. 9, 2, 81:

    cum ambienti ut legibus solveretur multi contradicerent,

    Suet. Caes. 18; Dig. 40, 5, 14; 40, 12, 33.—
    With dat. of the petition:

    preces erant, sed quibus contradici non posset,

    which could not be denied, Tac. H. 4, 46 fin.; Dig. 3, 1, 1, § 2.—
    To contest the validity of a law (rare):

    quibus (legibus) contradici potest,

    Quint. 7, 7, 4.—
    To contradict an assertion (very rare):

    pro certis autem habemus... cuicunque adversarius non contradicit,

    Quint. 5, 10, 13.—
    With quin, to object:

    praetor Samnitibus respondit... nec contra dici quin amicitia de integro reconcilietur,

    there was no objection to a reconciliation, Liv. 8, 2, 2.
    To one's disadvantage; mostly predic. with esse, unfavorable, adverse, damaging (post-Aug.;

    but cf. II. B. 2.): ut eum qui responsurus est vel tacere, vel etiam invitum id quod sit contra cogat fateri,

    Quint. 7, 3, 14:

    cum verba (legis) contra sint,

    id. 7, 1, 49:

    sed experimentum contra fuit,

    unsuccessful, Tac. H. 2, 97 fin.:

    ubi fortuna contra fuit,

    id. ib. 3, 18:

    si fortuna contra daret,

    should be unfavorable, id. ib. 1, 65 fin.; id. A. 15, 13.
    Of logical opposition, with negative force.
    Of a direct contrast.
    Predicatively, with esse, fieri, etc., the contrary, the opposite:

    quod fieri totum contra manifesta docet res,

    but experience teaches that just the contrary is true, Lucr. 3, 686; 4, 1088:

    in stultitia contra est,

    with fools the reverse is true, Cic. Clu. 31, 84:

    in hac quidem re vereor ne etiam contra (i. e. sit),

    id. Att. 12, 46; id. Off. 1, 15, 49:

    quod contra est,

    Sall. J. 85, 21:

    quis non credat, etc.? Contra autem est,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 25, 12; id. Ep. 7, 3; Dig. 37, 4, 4:

    contra fore si, etc.,

    ib. 34, 2, 39, § 2:

    immo forsitan et contra (i. e. erit),

    ib. 41, 3, 49:

    ego contra puto (i. e. esse),

    Plin. Ep. 1, 20, 7; Lampr. Alex. Sev. 25.—
    With evenire, accidere, sentire, scribere, habere, etc.:

    utrumque contra accidit: istic enim bellum est exortum, hic pax consecuta,

    of both the contrary has happened, Cic. Fam. 12, 18, 2; so Dig. 38, 2, 51:

    id ego contra puto (sc.: faciendum esse),

    id. Att. 10, 8, 2:

    contra evenit in iis morbis,

    Sen. Ep. 52, 7; Plin. 2, 65, 65, § 163:

    ego contra sentio,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 15, 5; Sedig. ap. Gell. 15, 24, 4; Dig. 40, 2, 25:

    Proculus contra (sc. sentit),

    ib. 35, 2, 1, § 14; 33, 7, 25:

    licet Celsus contra scribat,

    ib. 9, 2, 21, § 1: contra probatur, Gai Inst. 2, 78; Dig. 33, 7, 12, § 34.—Very rarely referring to a term in the same clause:

    cujus disparem mitioremque naturam contra interpretabatur,

    interpreted in an opposite sense, misinterpreted, misunderstood, Tac. H. 4, 86 fin.
    Referring to a word or phrase in the same predicate.
    To an adverb, in an opposite manner, otherwise, differently, not, etc.:

    nam ad summam totius rei pertinet, caute an contra demonstrata res sit,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 81, 330: quod viriliter animoque fit, id, etc.;

    quod contra, id turpe,

    id. Off. 1, 27, 94:

    sit sapienter usus aut contra,

    Quint. 2, 5, 15:

    lactuca locis apricis optume autumno ponitur, mediterraneis aut frigidis contra ( = pessime),

    Col. 11, 3, 25.—
    To a predicative adjective, not, the opposite, the reverse, etc.:

    ut aliae (res) probabiles videantur aliae contra,

    improbable, Cic. Ac. 2, 32, 103; id. Off. 2, 2, 7:

    quid est quod me impediat ea quae probabilia mihi videantur sequi, quae contra, improbare,

    id. ib. 2, 2, 8; id. Or. 2, 31, 135; Quint. 4, 2, 52.—
    To a verbal predicate:

    an frater fratri exsistat heres, an contra ( = annon),

    Dig. 34, 5, 19.—
    To a subject infinitive:

    laudare testem vel contra pertinet ad momentum judiciorum,

    praising or censuring a witness, Quint. 3, 7, 2.—
    To a clause, translated by not or by a repetition of the clause with a negative:

    quae secundum naturam essent, ea sumenda et quadam aestimatione dignanda docebat, contraque contraria,

    those that were not, not, Cic. Ac. 1, 10, 36: quod cuidam aut sapiens videor quod una non jerim, aut felix fuisse;

    mihi contra,

    id. Att. 9, 12, 4: an credibile est, incestum cum filia commissum? Et contra, veneficum in noverca, adulterum in luxurioso? and incredible, etc., Quint. 5, 10, 19; so Dig. 9, 1, 2, § 1.—
    To an attributive genitive:

    Marius cognoscere quid boni utrisque or contra esset (i. e. mali),

    Sall. J. 88, 2:

    verum de origine laudis contraque perspiciemus suo tempore (i. e. vituperationis),

    Quint. 2, 4, 21:

    alii a propositione accusatoris contraque loci oriuntur,

    the accuser and the accused, id. 7, 2, 31;

    so in several titles of the Digests, as Depositi vel contra, = actio depositi, vel contraria actio depositarii,

    Dig. 16, 3 tit.; so ib. 16, 17, 1; 16, 13, 6; 16, 13, 7.—
    Reversing the relation of terms in the preceding sentence, the reverse, conversely, vice versa, etc.
    With its own predicate: saepe... corpus aegret, Cum tamen ex alia laetamur parte latenti;

    Et retro fit uti contra sit saepe vicissim, Cum miser ex animo laetatur corpore toto,

    Lucr. 3, 108: illa altera argumentatio, quasi retro et contra, prius sumit, etc., ( proceeding), so to speak, backward and in inverted order, Cic. Part. Or. 13, 46: neque illud ignoro, etc.; sed non idem accidit contra, but the converse is not true, Quint. 8, 6, 3; Gell. 4, 2, 5: ut vocabula verbis, verba rursus adverbiis, nomina appositis et pronominibus essent priora. Nam fit contra quoque frequenter non indecore. for often, not inelegantly, the order is reversed, Quint. 9, 4, 24:

    quae etiam contra valent,

    i. e. if the terms are reversed, id. 3, 7, 25; 9, 2, 49; 8, 6, 25; 9, 4, 72.—
    Belonging to the same predicate:

    ut quidque erit dicendum ita dicet, nec satura jejune, nec grandia minute, nec item contra,

    Cic. Or. 36, 123:

    cum emtor venditori, vel contra, heres exstitit,

    Dig. 35, 2, 48:

    in quibus patrium pro possessivo dicitur, vel contra,

    Quint. 1, 5, 45; 5, 10, 71:

    junguntur autem aut ex nostro et peregrino, ut biclinium, aut contra, ut epitogium et Anticato,

    id. 1, 5, 68:

    ut capras in montosis potius locis quam in herbidis (pascar), equas contra,

    but with mares the reverse is the case, Varr. R. R. 2, 1, 16:

    itaque ille dicere melius quam praecipere, nos contra fortasse possumus,

    Cic. Or. 42, 143:

    qua collegi solent ex his quae faciunt ea quae faciuntur, aut contra,

    or vice versa, Quint. 5, 10, 80; Dig. 14, 1, 1, § 12; 48, 5, 23, § 4.
    In logical antithesis of clauses with a merely rhet. force, on the contrary, on the other hand, vice versa; sometimes almost = sed or autem (freq.).
    In independent clauses.
    Opposing persons or parties: fortunam insanam esse... perhibent philosophi... Sunt autem alii philosophi qui contra Fortunam negant ullam exstare, Pac. ap. Auct. Her. 2, 23, 36 (Trag. Rel. v. 372 Rib.); Caecil. ap. Cic. Tusc. 4, 32, 68; Varr. R. R. 1, 8, 1:

    ego etiam quae tu sine Verre commisisti Verri crimini daturus sum... Tu, contra, ne quae ille quidem fecit, obicies,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 11, 35:

    ego contra ostendo, non modo nihil fecisse Sex. Roscium, sed, etc.,

    id. Rosc. Am. 29, 79; id. Phil. 8, 3, 8; id. Off. 1, 30, 108; id. Fin. 5, 22, 62:

    in Italia bellum gerimus, in sede ac solo nostro... Hannibal contra in aliena, in hostili est terra,

    Liv. 22, 39, 13; 21, 50, 2; 3, 15, 2; 6, 7, 4; 9, 35, 4 et saep.; Nep. Alcib. 8, 1; Vell. 2, 31, 4; Sen. Ep. 9, 14; id. Ira, 2, 33, 6; Plin. 35, 10, 37, § 113; Tac. H. 3, 84; 3, 57; Suet. Tib. 2; id. Vit. 2; Just. 2, 1, 10; 8, 4, 11:

    contra mercator, navim jactantibus austris Militia est potior?

    Hor. S. 1, 1, 6; 1, 2, 30; 1, 3, 27; Prop. 2, 1, 45; 2, 23, 13 (3, 17, 3); Sen. Hippol. 214;

    so with versa vice: barbarae gentes (Alexandrum) non ut hostem, sed ut parentem luxerunt... Contra Macedones versa vice non ut civem, sed ut hostem amissum gaudebant,

    Just. 13, 1, 7.—
    Introducing a secondary or parallel opposition of thought: in loco umidiore far potius serunt quam triticum;

    contra in aridiore hordeum potius quam far,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 9, 4; 1, 1, 47: si nihil esset quod inane vocaret, Omne foret solidum;

    nisi contra corpora certe Essent, etc., Omne quod est spatium vacuum constaret inane,

    Lucr. 1, 521; 4, 348; cf.:

    justa omnia decora sunt, injusta contra, ut turpia, sic indecora,

    Cic. Off. 1, 27, 94; id. N. D. 2, 15, 41; id. de Or. 3, 33, 136; id. Quint. 30, 93: id. Off. 3, 21, 84; id. Leg. 2, 1, 2: facilem esse rem... si modo unum omnes sentiant; contra in dissensione nullam se salutem perspicere, Caes. B. G, 5, 31; Liv. 25, 30, 3; Sen. Ben. 1, 5, 2; Plin. 12, 19, 42, § 92; 11, 14, 14, § 35; Suet. Caes. 73; Gell. 1, 4, 5:

    si male rem gerere insani est, contra bene, sani,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 74.—
    In opposition to a dependent clause:

    ut hi miseri, sic contra illi beati quos, etc.,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 6, 16; so id. de Or. 1, 45, 198; Quint. 9, 3, 39:

    cui ego rei tantum abest ut impedimento sim, ut contra te M. Manli adhorter, etc.,

    Liv. 6, 15, 5; 6, 31, 4:

    cum virtus adeo neminem spe ac pollicitatione corrumpat, ut contra in se inpendere jubeat, ac, etc.,

    Sen. Ben. 4, 1, 2: aut igitur negemus quidquam ratione confici, cum contra nihil sine ratione recte fieri possit, aut, etc., whereas on the contrary, etc., Cic. Tusc. 4, 38, 84; cf.:

    at contra,

    Lucr. 2, 392.—
    With co-ordinate conjunctions.
    Copulative, et contra or contraque (never with ac or atque); also nec contra (rare), and on the other hand.
    With reference to a reason or conclusion, after nam, enim, cum, or itaque: nam et ratione uti... omnique in re quid sit veri videre et tueri decet, contraque falli [p. 454]... tam dedecet quam, etc., Cic. Off. 1, 27, 94:

    malus est enim custos... metus, contraque benevolentia fidelis,

    id. ib. 2, 7, 23:

    cum reficiat animos varietas ipsa, contraque sit aliquanto difficilius in labore uno perseverare,

    Quint. 1, 12, 4; 3, 8, 32; 8, 6, 20:

    itaque in probris maxime in promptu est, si quid tale dici potest, etc. Contraque in laudibus, etc.,

    Cic. Off. 1, 18, 61; cf. Suet. Calig. 51; so with nec:

    nam nec comoedia cothurnis assurgit, nec contra tragoedia socculo ingreditur,

    Quint. 10, 2, 22.—
    With contrasted examples or illustrations, often after ut or sic:

    audivi ex majoribus natu, hoc idem fuisse in P. Scipione Nasica, contraque patrem ejus... nullam comitatem habuisse sermonis,

    Cic. Off. 1, 30, 109:

    ut suspitionibus credi oportere, et contra suspitionibus credi non oportere,

    id. Inv. 2, 15, 48; Quint. 8, 4, 1; 5, 10, 48; 9, 3, 7; 9, 4, 52; 11, 1, 14; Sen. Ep. 82, 14; Dig. 17, 1, 22, § 4.—
    With contrasted actions, assumptions, etc.:

    atque utinam qui ubique sunt propugnatores hujus imperii possent in hanc civitatem venire, et contra oppugnatores rei publicae de civitate exterminari!

    Cic. Balb. 22, 51:

    domo pignori data, et area ejus tenebitur... et contra jus soli sequitur aedificium,

    Dig. 13, 7, 21:

    equo et asina genitos mares, hinnos antiqui vocabant: contraque mulos quos asini et equae generassent,

    Plin. 8, 44, 69, § 17: ceterum potest ex lege quidem esse judicium, sed legitimum non esse, et contra ex lege non esse, sed legitimum esse, Gai Inst. 4, 109; Plin. 2, 65, 65, § 161; 35, 15, 5, § 183.—
    After a negative clause, affirming the opposite idea, et contra or contraque, but on the contrary:

    in quo (consulatu) ego imperavi nihil, et contra patribus conscriptis et bonis omnibus parui,

    Cic. Sull. 7, 21:

    nunc vero cum ne pulsus quidem ita sim ut superare non possim, contraque a populo Romano semper sim defensus, etc.,

    id. Dom. 33, 88; id. Fin. 2, 17, 55; id. Marcell. 6, 20; so,

    et contra,

    Suet. Tit. 7.—
    With adversative conjunctions, at contra, sed contra, contra autem, contra vero (not verum contra, nor contra tamen).
    At contra (freq.), merely a strengthened contra (v. 1. supra): huc accedit uti mellis lactisque liquores Jucundo sensu linguae tractentur in ore;

    At contra taetri absinthi natura... foedo pertorqueat ora sapore,

    Lucr. 2, 400:


    id. 2, 74; 1, 366; 2, 235 et saep.: nos qui domi sumus, tibi beati videmur;

    at contra nobis tu quidem... prae nobis beatus,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 4, 2; id. Tusc. 1, 3, 5; id. Rosc. Am. 45, 131; id. Verr. 2, 5, 26, § 66; Sall. J. 36, 2; 4, 7; 15, 3; id. C. 12, 5:

    ideo siccas aiunt Aethiopiae solitudines... At contra constat Germaniam abundare rivis,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 6, 2; 1, 3, 1; id. Ep. 100, 7; Plin. 7, 53, 54, § 186; Suet. Galb. 15; Tac. A. 4, 28.—
    Sed contra, after a negative sentence (class.):

    non quo acui ingenia adulescentium nollem, sed contra ingenia obtundi nolui,

    Cic. de Or. 3, 24, 93; id. Att. 9, 15, 3; id. Ac. 1, 10, 35; id. Fl. 11, 26:

    arma populi Romani non liberis servitutem, sed contra servientibus libertatem adferre,

    Liv. 45, 18, 1:

    tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito,

    Verg. A. 6, 95; Plin. Ep. 1, 10, 12.—PostAug. also without a preceding negation:

    obiisse nostro Laium scelere autumant superi inferique: sed animus contra innocens... negat,

    Sen. Oedip. 765; Symm. Ep. 6, 81.—
    Contra autem (rare;

    in Cic. only where different subjects have contrasted predicates in dependent clauses): quia pacis est insigne toga, contra autem arma tumultus atque belli,

    Cic. Pis. 30, 73.—In later writers = contra alone:

    sub septemtrione aedificia... conversa ad calidas partes oportere fieri videntur. Contra autem sub impetu solis meridiani regionibus conversa ad septemtrionem... sunt facienda,

    Vitr. 6, 1, 2; Gell. 14, 2, 19; Dig. 7, 1, 25, § 3; 34, 3, 25.—
    Contra vero (very rare;

    not in Cic.), used for contra: contra vero quercus infinitam habet aeternitatem,

    Vitr. 2, 9, 8; 6, 1, 3; Cels. 3, 6 fin.
    Atqui contra, App. Mag. p. 287, 24.—
    With disjunctive conjunctions, aut contra, vel contra, seu contra, or on the contrary, or conversely (always without change of subject).
    Aut contra:

    num aut scriptum neget, aut contra factum infitietur?

    Cic. Part. Or. 38, 133: quae (mens) aut languescit... aut contra tumescit, etc., Quint. 1, 2, 18:

    si imbres defuere, aut contra abundavere,

    Plin. 17, 24, 37, § 228.—
    Vel contra:

    hinc enim quaestiones oriuntur: Injuriam fecisti, sed quia magistratus, majestatis actio est? Vel contra: Licuit... quia magistratus?

    Quint. 5, 10, 40; 9, 4, 96; Suet. Galb. 3; Dig. 35, 2, 56, § 4; 8, 4, 6.—
    Seu contra:

    seu tristis veniam, seu contra laetus amicis,

    Prop. 1, 11, 25.—
    With causal conjunctions, nam contra (very rare;

    never contra enim): falso queritur de natura sua genus humanum quod, etc. Nam contra, reputando, neque majus aliud, neque praestabilius invenies,

    Sall. J. 1, 1; Quint. 1, 1, 1; 9, 2, 23. —
    In late Lat., e contra (also one word, ēcontrā) = contra,
    In the meaning, the contrary (D. 1.):

    aliis vero econtra videtur,

    Hier. Ep. 12.—
    Et econtra = et contra (E. 3. a.):

    honestiorum provectu et econtra suppliciis,

    Aur. Vict. Caes. 39, 45.—For quod contra, v. II. E. 1. c.—
    With emphatic particles.
    Quin contra, nay on the contrary, opposing an affirmative sentence to a preceding negative statement (quin etiam amplifies without opposition; sed contra opposes without amplification; quin contra both opposes and amplifies);

    not before Livy: num qui enim socordius rempublicam administrari post Calvi tribunatum... quam? etc. Quin contra patricios aliquot damnatos... neminem plebeium,

    Liv. 6, 37, 8; 31, 31, 9; 35, 26, 10; 37, 15, 3.—
    Immo contra (post-Aug.).
    = no, on the contrary, refuting opinions, after questions and in the form of a dialogue:

    existimas nunc me detrahere tibi multas voluptates?... Immo contra, nolo tibi umquam deesse laetitiam,

    Sen. Ep. 23, 3; Dig. 33, 7, 5; 33, 7, 29.—
    = sed contra, but on the contrary:

    proinde ne submiseris te, immo contra fige stabilem gradum,

    Sen. Cons. Marc. 5, 6; id. Cons. Polyb. 15, 2; cf. prep.:

    immo contra ea,

    Liv. 41, 24, 8; cf. II. E. 1. b. infra.—
    Item contra = an emphatic et contra (very rare):

    quoniam... beate vivere alii in alio, vos in voluptate ponitis, item contra miseriam in dolore, etc.,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 27, 86; cf. I. A. 3. g supra.
    With a comparative clause introduced by ac, atque, or quam, representing a logical or moral opposition (contra atque debuit = non ita ut debuit; cf. Cic. Or. 3, 19, 70); cf. prep., II. C. 3. g, and II. E. 2. infra.
    Of logical opposition, contrary to, different from, otherwise than; in the best prose only with atque or ac.
    With atque:

    item, contra atque apud nos, fieri ad Elephantinem ut neque ficus neque vites amittant folia,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 7, 6:

    simulacrum Jovis, contra atque ante fuerat, ad orientem convertere,

    Cic. Cat. 3, 8, 20; id. Sull. 24, 69:

    judicium suscepturos contra atque omnis Italia populusque Romanus judicavisset,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 12; id. B. G. 4, 13; Plin. 12, 19, 43, § 95.—
    With ac:

    itaque contra est ac dicitis,

    Cic. Fin. 4, 15, 41:

    vides, omnia fere contra ac dicta sint evenisse,

    id. Div. 2, 24, 53; so id. Verr. 2, 4, 6, § 11; id. Or. 40, 137:

    cum contra ac Deiotarus sensit victoria belli judicaret,

    id. Phil. 11, 13, 34:

    Petreius ubi videt, Catilinam, contra ac ratus erat, magna vi tendere, etc.,

    Sall. C. 60, 5.—
    With ac and atque:

    si denique aliquid non contra ac liceret factum diceretur, sed contra atque oporteret,

    Cic. Balb. 3, 7.—
    With quam (post-Aug.):

    cui contra quam proposuerat aliqua cesserunt,

    Sen. Ira, 3, 6, 5; Plin. 10, 53, 74, § 149; 11, 21, 24, § 72; Gell. 6 (7), 8, 6:

    contra quam licet,

    id. 1, 3, 19; Sil. 15, 107.—
    Of moral opposition of acts contrary to rules and principles (cf. II. 3. g infra); so always with quam:

    mater Aviti, generi sui, contra quam fas erat, amore capta,

    contrary to the divine law, Cic. Clu. 5, 12:

    ut senatus, contra quam ipse censuisset, ad vestitum rediret,

    contrary to its own resolution, id. Pis. 8, 18:

    contra quam ista causa postulasset,

    id. Caecin. 24, 67:

    contra quam sanctum legibus est,

    Liv. 30, 19, 9; Cic. Leg. 2, 5, 11; id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 1, § 2; id. Dom. 46, 122:

    contraque faciunt quam polliceri videntur,

    Auct. Her. 4, 3, 6; Cic. de Or. 2, 20, 86.
    Prep. with acc., before, against, facing, towards, opposite to, contrary to (acc. to many scholars not ante-class.; cf. Hand, Turs. II. p. 108; but found Plaut. Ps. 1, 2, 24 Fleck., a line omitted by Lorenz as a gloss; id. Pers. 1, 1, 13 Ritschl; Att. ap. Non. p. 469, 15, or Trag. Rel. v. 476 Rib.; cf. also Plaut. Poen. 5, 6, 18; Cato, R. R. 18, 1, and v. I. A. 1. a. b, and I. A. 1. b. a supra).
    Local uses.
    Opposite, over against, facing.
    Of countries and places (mostly of those separated by water;

    adversus and e regione mostly of places opposite by land): insulae natura triquetra, cujus unum latus est contra Galliam,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 13; 3, 9; 4, 20:

    ad insulam quae est contra Massiliam,

    id. B. C. 1, 56; 3, 23:

    Rhodios, pacatis contra insulam suam terris, etc.,

    Liv. 37, 15, 7; 3, 26, 8:

    Carthago Italiam contra,

    Verg. A. 1, 13; 5, 124; Ov. M. 14, 17:

    insulae quae contra Tauri promuntorium inopportune navigantibus objacent, Chelidoniae nominantur,

    Mel. 2, 7; Plin. 3, 26, 30, § 151; 6, 28, 32, § 152; 5, 7, 7, § 41; Tac. A. 3, 1; id. H. 2, 17.—
    Of the heavenly bodies:

    donique (luna) eum (sc. solem) contra pleno bene lumine fulsit,

    Lucr. 5, 708:

    contra Volucris rostrum posita est Lyra,

    Vitr. 9, 4, 5; Sen. Q. N. 1, 5, 9; 1, 8, 3; Plin. 2, 31, 31, § 99; 5, 10, 10, § 56.—So, tertium (latus Britanniae) est contra septem triones, opposite ( facing); hence, contra meridiem and contra ortus (instead of ad or adversus meridiem, etc.), facing the south and east, Plin. 6, 24, 24, § 85; 17, 2, 2, § 22. —So of a person standing in the sunlight:

    cum minima umbra (i. e. a sole) contra medium fiet hominem,

    Plin. 18, 33, 76, § 327; cf.:

    contra mediam faciem meridies erit,

    id. 18, 33, 76, § 326.—
    Of opposite ends of a line.
    Of the diameter of the earth: esse e regione nobis e contraria parte terrae qui adversis vestigiis stent contra nostra vestigia, quos antipodas vocatis, Cic. Ac. 2, 39, 123.—
    Of a line drawn:

    contra autem E littera I erit ubi secat circinationem linea,

    opposite the point E will be the letter I, Vitr. 9, 7, 4.—
    Of buildings, etc.:

    contra hoc aviarium est aliud minus in quo quae mortuae sunt aves curator servare solet,

    Varr. R. R. 3, 5, 5; Vitr. 5, 6, 3; 3, 5, 15:

    (statuam) quae fuerit contra Jovis Statoris aedem in vestibulo Superbi domus,

    Plin. 34, 6, 13, § 29:

    contra medium fere porticum diaeta paulum recedit,

    Plin. Ep. 5, 6, 20; 2, 17, 5; Suet. Aug. 44.—
    Of places on the human body:

    id quod contra stomachum est,

    Cels. 4, 5 (4, 12 med.); 7, 7;

    4, 20 (13).—Of the direction of the intestines, etc.: ea... contra medium alvum orsa,

    Cels. 4, 1 fin.
    Of actions, opposite, towards, against, facing (syn.:

    adversus, ad, e regione,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 61).
    In gen.:

    quamvis subito... quamque Rem contra speculum ponas, apparet imago,

    Lucr. 4, 156: Democritus... clipeum constituit contra exortum Hyperionis, Laber. ap. Gell. 10, 17, 4:

    et contra magnum potes hos (i.e. oculos) attollere solem, Nec tremis...?

    Prop. 1, 15, 37; Col. 7, 3, 8:

    rex constiterat contra pedites,

    Curt. 10, 9, 13; 9, 5, 1:

    ne contra septentrionem paveris,

    Plin. 18, 33, 76, § 330; 28, 6, 19, § 69:

    contra solem varie refulgens,

    placed in the sun, id. 37, 10, 63, § 173; 10, 54, 75, § 151; 37, 6, 22, § 83;

    37, 7, 25, § 95: cum terrestres volucres contra aquam clangores dabunt,

    id. 18, 35, 87, § 363; 19, 8, 39, § 131.—
    Dependent on verbs of motion (very rare without the idea of hostility):

    (Dinocrates) incessit contra tribunal regis jus dicentis,

    towards, Vitr. 2, praef. 1.—So trop., of actions done for a purpose:

    lege Cornelia de sicariis tenetur qui, cum in magistratu esset, eorum quid fecerit contra hominis necem quod legibus permissum non sit,

    Dig. 48, 8, 4.—
    Appositively, with the predicate: (elephanti) tanta narratur clementia contra minus validos, ut, etc., if fronting weaker animals, if brought in contact with them (not to be connected with clementia), Plin. 8, 7, 7, § 23.—Similarly: dum... fidens non est contra feram, if fronting the animal (not dependent on fidens), Plin. 8, 16, 21, § 57.—
    Against an opposing action, etc.:

    contra vim atque impetum fluminis conversa,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 17, 5:

    cum plateae contra directos ventos erunt conformatae,

    Vitr. 1, 6, 8:

    ut contra ventum gregem pascamus,

    Col. 7, 3, 12; Sen. Q. N. 2, 31, 2; Plin. 29, 3, 12, § 52; 17, 2, 2, § 21; 8, 16, 21, § 54:

    contra fluminum impetus aggeribus,

    id. 35, 14, 48, § 169:

    capite in sole contra pilum peruncto,

    id. 27, 4, 5, § 17; 18, 35, 88, § 364; Varr. ap. Plin. 7, 20, 19, § 83; Sil. 14, 352; Dig. 9, 2, 29, § 4. [p. 455] — Trop.:

    contra fortunam tenendus est cursus,

    Sen. Prov. 5, 9.—Prov.:

    contra stimulum calces,

    kick against the pricks, Isid. Orig. 1, 36, 28 (al. calcitres); cf. Amm. 18, 5, 1.—
    Of local actions with hostile intent.

    quae vis Coclitem contra omnes hostium copias tenuit?

    Cic. Par. 1, 2, 12:

    Pompeium Cartejae receptum scribis: jam igitur contra hunc exercitum (sc. constitit),

    id. Att. 15, 20, 3:

    pertimescam, credo, ne mihi non liceat contra vos in contione consistere,

    to face you, id. Agr. 1, 8, 25; Lepidus ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 34, 1; Caes. B. C. 1, 26:

    a fronte contra hostem pedum quindecim fossam fieri jussit,

    id. ib. 1, 41; 1, 42; id. B. G. 7, 62:

    Tullus adversus Veientem hostem derigit suos: Albanos contra legionem Fidenatium collocat,

    Liv. 1, 27, 5; 24, 41, 5; 38, 4, 5; Verg. A. 12, 279; Front. Strat. 2, 2, 13; 2, 3, 17.—Appositively, with a local verb understood:

    terribilis haec contra fugientes belua est, fugax contra insequentes,

    i. e. if fronting, if placed opposite, Plin. 8, 25, 38, § 92.—

    castra sunt in Italia contra populum Romanum in Etruriae faucibus collocata,

    Cic. Cat. 1, 2, 5; id. Mil. 1, 2; Quint. 7, 7, 5:

    tum contra hanc Romam illa altera Roma quaeretur,

    will be as a rival against this Rome, Cic. Agr. 2, 22, 86:

    cui rationi contra homines barbaros atque imperitos locus fuisset, hac ne ipsum quidem sperare, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 40:

    (Cicero) plerumque contra inimicos atque obtrectatores plus vindicat sibi,

    when fronting adversaries, Quint. 11, 1, 23.—
    In partic.
    Stare contra aliquem (opp. stare ab aliquo); usu. implying hostility; mostly trop., to stand against, to be arrayed against, to face, oppose:

    quod contra hoc exemplum nulla staret eorum ratio,

    Auct. Her. 4, 5, 7:

    contra populi studium,

    Cic. Brut. 34, 126:

    contra civium perditorum... dementiam a senatu et a bonorum causa,

    id. ib. 79, 273; so,

    a mendacio contra veritatem,

    id. Inv. 1, 3, 4:

    contra cives in acie,

    id. Att. 16, 11, 2:

    et adversi contra stetit ora juvenci,

    opposite, Verg. A. 5, 477; 5, 414:

    haec enim (ratio) sola... stat contra fortunam,

    Sen. Ep. 14, 4, 2: contra leonem etiam stetit, fronted, i. e. hunted, Spart. Carac. 5 fin.
    Contra aliquem ire:

    aut saevos Libyae contra ire leones,

    Stat. Th. 9, 16.— Trop.:

    uti contra injurias armati eatis,

    Sall. J. 31, 6:

    interritus (sapiens) et contra illa (mala) ibit et inter illa,

    Sen. Ep. 59, 8; cf.: contra venire, II. B. 1. c. b infra, and v. also II. B. 2. b. and II. B. 1. b. infra.—
    To persons placed together for comparison:

    C. vero Caesar, si foro tantum vacasset, non alius ex nostris contra Ciceronem nominaretur,

    Quint. 10, 1, 114:


    Inscr. Grut. p. 331, n. 4.—
    To things compared, as if weighed against each other as to their value, strength, etc.
    Lit. (very rare):

    quamcunque vis rem expende, et contra aquam statue... Si gravior est, leviorem rem... feret, etc.,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 25, 5.—

    cujus (i. e. generis humani) causa videtur cuncta alia genuisse natura, magna saeva mercede contra tanta sua munera,

    Plin. 7, 1, 1, § 1:

    qui amicus esse coepit quia expedit, placebit ei aliquod pretium contra amicitiam,

    Sen. Ep. 9, 9:

    numquam ulli fortiores cives fuerunt quam qui ausi sunt eum contra tantas opes ejus... condemnare,

    Cic. Fam. 7, 2, 3:

    tantum studium bonorum in me exstitisse, contra incredibilem contentionem clarissimi et potentissimi viri,

    id. ib. 7, 2, 2; Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 9, 3:

    nomen prorogans nostrum et memoriam extendens contra brevitatem aevi,

    as a compensation for, Plin. 2, 63, 63, § 154.—So esp., valere contra, to weigh against, counterbalance, avail or prevail against: non vereor ne meae vitae modestia parum valitura sit contra falsos rumores, Matius ap. Cic. Fam. 11, 28, 8:

    (illa facta) pro periculo potius quam contra salutem valere debere,

    Cic. Part. Or. 35, 120; id. Off. 3, 29, 104:

    contrane lucrum nil valere Pauperis ingenium?

    Hor. Epod. 11, 11; Sen. Ben. 4, 15, 1; id. Cons. Helv. 5, 5; so,

    robur habere contra: si contra unamquamlibet partem fortunae satis tibi roboris est,

    id. ib. 13, 2;

    so of counterchecks: in Creta decem qui cosmoe vocantur, ut contra consulare imperium tribuni plebis, sic illi contra vim regiam constituti,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 33, 58.—Of antidotes: cimicum natura contra serpentium morsus valere dicitur, item contra venena omnia, Plin. 29, 4, 17, § 61.—Hence,
    Colloq., aliquid contra aurum est, something is worth gold, is superb, both predicatively and attributively (cf.: auro contra, I. A. 2. supra): hujusce pomaria in summa Sacra Via ubi poma veneunt, contra aurum imago, a spectacle for gold, i. e. a magnificent sight, Varr. R. R. 1, 2, 10 MSS. (al. aliter):

    numcubi hic vides citrum... num quod emblema aut lithostratum? quae illic omnia contra aurum,

    superb, id. ib. 3, 2, 4 MSS. (Schneid. omits aurum, ex conj.):

    oneravi vinum, et tunc erat contra aurum,

    Petr. 7, 6.—
    Transf., of replies, with aiebat, inquit, etc.; both in friendly and inimical sense; esp., contra ea, contra haec, = the adv. contra:

    contra ea Titurius sero facturos clamitabat, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 29:

    contra ea Verginius unum Ap. Claudium et legum expertem et, etc., aiebat,

    Liv. 3, 57, 1; 24, 45, 4:

    quae contra breviter fata est vates,

    Verg. A. 6, 398:

    contra quod disertus Tu impie fecisti inquit, etc.,

    Quint. 7, 1, 53 (cf.: contra ea, II. E. 1. infra).
    Denoting hostility or disadvantage.
    With verbs of hostile action.
    Of physical exertion:

    pugnavere et tertio consulatu ejus viginti (elephanti) contra pedites quingentos,

    Plin. 8, 7, 7, § 22:

    proelium Afri contra Aegyptios primi fecere fustibus,

    id. 7, 56, 57, § 200; 8, 40, 61, § 142. —
    Referring to warfare (usu. adversus), bellum gerere (rarely for cum or adversus; but contra patriam, contra aras, etc., not cum patria, etc.; cf.

    bellum, II. A. 1. e.): a quo prohibitos esse vos contra Caesarem gerere bellum (opp. pro),

    Cic. Lig. 8, 25; id. Phil. 5, 10, 27; Liv. Ep. 129.—With bellum suscipere:

    contra Antonium,

    Cic. Phil. 8, 2, 5; so,

    contra patriam,

    id. Sull. 20, 58:

    pugnare contra patriam,

    id. ib. 25, 70:

    contra conjuges et liberos,

    Sen. Ben. 5, 15, 5:

    armatum esse contra populum Romanum,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 13, 32.—With arma ferre (freq.), Cic. Phil. 2, 29, 72; 13, 21, 47; Liv. 28, 28, 15; Nep. Att. 4, 2; Tib. 1, 6, 30; Ov. M. 4, 609; 13, 269; id. P. 1, 1, 26.—With arma sumere or capere, Cic. Rab. Perd. 6, 19; id. Phil. 4, 1, 2; 4, 3, 7:

    armis contendere contra,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 13:

    arma alicui dare (trop.),

    Cic. Phil. 2, 21, 53:

    aciem instruere (trop.),

    Liv. 25, 4, 4:

    exercitum comparare,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 6, 14; 4, 1, 2:

    exercitum instruere,

    id. Cat. 2, 11, 24:

    exercitum ducere and adducere,

    id. Phil. 4, 2, 5; 3, 4, 11:

    exercitum contra Philippum mittere,

    id. Inv. 1, 12, 17:

    naves ducere contra,

    Hor. Epod. 4, 19:

    ducere contra hostes,

    Liv. 1, 27, 4:

    florem Italiae educere contra,

    Cic. Cat. 2, 11, 24:

    proficisci contra,

    to march against, Liv. 1, 11, 3; 8, 2, 5:

    auxilium ferre Rutulis contra Latinos,

    Plin. 14, 12, 14, § 88:

    juvare aliquem contra,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 35:

    consilium inire contra Sequanos,

    to take hostile measures against, id. B. G. 6, 12.—
    Of legal contention (more freq. adversus, except with verbs of saying).
    In gen., with agere or causam agere, to act as counsel against a party or his attorney:

    cum agerem contra hominem disertissimum nostrae civitatis,

    Cic. Caecin. 33, 97; id. Brut. 63, 226; Sen. Ben. 4, 15, 3; Quint. 11, 1, 59.—Causam recipere or suscipere contra, to accept a retainer against:

    (causam) quam receperam contra pueros Octavios,

    Cic. Att. 13, 49, 1; Quint. 6, 1, 12; Plin. Ep. 4, 17, 1.—Adesse alicui contra, to appear, act as one's counsel against:

    rogavit me Caecilius ut adessem contra Satrium,

    Cic. Att. 1, 1, 3; Plin. Ep. 1, 7, 5 al.; cf.:

    esse contra,

    id. ib. 1, 18, 3.— Trop.: conquesturus venit;

    at contra se adfuit et satisfacienti satisfecit,

    Sen. Fragm. Amic. 14, 1, 89:

    causam defendere contra,

    against the accuser, Cic. de Or. 1, 39, 178:

    statuere contra aliquem (sc. causam),

    to establish a case against an adversary, id. Or. 10, 34:

    actio competit contra,

    Dig. 49, 14, 41:

    querelam instituere contra,

    ib. 5, 2, 21, § 1:

    bonorum possessionem petere contra,

    ib. 5, 2, 23:

    jus obtinere contra,

    Cic. Quint. 9, 34:

    pugnare contra,

    to struggle against the accuser, id. Sull. 17, 49; id. Verr. 1, 11, 33:

    id quod mihi contra illos datum est,

    i. e. a local advantage over, id. Tull. 14, 33:

    judicare contra aliquem,

    id. Fl. 20, 48; Dig. 21, 2, 55; 5, 2, 14; Just. Inst. 4, 17, 2:

    pronuntiare contra,

    Paul. Sent. 5, 34, 2: dare sententiam contra, Dig. 21, 2, 56, § 1:

    decernere contra,

    Cic. Fl. 31, 76:

    appellare contra aliquem,

    Dig. 49, 1, 3; 49, 5, 6; cf.:

    contra sententiam,

    Cod. Just. 7, 62, 32, § 2.—Sentire contra aliquem, to have an opinion unfavorable to:

    cur vos (cum) aliquid contra me sentire dicatis, etc.,

    Cic. Caecin. 27, 79.—
    Venire contra aliquem, to appear as counsel for one's adversary:

    quid tu, Saturi, qui contra hunc venis, existimas aliter?

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 6, 18; id. Mur. 4, 9; id. Phil. 8, 6, 18.—Venire contra rem alicujus, to give advice damaging one's interests:

    contra rem suam me venisse questus est,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 2, 3.—
    With dicere and other verbs of saying. (aa) Of a lawyer pleading against a lawyer:

    ipse ille Mucius, quid in illa causa cum contra te diceret, attulit quod? etc.,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 57, 244:

    cum ille contra me pro Sex. Naevio diceret,

    id. Brut. 60, 2, 7; id. de Or. 2, 7, 30; id. Rosc. Am. 15, 45; id. Div. in Caecil. 14, 44; id. Planc. 2, 5; id. Brut. 26, 102; so,

    causam dicere,

    id. Or. 2, 23, 98:

    causam perorare,

    id. Quint. 24, 77.—(bb) Of a lawyer's pleading against the parties: dic mihi, M. Pinari, num si contra te dixero mihi male dicturus es? Servil. ap. Cic. de Or. 2, 65, 261; 3, 34, 138; 1, 14, 60; id. Or. 35, 123; Quint. 11, 1, 57; cf. with ellipsis of acc.:

    quorum alter pro Aufldia, contra dixit alter,

    id. 10, 1, 22.—(ng) Of a party against a lawyer:

    si Gaditani contra me dicerent,

    if the Gaditani were my adversaries, Cic. Balb. 17, 38.—(dd) Of witnesses and experts, and the pleadings against them:

    si decressent legationem quae contra istum diceret,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 4, § 12: contra testes dicere (opp. a testibus or pro testibus). Auct. Her. 2, 6, 9; Cic. de Or. 2, 27, 118 (cf.:

    testimonium in aliquem dicere,

    id. Sull. 17, 48; Quint. 7, 4, 36):

    contra juris consultos dicere,

    against their legal opinions, Cic. Caecin. 24, 69.—So of witnesses in scientific questions:

    contra testes dicendum est,

    Sen. Q. N. 7, 16, 1.—(ee) Dicere or contendere aliquid contra aliquem, to maintain a point against:

    cum interrogamus adversarios... quid contra nos dici possit,

    Auct. Her. 4, 23, 33:

    tamenne vereris ut possis hoc contra Hortensium contendere?

    Cic. Quint. 25, 78. —
    Of literary adversaries, mostly with verbs of saying and writing:

    cum scriberem contra Epicurios,

    Cic. Att. 13, 38, 1:

    contra Epicurum satis superque dictum est,

    id. N. D. 2, 1, 2:

    contra Brutum,

    id. Tusc. 5, 8, 21:

    contra Academiam,

    id. Ac. 2, 19, 63; id. Fin. 1, 1, 2; 5, 8, 22; id. Tusc. 5, 11, 32; 5, 30, 84; id. Ac. 2, 4, 17:

    contra autem omnia disputatur a nostris,

    id. Off. 2, 2, 8.—
    Of public and political adversaries (syn. adversus and in).
    In gen.:

    sentire contra,

    Cic. Mil. 2, 5:

    pugnare contra bonos,

    id. Sull. 25, 71:

    contra eos summa ope nitebatur nobilitas,

    Sall. C. 38, 2; Cic. Sest. 19, 42; 52, 112:

    (tribuni) qui aut contra consulem, aut pro studio ejus pugnabant,

    Liv. 39, 32, 12.—
    Of political speaking:

    cum (Cato) eo ipso anno contra Serv. Galbam ad populum summa contentione dixisset,

    Cic. Brut. 20, 80; so id. Imp. Pomp. 17, 53; Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 9, 1.—
    Of hostile or criminal acts in gen. (syn.:

    adversus, in): inire consilia contra,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 38, 110; id. Cat. 1, 7, 18:

    manum comparare contra aliquem,

    id. Sull. 24, 68:

    conjurationem facere,

    id. ib. 4, 12:


    id. Lig. 3, 9; Sall. J. 64, 4:

    aliquid contra imperatorem moliri,

    Just. Inst. 4, 18, 3:

    nec dolor armasset contra sua viscera matrem,

    against her own offspring Ov. R. Am. 59.—Facere contra (more freq. with abstr. objects; cf. II. C. 1. f. b infra): nunc te contra Caesarem facere summae stultitiae est, to take parts against, Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 16, 2:

    eae (res) contra nos ambae faciunt,

    operate against us, id. Quint. 1, 1.—With verbs of saying, etc.:

    homo disertus non intellegit, eum quem contra dicit laudari a se?

    Cic. Phil. 2, 8, 18; 2, 1, 2; 2, 21, 51; Sen. Ep. 15, 3, 70:

    epigramma quod contra quamdam Gelliam scripsit,

    Lampr. Alex. Sev. 38:

    disputare contra deos, in two signif.: contra deum licet disputare liberius,

    to accuse, reproach a god, Cic. N. D. 3, 31, 76; but: mala et impia consuetudo est contra deos disputandi, to reason against the gods, i. e. against their existence, id. ib. 2, 67, 168.—
    Predicatively, with esse (videri, etc.), against, injurious to, unfavorable, prejudicial, to one's disadvantage: ut [p. 456] ex senatusconsulto neque cujus intersit, neque contra quem sit intellegi possit, Cic. Mur. 32, 68; id. de Or. 3, 20, 75; 2, 74, 299; 2, 81, 330; id. Sull. 13, 39; Sen. Ben. 6, 31, 6:

    licentiam malis dare certe contra bonos est,

    injurious to, Quint. 4, 2, 75:

    res contra nos est, of unfavorable chances in a lawsuit,

    id. 4, 66, 1; 4, 2, 75; 5, 13, 32.—Often, contra aliquem = quod est contra aliquem, referring to indef. pronouns or adjectives:

    nihil contra me fecit odio mei = nihil quod esset contra me,

    Cic. Har. Resp. 3, 5; id. Off. 3, 31, 112:

    quibus (temporibus) aliquid contra Caesarem Pompeio suaserim,

    id. Phil. 2, 10, 24.—
    Added adverb. to the predicate, mostly referring to purpose, with hostile intent, for the purpose of some hostile act, in order to oppose, in opposition:

    Caesarine eam (provinciam) tradituri fuistis, an contra Caesarem retenturi?

    or keep it against Caesar, Cic. Lig. 7, 23:

    sero enim resistimus ei quem per annos decem aluimus contra nos,

    id. Att. 7, 5, 5:

    judicium illud pecunia esse temptatum non pro Cluentio, sed contra Cluentium,

    id. Clu. 4, 9; id. Imp. Pomp. 17, 52; id. Ac. 2, 28, 92:

    cum quae facitis ejusmodi sint ut ea contra vosmet ipsos facere videamini,

    id. Rosc. Am. 36, 104; Sen. Ep. 3, 7, 3: Curio se contra eum totum parat, i. e. to speak against him, Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 8, 10; Caes. B. C. 1, 85 ter; Sen. Q. N. 1, 7, 1; Plin. 16, 39, 74, § 192; Plin. Pan. 41.—So with the force of a temporal clause:

    fidem meam quam essent contra Massam Baebium experti,

    in the suit against, Plin. Ep. 3, 4, 4.—
    Dependent on adjectives (rare):

    contra se ipse misericors,

    to his own injury, Phaedr. 4, 18, 3:

    severissimus judex contra fures,

    Lampr. Alex. Sev. 28.—
    With nouns.
    Acc. to 1. b.:

    ut quam maximae contra Hannibalem copiae sint,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 12, 17; cf. Vell. 2, 76, 3.—
    Acc. to 1. c. and 1. e.; so esp., oratio contra (cf.: oratio in).
    Oratio contra (never in), of an address against the counsel of a party or against the prosecutor:

    quid in omni oratione Crassus vel apud centumviros contra Scaevolam, vel contra accusatorem Brutum, cum pro Cn. Plancio diceret?

    Cic. de Or. 2, 54, 220; cf.:

    Cato pro se contra Cassium = in oratione contra,

    Gell. 10, 15, 3; so,

    haec perpetua defensio contra Scaevolam,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 54, 221:

    orationem illam egregiam quam (Aeschines) in Ctesiphontem contra Demosthenem dixerat,

    id. ib. 3, 56, 213.—
    Of an address against the party, either in judicial or political affairs:

    unam orationem contra Gracchum reliquit,

    Cic. Brut. 26, 99:

    (Demosthenis) oratio contra Leptinem... contra Aeschinem falsae legationis,

    id. Or. 31, 111; Gell. 10, 24, 10; 10, 18, 91; Cic. Brut. 46, 169; Quint. 12, 10, 61; Cic. de Or. 2, 11, 45; id. Brut. 44, 164; Gell. 13, 25 (24), 15; cf. Quint. 4, 3, 13; 11, 2, 25.—
    Acc. to 1. f.:

    contra patres concitatio et seditio,

    Cic. Brut. 14, 56.—Of animals:

    contra volpium genus communibus inimicitiis,

    Plin. 10, 76, 96, § 207.
    With inanimate and abstract objects.
    Directly dependent on verbs (cf. B. 1.).
    Of physical or moral exertion:

    cum fulmina contra Tot paribus streperet clipeis,

    Verg. A. 10, 567:

    pugnandum tamquam contra morbum, sic contra senectutem,

    Cic. Sen. 11, 35:

    contra verum niti,

    Sall. J. 35, 8:

    contra fortunam luctari,

    Sen. Ben. 7, 15, 2; id. Brev. Vit. 10, 1; id. Ep. 78, 15; 99, 32; cf. Cic. Off. 1, 31, 110.—
    Of warfare (lit. and trop.):

    bellum contra aras, focos, vitam fortunasque gerere,

    Cic. Phil. 3, 1, 1:

    bellum gerimus... contra arma verbis,

    id. Fam. 12, 22, 1.—So of logical contradictions:

    artificis autem est invenire in actione adversarii quae semet ipsa pugnent,

    Quint. 5, 13, 30.—
    Of legal contention.
    Of the actions of the counsel or prosecutor: dicere, or perorare, agere contra aliquid, to plead against, contest something:

    contra argumenta, rumores, tabulas, quaestiones (opp. ab argumentis, etc.),

    Auct. Her. 2, 6, 9 sqq.; Cic. de Or. 2, 27, 118:

    contra ratiocinationem,

    id. Inv. 2, 50, 153: contra scriptum dicere, to contest, controvert a written law or a document, id. ib. 2, 47, 138; 2, 48, 143; id. Brut. 39, 145; Quint. 7, 7, 1:

    contra caput dicere,

    to plead against life, Cic. Quint. 13, 44 (cf.:

    servum in caput domini interrogare,

    Paul. Sent. 1, 1, 34; 5, 16, 5 and 8; 5, 46, 3): contra libertatem agere, Dig. 40, 12, 26.—Pregn.:

    contra rerum naturam, contraque consuetudinem hominum dicere (opp. contra nos dicere),

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 15, 45.—
    Of judicial decisions contradicting documents, etc.:

    contra tabulas judicare,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 70, 281:

    contra testamentum,

    Dig. 2, 17, § 1:

    contra sententiam dicere,

    ib. 49, 8, 1, § 2.—
    Admittere aliquem contra bona, to admit a petition for bonorum possessio (cf.:

    inmittere in bona),

    Dig. 38, 2, 3, § 6.—
    Of antagonism in literary and ethical questions.
    To contend that something is false:

    dicere, disputare, disserere contra opinionem or sententiam,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 4, 8; 5, 19, 55; id. de Or. 3, 18, 67; id. Fin. 5, 4, 10; id. Ac. 2, 18, 60; Sen. Ira, 1, 3, 3; id. Ep. 87, 5; 102, 5 (cf.:

    in sententiam dicere,

    in support of an opinion, Caes. B. G. 1, 45):

    contra sensus dicere,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 31, 101:

    contra rhetoricen dicere,

    Quint. 2, 17, 40.—
    Of criticism, hostility to principles, etc.:

    contra Iliadem et Odysseam scribere,

    Vitr. 7, praef. 8:

    contra quorum disciplinam ingenium ejus exarserat,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 29, 83.—

    contra voluptatem dicere,

    that pleasure is a moral evil, Cic. Fin. 5, 8, 21:

    contra mortem loqui,

    that death is no evil, Sen. Ep. 82, 7;

    in both senses: contra vitia, pericula, fortunam, ambitionem,

    id. ib. 100, 10:

    contra fortunam gloriari,

    that fortune has no power over him, Cic. Tusc. 5, 9, 26; Sen. Ep. 26, 5.—
    Of public and political acts and speeches:

    contra potentiam accusatorum dicere,

    Cic. Brut. 44, 164:

    contra legem dicere or verba facere,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 15, 53; Liv. 34, 8, 1:

    rogationem ferre contra coloniam ( = contra legem de colonia deducenda),

    Cic. Clu. 51, 140; Auct. Her. 1, 17, 21; Plin. 8, 17, 24, § 64.—
    Of hostility, injury, wrongs, etc.
    In gen.:

    senatusconsulto quod contra dignitatem tuam fieret,

    directed against, Cic. Fam. 12, 29, 2:

    contra rem publicam se commovere,

    id. Cat. 1, 26; 1, 3, 7:


    id. Sest. 47, 100:

    consilia inire,

    id. Agr. 2, 3, 8:

    conjurationem facere,

    Sall. C. 30, 6:

    contra salutem urbis incitari,

    Cic. Cat. 3, 8, 20:

    cogitare aliquid contra salutem,

    id. ib. 3, 9, 21: contra voluntatem or studium dicere, to oppose one's will in a speech:

    esse aliquem in civitate qui contra ejus (Chrysogoni) voluntatem dicere auderet,

    id. Rosc. Am. 22, 60; id. Phil. 1, 11, 28; id. de Or. 3, 34, 138; id. Mur. 4, 10; Tac. H. 2, 91:

    ne quid contra aequitatem contendas, ne quid pro injuria,

    do not array yourself against equity, Cic. Off. 2, 20, 71.— Trop.:

    quis non contra Marii arma, contra Suliae proscriptionem irascitur? ( = Mario propter arma, Sullae propter proscriptionem),

    Sen. Ira, 2, 2, 3.—
    In partic.: facere contra aliquid (syn. adversus), to commit an offence against, to transgress, etc.:

    si quis ad Antonium profectus esset... senatus existimaturum eum contra rem publicam fecisse,

    Cic. Phil. 8, 11, 33; id. Mil. 5, 13; 6, 14; id. Off. 3, 10, 43; 3, 25, 95; S. C. ap. Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 8, 6; Liv. 25, 4, 7; so,

    contra salutem rei publicae facere,

    Cic. Dom. 38, 102:

    contra majestatem,

    against the emperor, Dig. 48, 4, 5:

    contra leges,

    Cic. Dom. 18, 48; id. Vatin. 7, 18; id. Fin. 2, 17, 55; id. Mur. 32, 67; id. de Or. 3, 19, 70; cf. id. Clu. 34, 92; id. Mur. 32, 68; id. Dom. 14, 38; id. Phil. 10, 6, 13; Gai Inst. 4, 121:

    contra edictum (praetoris),

    Cic. Verr 2, 3, 10, § 25; Dig. 39, 1, 20, § 1:

    contra foedus,

    Cic. Balb. 6, 16:

    contra jusjurandum ac fidem,

    id. Off. 3, 10, 43; id. Lael. 3, 30, 74; id. Verr. 2, 3, 3, § 7; Prop. 3, 30, 44 (2, 32, 44).—And ironically:

    tune contra Caesaris nutum (sc. facies)?

    Cic. Att. 14, 10, 1.—Rarely contra ea facere = contra facere, adverb. (cf. I. B. 8. and II. E. 1. b.):

    corpus in civitatem inferri non licet... et qui contra ea fecerit, extra ordinem punitur,

    Paul. Sent. 1, 21, 2; 1, 21, 12.—
    Predicatively with esse (usu. impers.), in violation of, in conflict with, contrary to (cf. 3. g).
    With esse expressed as the predicate:

    hominem hominis incommodo suum augere commodum magis est contra naturam quam mors,

    Cic. Off. 3, 5, 21; id. Fin. 3, 9, 31; id. N. D. 3, 13, 33; Sen. Ep. 5, 4; Plin. 7, 8, 6, § 45:

    contra leges or legem est,

    Cic. Pis. 13, 30; id. Mur. 32, 67:

    contra officium est,

    id. Off. 3, 10, 43; 1, 10, 32; 1, 6, 19; cf. id. Lael. 11, 39; id. Off. 3, 15, 63; Liv. 6, 40, 5; Sen. Q. N. 2, 37, 2; Gai Inst. 3, 157; Dig. 30, 1, 112, § 3; 16, 3, 1, § 7.—With ellipsis of object (naturam), Cic. Fin. 5, 29, 89; cf.:

    adeo res ista non habet ullam moram quae contra causas ignium sit,

    unfavorable to the formation of fire, Sen. Q. N. 2, 26, 7.—
    With verbal predicate, referring to an indef. pron. or adj., with esse understood:

    scis hunc... nihil umquam contra rem tuam cogitasse ( = nihil quod contra rem tuam esset),

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 50, 147; id. Mil. 5, 13:

    aliquid contra animum audiendi,

    something against our liking, Sen. Const. 19, 2.—So mostly with facere:

    si quid Socrates aut Aristippus contra morem consuetudinemque fecerint,

    Cic. Off. 1, 41, 148; id. Att. 3, 23, 2; 2, 22, 2; id. Off. 3, 15, 63; Sall. C. 15, 1; Dig. 8, 2, 11; 8, 2, 17; 35, 1, 79, § 2. —
    Contra officium, substantively, = id quod contra officium est:

    Sic inter recte factum atque peccatum, officium et contra officium, media locabat quaedam,

    Cic. Ac. 1, 10, 37.—
    Adverbially with the predicate.
    In order to oppose, in opposition to, with hostile intent (cf. B. 3.):

    eidem illam proscriptionem capitis mei contra salutem rei publicae rogatam esse dicebant,

    that the proposal of the law was an attack on the republic, Cic. Prov. Cons. 19, 45; id. Rab. Perd. 12, 35; id. Phil. 10, 10, 22:

    imperator contra postulata Bocchi nuntios mittit,

    to reply to the demands, Sall. J. 83, 3; 25, 6; so,

    advocare contra,

    Sen. Cons. Polyb. 12, 4; id. Ep. 15, 2, 52:

    si contra mortem te praeparaveris,

    to meet death, id. ib. 11, 3, 8.—
    With the force of a clause of manner, injuriously to, etc.:

    quibus contra valetudinis commodum laborandum est,

    Cic. Mur. 23, 47; Suet. Aug. 78:

    contra hominis salutem,

    with danger to a man's life, Cod. Just. 7, 62, 29.—
    In gen., of conflict with some rule or principle, contrary to, in violation of, without regard to ( = ita ut contra sit; cf. 2. supra; very freq. from the class. period;

    syn. adversus): ceperitne pecunias contra leges P. Decius,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 31, 136; id. Verr. 2, 1, 4, § 10; id. Fl. 34, 86:

    pecuniam contra leges auferre,

    id. Verr. 1, 18, 56; 2, 1, 10, § 27; 2, 5, 18, § 46; id. Har. Resp. 26, 56:

    contra legem,

    id. Rab. Perd. 3, 8; id. Dom. 16, 41:

    contra jus fasque,

    id. Har. Resp. 16, 34; id. Quint. 6, 28:

    contra jus,

    Liv. 5, 4, 14; id. Dom. 13, 55; id. Verr. 2, 5, 13, § 34:

    contra jus gentium,

    Liv. 4, 32, 5; 9, 10, 10; 21, 25, 7; 5, 36, 6;

    6, 1, 6: contra juris rigorem,

    Dig. 40, 5, 24, § 10 et saep.:

    contra testimonium aliquid judicare,

    without regard to, Cic. Brut. 31, 117:

    aliquid contra verecundiam disputare,

    contrary to the rules of decency, id. Off. 1, 35, 128:

    aliquid contra fidem constituere,

    Quint. 5, 13, 34:

    quae majores nostri contra lubidinem animi sui recte atque ordine fecere,

    contrary to the dictates of passion, Sall. C. 51, 4; id. J. 33, 1; cf. of logical opposition, II. E. 2. infra.—
    Dependent on substt.
    Of physical strife:

    scit ille imparem sibi luctatum contra nexus (draconis),

    Plin. 8, 12, 12, § 33. —
    Of warfare:

    imperatorum copia contra tuum furorem,

    Cic. Mur. 39, 83:

    Parthorum gloria contra nomen Romanum,

    Liv. 9, 18, 6: in castris perditorum contra patriam, Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 23, 6.—
    Of legal contention:

    causa contra scriptum,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 46, 135.—
    Of political speaking:

    divina M. Tullii eloquentia contra leges agrarias,

    Quint. 2, 16, 7; 9, 3, 50; Gell. 18, 7, 7.—
    Of literary opposition:

    Caesaris vituperatio contra laudationem meam,

    Cic. Att. 12, 40, 1.—
    Of hostility, etc.:

    cujus factum, inceptum, conatumve contra patriam,

    Cic. Cat. 2, 12, 27:

    ullum factum dictumve nostrum contra utilitatem vestram,

    Liv. 6, 40, 5.—
    Of injury:

    vitae cupiditas contra rem publicam,

    Cic. Planc. 37, 90: contra serpentes venenum, fatal to serpents, or as a defence against serpents, Plin. 7, 2, 2, § 15.—
    Of violation, disregard, etc. (cf. 3. g):

    iter contra senatus auctoritatem,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 19, 48:

    contra consuetudinem somnium,

    Plin. 10, 77, 98, § 211:

    bonorum possessio contra tabulas,

    Dig. 37, 4, 3, § 13; Gai Inst. 3, 41.—
    Dependent on adjectives (very rare; cf.

    II. D. 2. c. infra): contraque patris impii regnum impotens, avum resolvam,

    Sen. Herc. Fur. 966.
    Of defence, protection, and resistance (syn.: adversus, ab).
    Against persons.
    Dependent on verbs:

    cum populus Romanus suam auctoritatem vel contra omnes qui dissentiunt possit defendere,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 22, 63: si ego consul rem publicam [p. 457] contra te et gregales tuos defendissem, id. Sest. 52, 111; 22, 49; 8, 20; id. Fam. 11, 27, 7; id. Phil. 2, 18, 45:

    contra quem multum omnes boni providerunt,

    provided a great defence, id. Mur. 38, 81: formula qua utitur patronus contra libertum qui eum in jus vocat, as a defence against, Gai Inst. 4, 46. —And of protection of plants against injurious animals:

    contra haec animalia proderit, si, etc.,

    Pall. 10, 3, 2.—
    Dependent on adjectives, mostly participial:

    paratus contra,

    Cic. Mil. 21, 56:

    nihil satis firmum contra Metellum,

    Sall. J. 80, 1:

    contra potentes nemo est munitus satis,

    Phaedr. 2, 6, 1.—
    Against inanimate and abstract things.
    Dependent on verbs:

    contra avium morsus munitur vallo aristarum,

    Cic. Sen. 15, 51:

    propugnaculum, quo contra omnes meos impetus usurum se putat,

    id. Verr. 2, 3, 16, § 40; 2, 5, 39, § 102:

    publicam causam contra vim armatam suscipere,

    id. Dom. 34, 91; id. Quint. 30, 94; id. Leg. 3, 3, 9:

    contra tantas difficultates providere,

    Sall. J. 90, 1; 76, 4; so,

    contra ea,

    id. ib. 57, 5:

    patricii vi contra vim resistunt,

    Liv. 3, 13, 4; Plin. 14, 2, 4, § 28; Tac. Agr. 45; Sen. Prov. 4, 12; id. Const. 5, 4.—
    Dependent on substt.:

    suffragia contra oppugnationem vestrae majestatis,

    Cic. Rab. Perd. 12, 35:

    defensio contra vim,

    id. Mil. 5, 14:

    patronus justitiae fuit contra orationem Phili,

    id. Lael. 7, 25; Plin. 29, 2, 9, § 30; 14, 3, 4, § 40:

    contra labores patientia,

    id. 23, 1, 22, § 37.—
    Dependent on adjectives (in Cic. freq. with P. a. predicatively used; otherwise very rare;

    in later prose freq.): nec est quidquam Cilicia contra Syriam munitius,

    against an attack from the side of Syria, Cic. Fam. 14, 4, 4:

    ut nullius res tuta, nullius domus clausa, nullius vita saepta, nullius pudicitia munita contra tuam cupiditatem posset esse,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 15, § 39; id. Fin. 1, 16, 51; id. Mil. 25, 67; id. Tusc. 5, 8, 19; 5, 27, 76:

    vir contra audaciam firmissimus,

    id. Rosc. Am. 30, 85; Sall. J. 33, 2; 28, 5:

    fortis contra dolorem,

    Sen. Ep. 98, 18; Quint. 12, 1, 10:


    Plin. 11, 37, 54, § 147; 14, 2, 4, § 23:

    far contra hiemes firmissimum,

    id. 18, 8, 19, § 83:

    equus tenax contra vincula,

    Ov. Am. 3, 4, 13:

    contraque minantia fata pervigil,

    Claud. I. Cons. Stil. 1, 284.—
    Of remedies against sickness and its causes, poison, etc.; so only in Plin.; in Pall. only of preventives and of protection against hurtful animals, and against mental perturbations in gen.; cf. infra (syn. ad in Cat., Cic., Cels., Col.; adversus only in Celsus, who also has in with abl.).
    Dependent on verbs:

    cujus et vinum et uva contra serpentium ictus medetur,

    Plin. 14, 18, 22, § 117; 7, 2, 2, § 13:

    prodest et contra suspiria et tussim,

    id. 20, 13, 50, § 128:

    valet potum contra venena,

    id. 28, 7, 21, § 74; 29, 4, 22, § 71; 29, 4, 26, § 81; 28, 8, 27, § 98; 16, 37, 71, § 180; 35, 6, 14, § 34; 28, 6, 18, §§ 65-67.—
    Dependent on substt.:

    remedium contra morsus,

    Plin. 8, 32, 50, § 118; 10, 59, 79, § 163:

    contra venena esse omnia remedio,

    id. 16, 44, 95, § 251; 17, 24, 37, § 240; 7, 1, 1, § 4.—
    Dependent on adjectives:

    vinum quod salutare contra pestilentiam sit,

    Pall. 11, 14, 17.—
    Appositively, as a remedy:

    cujus lacteum succum miris laudibus celebrat... contra serpentes et venena,

    Plin. 5, 1, 1, § 16; 29, 4, 26, § 83. —So of remedies against affections:

    Tiberium tonante caelo coronari ea (lauro) solitum ferunt contra fulminum metus,

    Plin. 15, 30, 40, § 135; cf. Sen. Ira, 2, 21, 1; id. Tranq. 5. 1.
    Of logical opposition.
    With a neuter demonstrative (contra ea, contra haec, contra quae, quod contra = contra, adv.).
    The contrary, the reverse (very rare; cf.

    I. D. 1.): sed mihi contra ea videtur,

    but to me the contrary seems true, Sall. J. 85, 1:

    omnia quae contra haec sunt, omnia quae contra sunt,

    and vice versa, Quint. 5, 10, 90. —
    Contra ea, on the contrary, in logical antithesis (not in Cic. and Sall.; once in Caes. and Quint.; several times in Liv. and Nep.; cf.: contra ea, in other uses, II. A. 2. e. a, II. D. 2. a., II. A. 3. d., II. C. 1. f.):

    omnes arderent cupiditate pugnandi... contra ea Caesar... spatiumque interponendum... putabat ( = at contra),

    but Caesar on the contrary, Caes. B. C. 3, 74: superbe ab Samnitibus... legati prohibiti commercio sunt;

    contra ea benigne ab Siculorum tyrannis adjuti,

    Liv. 4, 52, 6; 2, 60, 1; 21, 20, 6;

    44, 43, 5: pater... Thracem me genuit, contra ea mater Atheniensem,

    Nep. Iphicr. 3, 4; id. praef. 6; id. Alcib. 8, 1.—And after a question, with immo (cf. I. E. 5. b.):

    an infirmissimi omnium... (sumus)? Immo contra ea vel viribus nostris, vel, etc., tuti (sumus),

    Liv. 41, 24, 8.—
    Quod contra, by anastrophe (v. F. 1.), contrary to which, whereas, while on the contrary (only once in Lucr. and three times in Cic.):

    illud in his rebus vereor ne forte rearis, Inpia te rationis inire elementa viamque indugredi sceleris: quod contra saepius illa Religio peperit scelerosa atque impia facta,

    whereas on the contrary, Lucr. 1, 81:

    cujus a me corpus crematum est, quod contra decuit ab illo meum (sc. cremari),

    Cic. Sen. 23, 84:

    quod contra oportebat delicto dolere, correctione gaudere,

    id. Lael. 24, 90 (B. and K. place a comma after oportebat; cf.

    Nauck ad loc.): reliquum est ut eum nemo judicio defenderit: quod contra copiosissime defensum esse contendi,

    id. Quint. 28, 87 (many consider contra in all these passages as an adverb; cf. Hand, Turs. II. p. 121 sq.; some explain quod as an ancient ablative, = qua re;

    v. Ritschl,

    Plaut. Exc. p. 57, Munro ad Lucr. 1, 82).—
    With an abstract noun, with the force of the adverb contra with ac or atque (I. F. 1.), contrary to, contrary to what, etc. (esp. in Sall., not in Cic.; cf. praeter): celeriter contraque omnium opinionem confecto itinere, contrary to the opinion ( = contra ac rati erant), Caes. B. G. 6, 30:

    contra opinionem Jugurthae ad Thalam perveniunt,

    Sall. J. 75, 9; Hirt. B. G. 8, 40.—Contra spem either contrary to the opinion, or against the hope:

    Metellus contra spem suam laetissume excipitur ( = contra ac ratus, veritus est),

    Sall. J. 88, 1; so,

    cetera contra spem salva invenit,

    Liv. 9, 23, 17:

    contra spem omnium L. Furium optavit,

    id. 6, 25, 5; Curt. 8, 4, 45;

    but: at Jugurtha contra spem nuntio accepto ( = contra ac speraverat),

    Sall. J. 28, 1; Liv. 24, 45, 3:

    postquam... Jugurtha contra timorem animi praemia sceleris adeptum sese videt,

    Sall. J. 20, 1:

    ipse in Numidiam procedit, ubi contra belli faciem tuguria plena hominumque... erant ( = contra ac in bello evenire solet),

    id. ib. 46, 5:

    contra famam,

    Plin. 13, 22, 43, § 126; 7, 53, 54, § 180:

    segniterque et contra industriam absconditae formicae,

    slowly, and in a manner different from their usual activity, id. 18, 35, 88, § 364.—Of persons:

    frigidam potionem esse debere, contra priores auctores, Asclepiades confirmavit,

    contrary to the opinion of the former physicians, Cels. 4, 26 (19).
    Sometimes by anastrophe after its noun.
    In prose, after relatives, esp. in Cic.:

    quos contra disputant,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 15, 47:

    quem contra dicit,

    id. Phil. 2, 8, 18 (v. II. B. 1. f.):

    quem contra veneris,

    id. Mur. 4, 9:

    quas contra, praeter te, etc.,

    id. Vatin. 7, 18:

    eos ipsos quos contra statuas,

    id. Or. 10, 34:

    quos contra me senatus armavit,

    id. Att. 10, 8, 8:

    quam contra multa locutus est,

    Sen. Ep. 82, 7, Plin. Ep. 1, 23, 3; Claud. in Rufin. 1, 332; v. also E. 1. c. supra.—
    After other words ( poet. and in post-Aug. prose):

    hunc igitur contra mittam contendere causam,

    Lucr. 4, 471:

    dicere eos contra,

    id. 4, 484:

    donique eum contra,

    id. 5, 708:

    agmina contra,

    Verg. A. 12, 279:

    magnum Alciden contra,

    id. ib. 5, 414:

    Paridem contra,

    id. ib. 5, 370:

    Italiam contra,

    id. ib. 1, 13:

    deos contra,

    Ov. P. 1, 1, 26:

    Messania moenia contra,

    id. M. 14, 17:

    litora Calabriae contra,

    Tac. A. 3, 1.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > contra dicta

  • 17 ser

    1 being (ente).
    ser humano human being
    los seres vivos living things
    2 ens.
    1 to be (to be in some place or situation, to originate in, to belong to, to pertain, to exist really).
    fue aquí it was here
    lo importante es decidirse the important thing is to reach a decision
    ¿de dónde eres? where are you from?
    los juguetes son de mi hijo the toys are my son's
    es alto/gracioso he is tall/funny
    es azul/difícil it's blue/difficult
    es un amigo/el dueño he is a friend/the owner
    Yo soy buena I am good.
    2 to be (to be worth, quantity).
    ¿cuánto es? how much is it?
    son 300 pesos that'll be 300 pesos
    ¿qué (día) es hoy? what day is it today?, what's today?
    mañana será 15 de julio tomorrow (it) will be 15 July
    ¿qué hora es? what time is it?, what's the time?
    son las tres (de la tarde) it's three o'clock (in the afternoon), it's three (pm)
    3 to be (joined to nouns which signify employment or occupation).
    soy abogado/actriz I'm a lawyer/an actress
    son estudiantes they're students
    4 to be (to happen, to occur, to fall out).
    es muy tarde it's rather late
    era de noche/de día it was night/day
    5 to be (auxiliary verb, by which the passive is formed).
    fue visto por un testigo he was seen by a witness
    6 to exist, to live.
    7 to be for.
    Me es muy fácil aprender español It is very easy for me to learn Spanish.
    * * *
    Present Indicative
    soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son.
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Past Indicative
    Future Indicative
    seré, serás, será, seremos, seréis, serán.
    sería, serías, sería, seríamos, seríais, serían.
    Present Subjunctive
    sea, seas, sea, seamos, seáis, sean.
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    (tú), sea (él/Vd.), seamos (nos.), sed (vos.), sean (ellos/Vds.).
    Past Participle
    * * *
    1. verb 2. noun m.
    * * *
    SF ABR Esp
    = Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión radio network
    * * *
    I 1.
    [ ser expresses identity or nature as opposed to condition or state, which is normally conveyed by estar. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in estar 1 cópula 1]

    es inglés/rubio/católico — he's English/fair/(a) Catholic

    era cierto/posible — it was true/possible

    sé bueno, estáte quieto — be a good boy and keep still

    que seas muy feliz — I hope you'll be very happy; (+ me/te/le etc)

    para serte sincero — to be honest with you, to tell you the truth

    siempre le he sido fiel — I've always been faithful to her; ver tb verbo intransitivo I 5

    ¿éste es o se hace?/¿tú eres o te haces? — (AmL fam) is he/are you stupid or something? (colloq)

    el mayor es casado/divorciado — the oldest is married/divorced

    es viuda — she's a widow; ver tb estar I 3)

    3) (seguido de nombre, pronombre, sintagma nominal) to be

    soy peluquera/abogada — I'm a hairdresser/a lawyer

    ábreme, soy Mariano/yo — open the door, it's Mariano/it's me

    por ser usted, haremos una excepción — for you o since it's you, we'll make an exception

    4) (con predicado introducido por `de')

    es de los vecinos — it belongs to the neighbors, it's the neighbors'

    ésa es de las que... — she's one of those people who..., she's the sort of person who...

    ser de lo que no hay — (fam) to be incredible (colloq)

    5) (hipótesis, futuro)

    ¿será cierto? — can it be true?

    ser vi
    a) ( existir) to be
    b) (liter) ( en cuentos)

    érase una vez... — once upon a time there was...

    a) (tener lugar, ocurrir)

    ¿dónde fue el accidente? — where did the accident happen?

    el asunto fue así... — it happened like this...

    ser de algo/alguien: ¿qué habrá sido de él? I wonder what happened to o what became of him; ¿qué es de Marisa? (fam) what's Marisa up to (these days)? (colloq); ¿qué va a ser de nosotros? — what will become of us?

    3) ( sumar)

    ¿cuánto es (todo)? — how much is that (altogether)?

    son 3.000 pesos — that'll be o that's 3,000 pesos

    4) (causar, significar) to be
    5) ( resultar)
    6) ( consistir en) to be

    lo importante es participarthe important o main thing is to take part

    7) (indicando finalidad, adecuación)

    fue aquí donde lo vi — this is where I saw him, it was here that I saw him

    fui yo quien or la que lo dije fui yo quien or la que lo dijo — I was the one who said it, it was me that said it


    es que...: ¿es que no lo saben? do you mean to say they don't know?; es que no sé nadar the thing is I can't swim; díselo, si es que te atreves — tell him, if you dare


    lo que es... — (fam)

    lo que es yo, no pienso hablarle más — I certainly have no intention of speaking to him again

    lo que es saber idiomas!it sure is something to be able to speak languages! (AmE), what it is to be able to speak languages! (BrE)

    a no ser que — (+ subj) unless

    como debe ser: ¿ves como me acordé? - como debe ser! see, I did remember- I should think so too!; los presentó uno por uno, como debe ser she introduced them one by one, as you should; ¿cómo es eso? why is that?, how come? (colloq); como/cuando/donde sea: tengo que conseguir ese trabajo como sea I have to get that job no matter what; hazlo como sea, pero hazlo do it any way o however you want but get it done; puedo dormir en el sillón o donde sea I can sleep in the armchair or wherever you like o anywhere you like; como ser (CS) such as; de no ser así (frml) should this not be the case (frml); de ser así (frml) should this be so o the case (frml); de no ser por...: de no ser por él,... if it hadn't been o if it weren't for him,...; eso es! that's it!, that's right!; lo que sea: cómete una manzana, o lo que sea have an apple or something; tú pagas tus mil pesos o lo que sea... you pay your thousand pesos or whatever...; estoy dispuesta a hacer lo que sea I'm prepared to do whatever it takes o anything; no sea que or no vaya a ser que (+ subj) in case; cierra la ventana, no sea or no vaya a ser que llueva close the window in case it rains; ten cuidado, no sea or no vaya a ser que lo eches todo a perder be careful or you'll ruin everything; o sea: los empleados de más antigüedad, o sea los que llevan aquí más de... longer serving employees, that is to say those who have been here more than...; o sea que no te interesa in other words, you're not interested; o sea que nunca lo descubriste so you never found out; (ya) sea..., (ya) sea... either..., or...; (ya) sea por caridad, (ya) sea por otra razón,... whether he did it out of charity or for some other reason,...; sea como sea: hay que impedirlo, sea como sea it must be prevented now matter how o at all costs; sea cuando sea whenever it is; sea quien sea le dices que no estoy whoever it is, tell them I'm not in; si no fuera/hubiera sido por... — if it wasn't o weren't/hadn't been for...

    12) ( en el tiempo) to be

    ¿qué fecha es hoy? — what's the date today?, what's today's date

    ¿qué día es hoy? — what day is it today?

    serían las cuatro cuando llegó — it must have been (about) four (o'clock) when she arrived; ver tb verbo impersonal

    ser v impers to be

    ser + pp — to be + pp

    a) ( ente) being
    b) (individuo, persona)
    b) ( carácter esencial) essence
    3) (Fil) being
    * * *
    I 1.
    [ ser expresses identity or nature as opposed to condition or state, which is normally conveyed by estar. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in estar 1 cópula 1]

    es inglés/rubio/católico — he's English/fair/(a) Catholic

    era cierto/posible — it was true/possible

    sé bueno, estáte quieto — be a good boy and keep still

    que seas muy feliz — I hope you'll be very happy; (+ me/te/le etc)

    para serte sincero — to be honest with you, to tell you the truth

    siempre le he sido fiel — I've always been faithful to her; ver tb verbo intransitivo I 5

    ¿éste es o se hace?/¿tú eres o te haces? — (AmL fam) is he/are you stupid or something? (colloq)

    el mayor es casado/divorciado — the oldest is married/divorced

    es viuda — she's a widow; ver tb estar I 3)

    3) (seguido de nombre, pronombre, sintagma nominal) to be

    soy peluquera/abogada — I'm a hairdresser/a lawyer

    ábreme, soy Mariano/yo — open the door, it's Mariano/it's me

    por ser usted, haremos una excepción — for you o since it's you, we'll make an exception

    4) (con predicado introducido por `de')

    es de los vecinos — it belongs to the neighbors, it's the neighbors'

    ésa es de las que... — she's one of those people who..., she's the sort of person who...

    ser de lo que no hay — (fam) to be incredible (colloq)

    5) (hipótesis, futuro)

    ¿será cierto? — can it be true?

    ser vi
    a) ( existir) to be
    b) (liter) ( en cuentos)

    érase una vez... — once upon a time there was...

    a) (tener lugar, ocurrir)

    ¿dónde fue el accidente? — where did the accident happen?

    el asunto fue así... — it happened like this...

    ser de algo/alguien: ¿qué habrá sido de él? I wonder what happened to o what became of him; ¿qué es de Marisa? (fam) what's Marisa up to (these days)? (colloq); ¿qué va a ser de nosotros? — what will become of us?

    3) ( sumar)

    ¿cuánto es (todo)? — how much is that (altogether)?

    son 3.000 pesos — that'll be o that's 3,000 pesos

    4) (causar, significar) to be
    5) ( resultar)
    6) ( consistir en) to be

    lo importante es participarthe important o main thing is to take part

    7) (indicando finalidad, adecuación)

    fue aquí donde lo vi — this is where I saw him, it was here that I saw him

    fui yo quien or la que lo dije fui yo quien or la que lo dijo — I was the one who said it, it was me that said it


    es que...: ¿es que no lo saben? do you mean to say they don't know?; es que no sé nadar the thing is I can't swim; díselo, si es que te atreves — tell him, if you dare


    lo que es... — (fam)

    lo que es yo, no pienso hablarle más — I certainly have no intention of speaking to him again

    lo que es saber idiomas!it sure is something to be able to speak languages! (AmE), what it is to be able to speak languages! (BrE)

    a no ser que — (+ subj) unless

    como debe ser: ¿ves como me acordé? - como debe ser! see, I did remember- I should think so too!; los presentó uno por uno, como debe ser she introduced them one by one, as you should; ¿cómo es eso? why is that?, how come? (colloq); como/cuando/donde sea: tengo que conseguir ese trabajo como sea I have to get that job no matter what; hazlo como sea, pero hazlo do it any way o however you want but get it done; puedo dormir en el sillón o donde sea I can sleep in the armchair or wherever you like o anywhere you like; como ser (CS) such as; de no ser así (frml) should this not be the case (frml); de ser así (frml) should this be so o the case (frml); de no ser por...: de no ser por él,... if it hadn't been o if it weren't for him,...; eso es! that's it!, that's right!; lo que sea: cómete una manzana, o lo que sea have an apple or something; tú pagas tus mil pesos o lo que sea... you pay your thousand pesos or whatever...; estoy dispuesta a hacer lo que sea I'm prepared to do whatever it takes o anything; no sea que or no vaya a ser que (+ subj) in case; cierra la ventana, no sea or no vaya a ser que llueva close the window in case it rains; ten cuidado, no sea or no vaya a ser que lo eches todo a perder be careful or you'll ruin everything; o sea: los empleados de más antigüedad, o sea los que llevan aquí más de... longer serving employees, that is to say those who have been here more than...; o sea que no te interesa in other words, you're not interested; o sea que nunca lo descubriste so you never found out; (ya) sea..., (ya) sea... either..., or...; (ya) sea por caridad, (ya) sea por otra razón,... whether he did it out of charity or for some other reason,...; sea como sea: hay que impedirlo, sea como sea it must be prevented now matter how o at all costs; sea cuando sea whenever it is; sea quien sea le dices que no estoy whoever it is, tell them I'm not in; si no fuera/hubiera sido por... — if it wasn't o weren't/hadn't been for...

    12) ( en el tiempo) to be

    ¿qué fecha es hoy? — what's the date today?, what's today's date

    ¿qué día es hoy? — what day is it today?

    serían las cuatro cuando llegó — it must have been (about) four (o'clock) when she arrived; ver tb verbo impersonal

    ser v impers to be

    ser + pp — to be + pp

    a) ( ente) being
    b) (individuo, persona)
    b) ( carácter esencial) essence
    3) (Fil) being
    * * *
    1 = being, creature.

    Ex: A feeling of unshielded relief filled Pope's whole being.

    Ex: Stories that lead to doing things are all the more attractive to children, who are active rather than passive creatures.
    * abducción por seres extraterrestres = alien abduction.
    * alimentación del ser humano = human nutrition.
    * llegada de seres extraterrestres = alien visitation.
    * nutrición del ser humano = human nutrition.
    * ser consecuente con Uno mismo = be true to + Reflexivo.
    * ser extraterrestre = alien creature.
    * ser fiel con Uno mismo = be true to + Reflexivo.
    * ser humano = human being, human, human person.
    * ser inteligente = intelligent being.
    * ser pensante = sentient being.
    * ser superior = supreme being, higher being, superior being.
    * ser supremo = supreme being.
    * ser todo un éxito = hit + a home run, knock it out of + the park.
    * ser vivo = living being, sentient being.
    * todo ser humano = every living soul.
    * tráfico de seres humanos = trafficking in human beings.
    * trata de seres humanos = trafficking in human beings.

    2 = be, take + the form of, stand as.

    Ex: Systems such as Dialog, IRS, ORBIT and BLAISE may be accessed by libraries and information units.

    Ex: Hierarchical relationships may also take the form of co-ordinate relationships, in which case they may be represented by 'RT' or related term, in a similar manner to affinitive relationships below.
    Ex: Meantime, our new library stand as as a confident symbol of the importance of ALL librarires to the nation's cultural, educational and economic success.
    * anhelar ser = ache to be.
    * a no ser que = unless.
    * así es = that's how it is.
    * así sea = amen.
    * así son las cosas = that's they way things are.
    * centrado en el ser humano = anthropocentric.
    * clonación del ser humano = human cloning.
    * como es el caso de = as it is with.
    * cómo + ser = what + be like.
    * conseguir ser el centro de atención = capture + spotlight.
    * continuar siendo importante = remain + big.
    * crearse el prestigio de ser = establish + a record as.
    * cualquiera que fuere = any... whatsoever.
    * cualquiera que fuese = any... whatsoever.
    * cualquiera que sea + Nombre = whichever + Nombre.
    * debilidad del ser humano = mankind's frailty.
    * dejar de ser útil = outlive + Posesivo + usefulness.
    * demostrar ser = prove + to be.
    * de tal forma que + ser/estar = in such form as to + be.
    * dicho sea de paso = by the by(e).
    * dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres = you are known by the company you keep.
    * dinero + ser para = money + go towards.
    * el + Nombre + es inestimable = the + Nombre + cannot be overestimated.
    * el ser barato = cheapness.
    * el sueño de todo ser viviente = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * entrar sin ser visto = sneak into.
    * es = it's [it is].
    * esa es la cuestión = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * esa es la dificultad = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * es decir = i.e. (latín - id est), in other words, that is, that is to say, which is to say.
    * es de deducir que = it follows that.
    * es de destacar que = significantly.
    * es de esperar = hopefully.
    * es de esperar que = all being well.
    * es de resaltar que = significantly.
    * es de suponer que = presumably.
    * ese es el asunto = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * ese es el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * es el momento adecuado = the moment is ripe, the time is ripe.
    * es el momento oportuno = the moment is ripe, the time is ripe.
    * es evidente = clearly.
    * es importante destacar = importantly.
    * es inevitable que = inevitably.
    * es interesante que = interestingly.
    * es lo que a mí me parece = my two cents' worth.
    * es lo que yo pienso = my two cents' worth.
    * es más = more important, moreover.
    * es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo = easier said than done.
    * es mi opinión = my two cents' worth.
    * es mi parecer = my two cents' worth.
    * es por lo tanto deducible que = it therefore follows that.
    * es por lo tanto de esperar que = it therefore follows that.
    * es por lo tanto lógico que = it therefore follows that.
    * ¡esta es tu oportunidad! = here's your chance!.
    * estar siendo + Participio = be in process of + Nombre.
    * evitar ser afectado = escape + unaffected.
    * fue durante mucho tiempo = long remained.
    * haber sido aceptado = be here to stay, have come + to stay.
    * haber sido comprobado exhaustivamente = be thoroughly tested.
    * la razón de ser = the reason for being.
    * la verdad sea dicha = to tell the truth.
    * llegar a ser = become, develop into.
    * llegar a ser conocido como = become + known as.
    * lo que es aun peor = worse still.
    * lo que es peor = what's worse.
    * lo que haya que de ser, será = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lo que + ser = what + be like.
    * lo que tenga que ser, será = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * merecer ser mencionado = deserve + mention.
    * no ser aconsejable = be undesirable.
    * no ser + Adjetivo + Infinitivo = be less than + Adjetivo + Infinitivo.
    * no ser así ya = be no longer the case.
    * no ser bien visto = be in the doghouse.
    * no ser cobarde = be no chicken.
    * no ser consciente de = remain + unaware of.
    * no ser deseable = be undesirable.
    * no + ser + de sorprender que = it + be + not surprising that.
    * no ser fácil = be no picnic, not be easy.
    * no ser gran cosa = not add up to much, add up to + nothing.
    * no ser lo suficientemente bueno = not be good enough.
    * no ser más que = be nothing more than, be nothing but.
    * no ser nada = add up to + nothing.
    * no ser nada fácil = be hard-pushed to.
    * no ser ningún jovencito = be no chicken.
    * no ser ni una cosa ni otra = fall between + two stools.
    * no ser sino = be nothing but.
    * no ser una gran pérdida = be no great loss.
    * no ser un lecho de rosas = be not all roses.
    * no ser verdad = be untrue.
    * no somos todos iguales = one size doesn't fit all.
    * no tener razón de ser + Infinitivo = there + be + no sense in + Gerundio.
    * para ser específico = to be specific.
    * para ser franco = in all honesty.
    * para ser sincero = to be honest, in all honesty.
    * pasar a ser = become, develop into.
    * por ser + Adjetivo = as being + Adjetivo.
    * por si fuera poco = to boot, to add salt to injury, to rub salt in the wound.
    * posible de ser consultado por máquina = machine-viewable.
    * posible de ser visto en pantalla = displayable.
    * primer puesto + ser para = pride of place + go to.
    * puede muy bien ser = could well be.
    * puede muy bien ser que = it may well be that.
    * que fue = one-time.
    * que fue común antes = once-common.
    * que ha sido abordado con preguntas = accost.
    * que puede ser apilado = stacking.
    * razón de ser = point, raison d'etre, rationale, sense of purpose.
    * ser reconocido = gain + recognition.
    * resultar ser = prove + to be, turn out to be, happen + to be.
    * sea como sea = be that as it may, at all costs, at any cost, at any price, come hell or high water.
    * sea cual fuere = any... whatsoever, any... whatsoever.
    * sea cual fuese = any... whatsoever, any... whatsoever.
    * sea cual sea el criterio utilizado = by any standard(s).
    * sea lo que sea = whatever it is, be that as it may, call it what you want.
    * seamos realistas = face it, let's face it.
    * sean cuales sean = whatever they may be.
    * sentido del ser humano = human sense.
    * ser accesible a través de = be available through.
    * ser aceptado = take + hold, gain + acceptance, take off.
    * ser acertado = be spot on.
    * ser aconsejable = be welcome, be better served by, be in order.
    * ser acorde con = be commensurate with.
    * ser acuciante = be acute.
    * ser acusado de delito criminal = face + criminal charge.
    * ser adecuado = be right, stand up, fit + the bill.
    * ser + Adjetivo = get + Adjetivo.
    * ser + Adjetivo + para = have + a + Adjetivo + effect on.
    * ser afectado por = have + a high stake in.
    * ser aficionado a = be fond of.
    * ser afortunado = be lucky, strike + lucky.
    * ser agradable de oír = be good to hear.
    * ser agradable + Verbo = be neat to + Verbo.
    * ser algo bien conocido que = it + be + a (well)-known fact that.
    * ser algo bueno = be a good thing.
    * ser algo completamente distinto = be nothing of the sort.
    * ser algo común = be a fact of life, dominate + the scene, be a common occurrence, become + a common feature, be a part of life.
    * ser Algo demasiado difícil para = be in over + Posesivo + head, be out of + Posesivo + depth.
    * ser algo excepcional = be the exception rather than the rule, be in a league of its own.
    * ser algo fácil = be a cinch, be a doddle, be a breeze, be a picnic, be duck soup.
    * ser algo facilísimo = be a cinch, be a doddle, be a breeze, be a picnic, be duck soup.
    * ser algo habitual = become + a common feature, be a fact of life.
    * ser Algo imponente = loom + large.
    * ser algo inevitable = the (hand)writing + be + on the wall, see it + coming.
    * ser algo más profundo que = go + deeper than.
    * ser algo más serio que = go + deeper than.
    * ser algo (muy) bien sabido que = it + be + a (well)-known fact that.
    * ser algo muy claro = be a dead giveaway.
    * ser algo muy fácil de conseguir = be there for the taking.
    * ser Algo muy importante = loom + large.
    * ser algo muy obvio = be a dead giveaway.
    * ser algo muy poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo muy raro = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo muy revelador = be a giveaway.
    * ser algo natural para = be second nature to + Pronombre, come + naturally to.
    * ser algo normal = be a fact of life, become + a common feature, be a part of life.
    * ser algo permanente = be here to stay.
    * ser algo poco común = be the exception rather than the rule.
    * ser algo poco conocido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser algo poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo poco sabido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser algo por lo que = be a matter for/of.
    * ser algo por ver = be an open question.
    * ser algo que no ocurre con frecuencia = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo seguro = be a cinch, be a doddle, be a breeze, be a picnic, be duck soup.
    * ser algo útil para = be something in the hand for.
    * ser amado = loved-one.
    * ser amigo de = be buddies with.
    * ser analizado como una frase = be phrase parsed.
    * ser apreciado = receive + appreciation.
    * ser apropiado = be right.
    * ser aproximadamente + Número = be around + Número, be about + Número.
    * ser arrestado = be under arrest.
    * ser asequible = be available, become + available.
    * ser asequible a = be amenable to.
    * ser así = be the case (with), be just like that.
    * ser atacado = be under attack, come under + fire, be under assault.
    * ser atractivo = look + attractive, be popular in appeal.
    * ser atrevido = make + a bold statement.
    * ser atribuible a = be attributable to.
    * ser aun más = be all the more.
    * ser autosuficiente = stand on + Posesivo + own, self-serve.
    * ser autosuficiente económicamente = pay + Posesivo + own way.
    * ser avaricioso = have + Posesivo + cake and eat it.
    * ser bienvenido = be most welcome, make + welcome, be welcome.
    * ser bonito + Verbo = be neat to + Verbo.
    * ser buenísimo + Gerundio = be terrific at + Gerundio.
    * ser bueno = make + good + Nombre.
    * ser bueno en = be good at.
    * ser bueno para Alguien = be to + Posesivo + advantage.
    * ser cada vez más importante = increase in + importance.
    * ser capaz de = be capable of.
    * ser capaz de hacer cualquier cosa por = go to + any lengths to, go to + great lengths to.
    * ser característico de = be emblematic of.
    * ser carísimo = cost + be prohibitive.
    * ser caro = be steep.
    * ser casi seguro = be a good bet.
    * ser chiquito pero matón = punch above + Posesivo + weight.
    * ser chulo = be cool.
    * ser clavado a = be a dead ringer for.
    * ser cliente de una tienda = patronise + shop.
    * ser coherente = cohere.
    * ser como el día y la noche = different as night and day.
    * ser como hablar con la pared = be like talking to a brick wall.
    * ser como mínimo = be no less than.
    * ser como una esfera = wrap around.
    * ser como un círculo = wrap around.
    * ser como un libro abierto = be an open book.
    * ser complementario el uno del otro = be integral one to another.
    * ser complementarios = be integral one to another.
    * ser completamente diferente = be in a different league.
    * ser completo = be all inclusive.
    * ser común = be the case (with).
    * ser condenado a prisión = receive + prison sentence.
    * ser confuso = be deceiving.
    * ser conocido por = famously, have + a track record of.
    * ser conocido por todos = be out in the open.
    * ser consciente = sentient being.
    * ser consciente de = be alive to, be aware of, be cognisant of, be mindful of/that, become + cognisant of, be aware of, realise [realize, -USA].
    * ser consciente de + Posesivo + valía = be alive to + Posesivo + worth.
    * ser consciente + desafortunadamente = be painfully aware of.
    * ser contradictorio de = run + contrary to.
    * ser contraproducente = defeat + Posesivo + purpose, blowback.
    * ser contrario a = be contrary to, be hostile to.
    * ser conveniente + Infinitivo = be as well + Infinitivo, be well + Infinitivo.
    * ser correcto = be all right, be correct, be right.
    * ser cortés con = be civil towards.
    * ser costumbre = be customary.
    * ser creativo = be inventive.
    * ser creíble = invoke + belief.
    * ser criticado = be subjected to + criticism, be (the) subject of/to criticism, take + heat, come under + fire.
    * ser crucial (para) = be central (to).
    * ser cuestión de = come down to.
    * ser culpable = be to blame.
    * ser culpable (por/de) = be at fault (for/to).
    * ser dado a = be amenable to, be apt to, be given to.
    * ser de = be a native of.
    * ser de alto nivel = be at a high level.
    * ser de armas tomar = be a (real) handful.
    * ser de ayuda = be of assistance.
    * ser debatible = be a moot point, be open to question, be open to debate, be at issue.
    * ser de calidad = be up to snuff, be up to scratch.
    * ser decisión de + Nombre = be down to + Nombre.
    * ser de contenido + Adjetivo = be + Adjetivo + in content.
    * ser de crecimiento rápido = be a quick grower.
    * ser de difícil acceso = tuck away.
    * ser de dominio público = be public domain.
    * ser deficiente = be wanting.
    * ser definitivo = be final.
    * ser de gran ayuda para = be a boon to.
    * ser de gran beneficio para = be of great benefit to.
    * ser de importancia primordial = be of key importance.
    * ser de importancia vital = lie at + the heart of.
    * ser de interés para = be of interest (to/for).
    * ser dejado en la obligación de Uno = be derelict in + duty.
    * ser de la izquierda = be of the left.
    * ser de la noche = night creature.
    * ser de la opinión de que = be of the opinion that, be of the view that.
    * ser del gusto de Uno = be to + Posesivo + taste.
    * ser del orden de + Número = be of the order of + Número.
    * ser de los que piensan que = subscribe to + view.
    * ser demasiado = be over-provided, be a mouthful.
    * ser demasiado + Adjetivo = be too + Adjetivo + by half.
    * ser demasiado complaciente = lean over + too far backwards.
    * ser demasiado común = be all too common.
    * ser demasiado para = be too much for, be too much for.
    * ser demasiado precavido = err + on the side of caution.
    * ser demasiado preciso = put + too fine a point on, split + hairs.
    * ser demasiado quisquilloso = put + too fine a point on, split + hairs.
    * ser demasiado tarde para echar atrás = reach + the point of no return.
    * ser de mucho uso = take + Nombre + a long way.
    * ser de número limitado = be limited in number.
    * ser de origen + Adjetivo = be + Adjetivo + in origin.
    * ser de poco valor = be of little use, be of little value.
    * ser de primera categoría = be top notch.
    * ser de raza negra o de piel morena = be coloured.
    * ser de sabios = be a point of wisdom.
    * ser desacertado = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * ser desastroso = spell + bad news, be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * ser desconocido para = be alien to.
    * ser descorazonador = be dispiriting.
    * ser desoído = be unheeded.
    * ser despiadado = play + hardball.
    * ser detenido = be under arrest.
    * ser de un solo uso = be a one-trip pony.
    * ser de un tipo diferente = be different in kind, differ in + kind (from).
    * ser de un valor especial = be of particular value.
    * ser de uso general = be in general use, be generally available.
    * ser de utilidad = be of use.
    * ser de utilidad a = be of service to.
    * ser diestro en = be skilled at.
    * ser difícil = be a stretch.
    * ser difícil de bregar = be a (real) handful.
    * ser difícil de conseguir = be hard to get.
    * ser difícil de creer = beggar + belief.
    * ser difícil de encontrar = be hard to find.
    * ser difícil de lograr = be hard to get.
    * ser difícil de superar = take + some beating.
    * ser digno de = merit.
    * ser digno de admiración = deserve + admiration.
    * ser digno de crítica = merit + a critical eye.
    * ser digno de + Infinitivo = be worth + Gerundio.
    * ser diplomático = say + the right thing.
    * ser discutible = be open to question, be open to debate, be at issue.
    * ser dogmático = be dogmatic.
    * ser dos mundos completamente distintos = be poles apart.
    * ser dudoso = be doubtful.
    * ser duro = play + hardball.
    * ser eficaz para + Infinitivo = be efficient at + Gerundio.
    * ser el acabóse = take + the biscuit, take + the cake, be the limit.
    * ser el alma de = be the life of, be the life and soul of.
    * ser el asunto = be the point.
    * ser el beneficiario de = be on the receiving end of.
    * ser el blanco de = be a pushover for.
    * ser el blanco de las críticas = come under + fire.
    * ser el canalizador de = be the conduit for.
    * ser el capitán = skipper, captain.
    * ser el caso (de) = be the case (with).
    * ser el centro de atención = steal + the limelight, steal + the show, cut + a dash.
    * ser el centro de todas las miradas = cut + a dash.
    * ser el colmo = be the last straw, bring + the situation to a head, take + the biscuit, take + the cake, be the limit.
    * ser el contrincante más débil = punch above + Posesivo + weight.
    * ser el culo del mundo = be the pits.
    * ser elegido = get in.
    * ser elevado = be steep.
    * ser el éxito de la fiesta = steal + the limelight, steal + the show.
    * ser el fin de = sign + a death warrant (for).
    * ser el jefe = be in charge, call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * ser el límite = be the limit.
    * ser el mandamás = call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * ser el más afectado por = bear + the brunt of.
    * ser el máximo = be the limit.
    * ser el momento clave = mark + the watershed.
    * ser el momento (de) = be the time to.
    * ser el momento decisivo = mark + the watershed.
    * ser el momento de/para = it + be + time to/for.
    * ser el objetivo de Uno = be in business for.
    * ser el orgullo de = be the pride and joy of.
    * ser el origen de = provide + the material for.
    * ser el paraje natural de = be home to.
    * ser el preludio = usher in.
    * ser el primero = be second to none, come out on + top.
    * ser el primero en = lead + the way in.
    * ser el primero en + Infinitivo = take + the lead in + Gerundio.
    * ser el punto de partida de = form + the basis of.
    * ser el punto más débil de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * ser el punto más flaco de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * ser el que con mayor frecuencia = be (the) most likely to.
    * ser el que con menor frecuencia = be (the) least likely to.
    * ser el resultado de = follow from, result from.
    * ser el segundo de a bordo = play + second fiddle.
    * ser el último grito = be all the rage.
    * ser el último mono ser el último mono = feel + pulled and tugged.
    * ser emblemático de = be emblematic of.
    * ser en balde = be of no avail, be to no avail.
    * ser en cierto modo un + Nombre = be something of a + Nombre.
    * ser en vano = be of no avail, be to no avail.
    * ser enviado a = have + the lead to.
    * ser equiparable a = be commensurate with.
    * ser erróneo = be wide of the mark, be wrong.
    * ser escaso = be few and far between, be in short supply.
    * ser esclavo de = be slave to.
    * ser estupendo = sound + great, be fine and dandy.
    * ser estúpido = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * ser exigente al elegir = pick and choose.
    * ser exigente al escoger = pick and choose.
    * ser experto en = be skilled at.
    * ser expulsado de = be dropped from.
    * ser extraño para = be alien to.
    * ser extremadamente + Adjetivo = be too + Adjetivo + by half.
    * ser fácil = be easy.
    * ser fácil de conseguir = be readily available.
    * ser facilísimo = be a snap, be a piece of cake.
    * ser factible de = be amenable to.
    * ser familiar = strike + familiar chords, ring + a bell.
    * ser famoso = gain + recognition, be popular.
    * ser famoso por = famously, have + a track record of.
    * ser favorable = be a plus.
    * ser ficticio = be fiction.
    * ser fiel a = cleave to.
    * ser fructífero = come to + fruition.
    * ser goloso = have + a sweet tooth.
    * ser grosero con = be abusive of.
    * ser hábil para = be adroit at.
    * ser habitual = be customary.
    * ser harina de otro costal = be a different kettle of fish.
    * ser hipertenso = be hyper.
    * ser hora de = it + be + time to/for.
    * ser hora de definirse = time to climb off the fence.
    * ser hora de irse = be time to go.
    * ser hora de marcharse = be time to go.
    * ser hora ya de que = be about time (that), be high time (that/to/for).
    * ser humilde = hide + Posesivo + light under a bushel.
    * sería mejor que + Subjuntivo = better + Infinitivo.
    * ser ideal = suit + best, be just the thing, be just the ticket, be just the job.
    * ser ideal para Uno = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley, be + Posesivo + cup of tea.
    * ser idóneo para = be suited to.
    * ser ignorado = be unheeded.
    * ser igual a = be equivalent to, equal.
    * ser igual que = amount to + the same thing as.
    * ser ilegal = be against the law.
    * ser ilimitado = be boundless.
    * ser implacable = play + hardball.
    * ser imponente = be awe-inspiring.
    * ser importante = be of importance, make + a difference, be of consequence.
    * ser importantísimo = make + all the difference in the world, make + difference in the world.
    * ser importantísimo (para) = be central (to).
    * ser imposible = be dead meat.
    * ser imprescindible = be a must.
    * ser improcedente = be out of order.
    * ser imprudente = be reckless.
    * ser inalterable = set in + stone, set in + tablets of stone.
    * ser incapaz de = be unable to.
    * ser incoherente = Negativo + hold + water.
    * ser incompatible (con) = be irreconcilable (with).
    * ser inconsistente = Negativo + hold + water.
    * ser increíble = beggar + belief.
    * ser independiente = go + Posesivo + own way, stew in + Posesivo + own juice, stand on + Posesivo + own (two) feet.
    * ser indescriptible = beggar + description.
    * ser indispensable = be a must.
    * ser ineficaz = fire + blanks.
    * ser infundado = be unfounded.
    * ser inherente a = inhere in.
    * ser inimaginable = beggar + imagination.
    * ser inminente = be on the cards.
    * ser inmune a = be immune from, be immune against.
    * ser innovador = break + new ground, break + ground.
    * ser innumerable = be without number, be legion.
    * ser innumerables = run into + the thousands.
    * ser insignificante = pale into + insignificance, stick + Algo + on a pin-point, be of no consequence.
    * ser insignificante de = be slight in.
    * ser inteligente = be talented.
    * ser interesante = be of interest (to/for).
    * ser interesante + Infinitivo = be as well + Infinitivo, be well + Infinitivo.
    * ser interesante + Verbo = be neat to + Verbo.
    * ser interminable = there + be + no end to.
    * ser intransigente = play + hardball.
    * ser inútil = fire + blanks.
    * ser irrespetuoso con = disrespect, diss.
    * ser justo = play + fair.
    * ser justo con todos = give the devil his due.
    * ser justo hasta con el diablo = give the devil his due.
    * ser justo lo que se necesita = be just the thing, be just the ticket, be just the job.
    * ser justo lo que Uno necesita = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley.
    * ser justo que = there + be + justice in.
    * ser juzgado = stand + trial, stand for + trial.
    * ser la abreviatura de = be short for.
    * ser la base de = be at the core of, form + the basis of, be at the heart of.
    * ser la ciudad de = be home to.
    * ser la clave de = hold + the key to.
    * ser la comidilla del barrio = be the talk of the town.
    * ser la comidilla del pueblo = be the talk of the town.
    * ser la consecuencia de = follow from, result from.
    * ser la costumbre = be customary.
    * ser la cuestión = be the point.
    * ser la culminación de Algo = represent + the culmination of, mark + the culmination of.
    * ser la culpa de = be the fault of.
    * ser la debilidad de Alguien = be a sucker for.
    * ser la elección lógica = be a/the natural choice.
    * ser la elección natural = be a/the natural choice.
    * ser la excepción = be the exception.
    * ser la excepción a la regla = constitute + the exception to the rule.
    * ser la excepción que confirma la regla = be the exception rather than the rule.
    * ser la forma abreviada de = be short for.
    * ser la forma de = be a recipe for.
    * ser la fórmula para = be a recipe for.
    * ser la gota que colma el vaso = bring + the situation to a head.
    * ser la idea central de = be at the core of, be at the heart of.
    * ser la imagen de = be a picture of.
    * ser la intención = be the intention.
    * ser la intención de uno = be + Posesivo + intention.
    * ser la manera de = be a recipe for.
    * ser la materia prima de = be grist to + Posesivo + mill.
    * ser la mayoría = be in the majority.
    * ser la mejor alternativa = be the best bet.
    * ser la mejor manera de = be the conduit for.
    * ser lamentable = be a pity.
    * ser la minoría = be in the minority.
    * ser la norma = be the norm, be the rule, become + the norm.
    * ser la novedad = be on the scene.
    * ser la obra de = be the work of.
    * ser la persona ideal para = be the best placed to.
    * ser la persona más indicada para = be in a position to.
    * ser la propia responsabilidad de Alguien = be of + Posesivo + own making.
    * ser la prueba de fuego de Algo = test + Nombre + to the limit.
    * ser la punta de lanza de = spearhead.
    * ser la razón de = lie at + the root of.
    * ser la representación misma de = be a picture of.
    * ser la responsabilidad de = be the responsibility of.
    * ser la responsabilidad de Alguien + Infinitivo = it + lie with + Nombre/Pronombre + to + Infinitivo.
    * ser la última palabra = be all the rage.
    * ser la última persona del mundo que + Infinitivo = be one of the last people in the world to + Infinitivo.
    * ser lector de una biblioteca = library membership.
    * ser lento = be slow off the mark, be slow off the blocks.
    * ser líder en = take + the lead in + Gerundio.
    * ser lo de Uno = be cut out for, be (right) up + Posesivo + alley.
    * ser lo más parecido a = be as close as we come to.
    * ser lo mismo = be one and the same.
    * ser lo normal = be the order of the day.
    * ser lo principal de = be at the core of, be at the heart of.
    * ser lo que a Uno le encanta = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley.
    * ser lo que a Uno le gusta = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley, be + Posesivo + cup of tea.
    * ser lo que a Uno le interesa = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley, be + Posesivo + cup of tea.
    * ser lo que a Uno le va = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley.
    * ser lo que a Uno más le gusta = be + Posesivo + big scene.
    * ser lo que nos espera = be the shape of things to come.
    * ser lo suficientemente + Adjetivo + como para = be + Adjetivo + enough to.
    * ser lo suficientemente comprensivo = go + far enough.
    * ser lo suficientemente conocido como para que = be sufficiently well known for.
    * serlo todo para todos = be all things to all men, be all things to all people.
    * ser lo último = be all the rage, be the pits.
    * ser lo último en = become + the next stop in.
    * ser lo último en lo que + pensar = be the last thing of + Posesivo + mind.
    * ser lo último que + ocurrir + a Alguien = be the last thing of + Posesivo + mind.
    * ser magnífico + Gerundio = be terrific at + Gerundio.
    * ser malo = be a joke, spell + bad news, make + poor + Nombre.
    * ser maravilloso = sound + great.
    * ser más astuto que = outfox, outwit, outsmart.
    * ser más interno = inner being.
    * ser más un + Nombre = be more of a + Nombre.
    * ser mayor = be older.
    * ser mejor en = be better at.
    * ser mejor que = be superior to, compare + favourably.
    * ser mejor que + Subjuntivo = better + Infinitivo.
    * ser menor = be less.
    * ser menos + Adjetivo = be less of a(n) + Nombre.
    * ser mínimo = be at a minimum.
    * ser mirado de forma extraña = get + some funny looks.
    * ser modesto = hide + Posesivo + light under a bushel.
    * ser molesto = be disturbing.
    * ser moroso = be in default.
    * ser motivador = be motivating.
    * ser motivo de preocupación = loom + large.
    * ser mucho = be a mouthful.
    * ser mucho más = be all the more.
    * ser mucho más que = be far more than.
    * ser muy aconsejable que = be well advised to.
    * ser muy alto = be metres high.
    * ser muy amigo de = be pally with.
    * ser muy antiguo = go ba

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    = Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión
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    ser ( conjugate ser) cópula
    1 ( seguido de adjetivos) to be
    ser expresses identity or nature as opposed to condition or state, which is normally conveyed by estar. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in estar 1 cópula 1 es bajo/muy callado he's short/very quiet;

    es sorda de nacimiento she was born deaf;
    es inglés/católico he's English/(a) Catholic;
    era cierto it was true;
    sé bueno, estate quieto be a good boy and keep still;
    que seas muy feliz I hope you'll be very happy;

    (+ me/te/le etc)

    ver tb imposible, difícil etc
    2 ( hablando de estado civil) to be;

    es viuda she's a widow;
    ver tb estar 1 cópula 2
    3 (seguido de nombre, pronombre) to be;

    ábreme, soy yo open the door, it's me
    4 (con predicado introducido por `de'):

    soy de Córdoba I'm from Cordoba;
    es de los vecinos it belongs to the neighbors, it's the neighbors';
    no soy de aquí I'm not from around here
    5 (hipótesis, futuro):

    ¿será cierto? can it be true?
    verbo intransitivo

    b) (liter) ( en cuentos):

    érase una vez … once upon a time there was …

    a) (tener lugar, ocurrir):

    ¿dónde fue el accidente? where did the accident happen?

    ¿qué habrá sido de él? I wonder what happened to o what became of him;

    ¿qué es de Marisa? (fam) what's Marisa up to (these days)? (colloq);
    ¿qué va a ser de nosotros? what will become of us?
    3 ( sumar):
    ¿cuánto es (todo)? how much is that (altogether)?;

    son 3.000 pesos that'll be o that's 3,000 pesos;
    somos diez en total there are ten of us altogether
    4 (indicando finalidad, adecuación) ser para algo to be for sth;

    ( en locs)
    a no ser que (+ subj) unless;

    ¿cómo es eso? why is that?, how come? (colloq);
    como/cuando/donde sea: tengo que conseguir ese trabajo como sea I have to get that job no matter what;
    hazlo como sea, pero hazlo do it any way o however you want but get it done;
    el lunes o cuando sea next Monday or whenever;
    puedo dormir en el sillón o donde sea I can sleep in the armchair or wherever you like o anywhere you like;
    de ser así (frml) should this be so o the case (frml);
    ¡eso es! that's it!, that's right!;
    es que …: ¿es que no lo saben? do you mean to say they don't know?;
    es que no sé nadar the thing is I can't swim;
    lo que sea: cómete una manzana, o lo que sea have an apple or something;
    estoy dispuesta a hacer lo que sea I'm prepared to do whatever it takes;
    o sea: en febrero, o sea hace un mes in February, that is to say a month ago;
    o sea que no te interesa in other words, you're not interested;
    o sea que nunca lo descubriste so you never found out;
    (ya) sea …, (ya) sea … either …, or …;
    sea como sea at all costs;
    sea cuando sea whenever it is;
    sea donde sea no matter where;
    sea quien sea whoever it is;
    si no fuera/hubiera sido por … if it wasn't o weren't/hadn't been for …
    ( en el tiempo) to be;
    ¿qué fecha es hoy? what's the date today?, what's today's date;

    serían las cuatro cuando llegó it must have been (about) four (o'clock) when she arrived;
    ver tb v impers
    ser v impers to be;

    ser v aux ( en la voz pasiva) to be;
    fue construido en 1900 it was built in 1900
    ■ sustantivo masculino
    a) ( ente) being;

    ser humano/vivo human/living being

    b) (individuo, persona):

    2 ( naturaleza):

    I sustantivo masculino
    1 being: es un ser despreciable, he's despicable
    ser humano, human being
    ser vivo, living being
    2 (esencia) essence: eso forma parte de su ser, that is part of him
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (cualidad) to be: eres muy modesto, you are very modest
    2 (fecha) to be: hoy es lunes, today is Monday
    ya es la una, it's one o'clock
    3 (cantidad) eran unos cincuenta, there were about fifty people
    (al pagar) ¿cuánto es?, how much is it?
    son doscientas, it is two hundred pesetas
    Mat dos y tres son cinco, two and three make five
    4 (causa) aquella mujer fue su ruina, that woman was his ruin
    5 (oficio) to be a(n): Elvira es enfermera, Elvira is a nurse
    6 (pertenencia) esto es mío, that's mine
    es de Pedro, it is Pedro's
    7 (afiliación) to belong: es del partido, he's a member of the party
    es un chico del curso superior, he is a boy from the higher year
    8 (origen) es de Málaga, she is from Málaga
    ¿de dónde es esta fruta? where does this fruit come from?
    9 (composición, material) to be made of: este jersey no es de lana, this sweater is not (made of) wool
    10 ser de, (afinidad, comparación) lo que hizo fue de tontos, what she did was a foolish thing
    11 (existir) Madrid ya no es lo que era, Madrid isn't what it used to be
    12 (suceder) ¿qué fue de ella?, what became of her?
    13 (tener lugar) to be: esta tarde es el entierro, the funeral is this evening 14 ser para, (finalidad) to be for: es para pelar patatas, it's for peeling potatoes
    (adecuación, aptitud) no es una película para niños, the film is not suitable for children
    esta vida no es para ti, this kind of life is not for you
    15 (efecto) era para llorar, it was painful
    es (como) para darle una bofetada, it makes me want to slap his face
    no es para tomárselo a broma, it is no joke
    16 (auxiliar en pasiva) to be: fuimos rescatados por la patrulla de la Cruz Roja, we were rescued by the Red Cross patrol
    17 ser de (+ infinitivo) era de esperar que se marchase, it was to be expected that she would leave
    ♦ Locuciones: a no ser que, unless
    como sea, anyhow
    de no ser por..., had it not been for
    es más, furthermore
    es que..., it's just that...
    lo que sea, whatever
    o sea, that is (to say)
    sea como sea, in any case o be that as it may
    ser de lo que no hay, to be the limit
    ' ser' also found in these entries:
    - acceder
    - además
    - aficionada
    - aficionado
    - alardear
    - alcanzar
    - alimentar
    - alta
    - alto
    - ambicionar
    - antigüedad
    - aparición
    - arma
    - atinar
    - atorarse
    - aúpa
    - babear
    - básica
    - básico
    - bendición
    - caber
    - cacho
    - cada
    - cafetera
    - cafetero
    - calco
    - callo
    - canela
    - cansada
    - cansado
    - cantar
    - capaz
    - capirote
    - carácter
    - cardo
    - carne
    - carné
    - caso
    - cero
    - colarse
    - comida
    - comidilla
    - comido
    - conmigo
    - conquistador
    - conquistadora
    - contagiarse
    - contemplar
    - contienda
    - addicted
    - adjust
    - allow
    - allowance
    - ambition
    - amount to
    - anathema
    - anomaly
    - arduous
    - around
    - aspire
    - aware
    - bad
    - be
    - beating
    - being
    - belong
    - betray
    - big
    - bill
    - bind over
    - bird
    - booby trap
    - boring
    - bounce
    - can
    - carry
    - catch up
    - cerebral
    - ceremonial
    - ceremony
    - charm
    - chip
    - claim
    - come into
    - come under
    - connoisseur
    - court
    - degree
    - deserve
    - destroy
    - differ
    - do
    - dodger
    - doubly
    - due
    - ear
    - easy
    - edit
    * * *
    ser The auxiliary verb ser is used with the past participle of a verb to form the passive (e.g. la película fue criticada the movie was criticized).
    v aux
    [para formar la voz pasiva] to be;
    fue visto por un testigo he was seen by a witness;
    la propuesta es debatida o [m5] está siendo debatida en el parlamento the proposal is being debated in parliament
    v copulativo
    1. [con adjetivos, sustantivos, pronombres] [indica cualidad, identidad, condición] to be;
    es alto/gracioso he's tall/funny;
    soy chileno/chiapaneco I'm Chilean/from Chiapas;
    es azul/difícil it's blue/difficult;
    sé discreta/paciente be discreet/patient;
    es un amigo/el dueño he's a friend/the owner;
    son unos amigos míos they're friends of mine;
    es el cartero/tu madre it's the postman o US mailman/your mother;
    soy yo, ábreme open up, it's me;
    soy Víctor [al teléfono] it's Víctor;
    la casa es aquella de ahí the house is that one over there;
    es un tipo muy simpático he's a very nice guy;
    ¿es eso verdad? is that true?;
    eso no es cierto that isn't true;
    es obvio que le gustas it's obvious that he likes you;
    no es necesario ir it isn't necessary to go;
    es posible que llueva it may rain;
    no está mal para ser de segunda mano it's not bad considering it's second-hand;
    no pierde sus derechos por ser inmigrante just because he's an immigrant doesn't mean he doesn't have any rights;
    te lo dejo en la mitad por ser tú seeing as o because it's you, I'll let you have it half-price;
    por ser usted, señora, 15 euros to you, madam, 15 euros;
    que seas muy feliz I wish you every happiness, I hope you'll be very happy;
    ¡será imbécil el tipo! the guy must be stupid!;
    este restaurante ya no es lo que era this restaurant isn't as good as it used to be o isn't what it used to be;
    RP Fam
    ser loco por algo to be wild about sth
    2. [con sustantivos, adjetivos] [indica empleo, dedicación, estado civil, religión] to be;
    soy abogado/actriz I'm a lawyer/an actress;
    son estudiantes they're students;
    para ser juez hay que trabajar mucho you have to work very hard to be o become a judge;
    es padre de tres hijos he's a father of three;
    es soltero/casado/divorciado he's single/married/divorced;
    era viuda she was a widow;
    son budistas/protestantes they are Buddhists/Protestants;
    el que fuera gobernador del estado the former governor of the state;
    Am Fam
    ¿tú eres o te haces? are you stupid or what?;
    RP Fam
    ¿vos sos o te hacés? are you stupid or what?
    3. [con "de"] [indica material, origen, propiedad]
    ser de [estar hecho de] to be made of;
    [provenir de] to be from; [pertenecer a] to belong to;
    un juguete que es todo de madera a completely wooden toy, a toy made completely of wood;
    ¿de dónde eres? where are you from?;
    estas pilas son de una linterna these batteries are from a torch;
    ¿es de usted este abrigo? is this coat yours?, does this coat belong to you?;
    los juguetes son de mi hijo the toys are my son's;
    portarse así es de cobardes only cowards behave like that, it's cowardly to behave like that
    4. [con "de"] [indica pertenencia a grupo]
    ser de [club, asociación, partido] to be a member of;
    ¿de qué equipo eres? [aficionado] which team o who do you support?;
    soy del Barcelona I support Barcelona;
    ser de los que… to be one of those people who…;
    ése es de los que están en huelga he is one of those on strike;
    no es de las que se asustan por cualquier cosa she's not one to get scared easily
    1. [ocurrir, tener lugar] to be;
    fue aquí it was here;
    ¿cuándo es la boda? when's the wedding?;
    la final era ayer the final was yesterday;
    ¿cómo fue lo de tu accidente? how did your accident happen?;
    ¿qué fue de aquel amigo tuyo? what happened to that friend of yours?;
    ¿qué es de Pablo? how's Pablo (getting on)?
    2. [constituir, consistir en] to be;
    fue un acierto que nos quedáramos en casa we were right to stay at home;
    lo importante es decidirse the important thing is to reach a decision;
    su ambición era dar la vuelta al mundo her ambition was to travel round the world;
    tratar así de mal a la gente es buscarse problemas treating people so badly is asking for trouble
    3. [con fechas, horas] to be;
    ¿qué (día) es hoy? what day is it today?, what's today?;
    hoy es jueves today's Thursday, it's Thursday today;
    ¿qué (fecha) es hoy? what's the date today?, what date is it today?;
    mañana será 15 de julio tomorrow (it) will be 15 July;
    ¿qué hora es? what time is it?, what's the time?;
    son las tres (de la tarde) it's three o'clock (in the afternoon), it's three (pm);
    serán o [m5] deben de ser las tres it must be three (o'clock)
    4. [con precios] to be;
    ¿cuánto es? how much is it?;
    son 300 pesos that'll be 300 pesos;
    ¿a cómo son esos tomates? how much are those tomatoes?
    5. [con cifras, en operaciones] to be;
    ellos eran unos 500 there were about 500 of them;
    11 por 100 son 1.100 11 times 100 is 1,100
    6. [servir, ser adecuado]
    ser para to be for;
    este trapo es para (limpiar) las ventanas this cloth is for (cleaning) the windows;
    este libro es para niños this book is for children;
    la ciudad no es para mí the city isn't for me
    7. [con "de" más infinitivo] [indica necesidad, posibilidad]
    es de desear que… it is to be hoped that…;
    era de esperar que pasara algo así it was to be expected that something like that would happen;
    es de suponer que aparecerá presumably, he'll turn up;
    es de temer cuando se enoja she's really scary when she gets angry
    8. [para recalcar, poner énfasis]
    ése es el que me lo contó he's the one who told me;
    lo que es a mí, no me llamaron they certainly didn't call me, they didn't call me, anyway;
    ¿es que ya no te acuerdas? don't you remember any more, then?, you mean you don't remember any more?
    9. [indica excusa, motivo]
    es que no me hacen caso but o the thing is they don't listen to me;
    es que no vine porque estaba enfermo the reason I didn't come is that I was ill, I didn't come because I was ill, you see;
    ¿cómo es que no te han avisado? how come they didn't tell you?
    10. Literario [existir]
    Platón, uno de los grandes sabios que en el mundo han sido Plato, one of the wisest men ever to walk this earth
    11. [en frases]
    a no ser que venga unless she comes;
    tengo que conseguirlo (sea) como sea I have to get it one way or another;
    hay que evitar (sea) como sea que se entere we have to prevent her from finding out at all costs o no matter what;
    hazlo cuando sea do it whenever;
    de no ser/haber sido por… if it weren't/hadn't been for…;
    de no ser por él no estaríamos vivos if it weren't for him, we wouldn't be alive;
    de no ser así otherwise;
    de ser así if that should happen;
    déjalo donde sea leave it anywhere o wherever;
    érase una vez, érase que se era once upon a time;
    dile lo que sea, da igual tell her anything o whatever, it doesn't make any difference;
    haré lo que sea para recuperar mi dinero I will do whatever it takes o anything to get my money back;
    se enfadó, y no era para menos she got angry, and not without reason;
    no sea que…, no vaya a ser que… in case…;
    la llamaré ahora no sea que luego me olvide I'll call her now in case I forget later;
    Estados Unidos y Japón, o sea, las dos economías mundiales más importantes the United States and Japan, that is to say o in other words, the two most important economies in the world;
    50 euros, o sea unas 8.300 pesetas 50 euros, that's about 8,300 pesetas;
    o sea que no quieres venir so you don't want to come then?;
    por si fuera poco as if that wasn't enough;
    habla con quien sea talk to anyone;
    sea quien sea no abras la puerta don't open the door, whoever it is;
    si no fuera/hubiera sido por… if it weren't/hadn't been for…;
    siendo que… seeing that o as…, given that…;
    siendo que tienes la plata, cómprate el vestido más caro seeing as o since you've got the money, buy yourself the more expensive dress
    v impersonal
    [indica tiempo] to be;
    es muy tarde it's rather late;
    era de noche/de día it was night/day
    1. [ente] being;
    seres de otro planeta beings from another planet
    ser humano human being;
    Ser Supremo Supreme Being;
    los seres vivos living things
    2. [persona] person;
    sus seres queridos his loved ones
    3. [existencia]
    mis padres me dieron el ser my parents gave me my life
    4. [esencia, naturaleza] being;
    la quiero con todo mi ser I love her with all my being o soul
    * * *
    f abr (= Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión) network of independent Spanish radio stations
    * * *
    ser {77} vi
    1) : to be
    él es mi hermano: he is my brother
    Camila es linda: Camila is pretty
    2) : to exist, to live
    ser, o no ser: to be or not to be
    3) : to take place, to occur
    el concierto es el domingo: the concert is on Sunday
    4) (used with expressions of time, date, season)
    son las diez: it's ten o'clock
    hoy es el 9: today's the 9th
    5) : to cost, to come to
    ¿cuánto es?: how much is it?
    6) (with the future tense) : to be able to be
    ¿será posible?: can it be possible?
    ser de : to come from
    somos de Managua: we're from Managua
    ser de : to belong to
    ese lápiz es de Juan: that's Juan's pencil
    es que : the thing is that
    es que no lo conozco: it's just that I don't know him
    ¡sea! : agreed!, all right!
    sea... sea : either... or
    la cuenta ha sido pagada: the bill has been paid
    él fue asesinado: he was murdered
    ser nm
    : being
    ser humano: human being
    * * *
    ser1 n (ente) being
    ser2 vb
    1. (en general) to be
    2. (estar hecho) to be made
    3. (pertenecer) to belong
    este libro es de María this book belongs to María / this book is María's

    Spanish-English dictionary > ser

  • 18 Philosophy

       And what I believe to be more important here is that I find in myself an infinity of ideas of certain things which cannot be assumed to be pure nothingness, even though they may have perhaps no existence outside of my thought. These things are not figments of my imagination, even though it is within my power to think of them or not to think of them; on the contrary, they have their own true and immutable natures. Thus, for example, when I imagine a triangle, even though there may perhaps be no such figure anywhere in the world outside of my thought, nor ever have been, nevertheless the figure cannot help having a certain determinate nature... or essence, which is immutable and eternal, which I have not invented and which does not in any way depend upon my mind. (Descartes, 1951, p. 61)
       Let us console ourselves for not knowing the possible connections between a spider and the rings of Saturn, and continue to examine what is within our reach. (Voltaire, 1961, p. 144)
       As modern physics started with the Newtonian revolution, so modern philosophy starts with what one might call the Cartesian Catastrophe. The catastrophe consisted in the splitting up of the world into the realms of matter and mind, and the identification of "mind" with conscious thinking. The result of this identification was the shallow rationalism of l'esprit Cartesien, and an impoverishment of psychology which it took three centuries to remedy even in part. (Koestler, 1964, p. 148)
       It has been made of late a reproach against natural philosophy that it has struck out on a path of its own, and has separated itself more and more widely from the other sciences which are united by common philological and historical studies. The opposition has, in fact, been long apparent, and seems to me to have grown up mainly under the influence of the Hegelian philosophy, or, at any rate, to have been brought out into more distinct relief by that philosophy.... The sole object of Kant's "Critical Philosophy" was to test the sources and the authority of our knowledge, and to fix a definite scope and standard for the researches of philosophy, as compared with other sciences.... [But Hegel's] "Philosophy of Identity" was bolder. It started with the hypothesis that not only spiritual phenomena, but even the actual world-nature, that is, and man-were the result of an act of thought on the part of a creative mind, similar, it was supposed, in kind to the human mind.... The philosophers accused the scientific men of narrowness; the scientific men retorted that the philosophers were crazy. And so it came about that men of science began to lay some stress on the banishment of all philosophic influences from their work; while some of them, including men of the greatest acuteness, went so far as to condemn philosophy altogether, not merely as useless, but as mischievous dreaming. Thus, it must be confessed, not only were the illegitimate pretensions of the Hegelian system to subordinate to itself all other studies rejected, but no regard was paid to the rightful claims of philosophy, that is, the criticism of the sources of cognition, and the definition of the functions of the intellect. (Helmholz, quoted in Dampier, 1966, pp. 291-292)
       Philosophy remains true to its classical tradition by renouncing it. (Habermas, 1972, p. 317)
       I have not attempted... to put forward any grand view of the nature of philosophy; nor do I have any such grand view to put forth if I would. It will be obvious that I do not agree with those who see philosophy as the history of "howlers" and progress in philosophy as the debunking of howlers. It will also be obvious that I do not agree with those who see philosophy as the enterprise of putting forward a priori truths about the world.... I see philosophy as a field which has certain central questions, for example, the relation between thought and reality.... It seems obvious that in dealing with these questions philosophers have formulated rival research programs, that they have put forward general hypotheses, and that philosophers within each major research program have modified their hypotheses by trial and error, even if they sometimes refuse to admit that that is what they are doing. To that extent philosophy is a "science." To argue about whether philosophy is a science in any more serious sense seems to me to be hardly a useful occupation.... It does not seem to me important to decide whether science is philosophy or philosophy is science as long as one has a conception of both that makes both essential to a responsible view of the world and of man's place in it. (Putnam, 1975, p. xvii)
       What can philosophy contribute to solving the problem of the relation [of] mind to body? Twenty years ago, many English-speaking philosophers would have answered: "Nothing beyond an analysis of the various mental concepts." If we seek knowledge of things, they thought, it is to science that we must turn. Philosophy can only cast light upon our concepts of those things.
       This retreat from things to concepts was not undertaken lightly. Ever since the seventeenth century, the great intellectual fact of our culture has been the incredible expansion of knowledge both in the natural and in the rational sciences (mathematics, logic).
       The success of science created a crisis in philosophy. What was there for philosophy to do? Hume had already perceived the problem in some degree, and so surely did Kant, but it was not until the twentieth century, with the Vienna Circle and with Wittgenstein, that the difficulty began to weigh heavily. Wittgenstein took the view that philosophy could do no more than strive to undo the intellectual knots it itself had tied, so achieving intellectual release, and even a certain illumination, but no knowledge. A little later, and more optimistically, Ryle saw a positive, if reduced role, for philosophy in mapping the "logical geography" of our concepts: how they stood to each other and how they were to be analyzed....
       Since that time, however, philosophers in the "analytic" tradition have swung back from Wittgensteinian and even Rylean pessimism to a more traditional conception of the proper role and tasks of philosophy. Many analytic philosophers now would accept the view that the central task of philosophy is to give an account, or at least play a part in giving an account, of the most general nature of things and of man. (Armstrong, 1990, pp. 37-38)
       8) Philosophy's Evolving Engagement with Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science
       In the beginning, the nature of philosophy's engagement with artificial intelligence and cognitive science was clear enough. The new sciences of the mind were to provide the long-awaited vindication of the most potent dreams of naturalism and materialism. Mind would at last be located firmly within the natural order. We would see in detail how the most perplexing features of the mental realm could be supported by the operations of solely physical laws upon solely physical stuff. Mental causation (the power of, e.g., a belief to cause an action) would emerge as just another species of physical causation. Reasoning would be understood as a kind of automated theorem proving. And the key to both was to be the depiction of the brain as the implementation of multiple higher level programs whose task was to manipulate and transform symbols or representations: inner items with one foot in the physical (they were realized as brain states) and one in the mental (they were bearers of contents, and their physical gymnastics were cleverly designed to respect semantic relationships such as truth preservation). (A. Clark, 1996, p. 1)
       Socrates of Athens famously declared that "the unexamined life is not worth living," and his motto aptly explains the impulse to philosophize. Taking nothing for granted, philosophy probes and questions the fundamental presuppositions of every area of human inquiry.... [P]art of the job of the philosopher is to keep at a certain critical distance from current doctrines, whether in the sciences or the arts, and to examine instead how the various elements in our world-view clash, or fit together. Some philosophers have tried to incorporate the results of these inquiries into a grand synoptic view of the nature of reality and our human relationship to it. Others have mistrusted system-building, and seen their primary role as one of clarifications, or the removal of obstacles along the road to truth. But all have shared the Socratic vision of using the human intellect to challenge comfortable preconceptions, insisting that every aspect of human theory and practice be subjected to continuing critical scrutiny....
       Philosophy is, of course, part of a continuing tradition, and there is much to be gained from seeing how that tradition originated and developed. But the principal object of studying the materials in this book is not to pay homage to past genius, but to enrich one's understanding of central problems that are as pressing today as they have always been-problems about knowledge, truth and reality, the nature of the mind, the basis of right action, and the best way to live. These questions help to mark out the territory of philosophy as an academic discipline, but in a wider sense they define the human predicament itself; they will surely continue to be with us for as long as humanity endures. (Cottingham, 1996, pp. xxi-xxii)
       In his study of ancient Greek culture, The Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche drew what would become a famous distinction, between the Dionysian spirit, the untamed spirit of art and creativity, and the Apollonian, that of reason and self-control. The story of Greek civilization, and all civilizations, Nietzsche implied, was the gradual victory of Apollonian man, with his desire for control over nature and himself, over Dionysian man, who survives only in myth, poetry, music, and drama. Socrates and Plato had attacked the illusions of art as unreal, and had overturned the delicate cultural balance by valuing only man's critical, rational, and controlling consciousness while denigrating his vital life instincts as irrational and base. The result of this division is "Alexandrian man," the civilized and accomplished Greek citizen of the later ancient world, who is "equipped with the greatest forces of knowledge" but in whom the wellsprings of creativity have dried up. (Herman, 1997, pp. 95-96)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Philosophy

  • 19 bearing

    ̈ɪˈbɛərɪŋ I
    1. сущ.
    1) ношение
    2) поведение, манера вести себя;
    осанка, выправка dignified bearing ≈ достойное поведение military bearing ≈ военная осанка regal, royal bearing ≈ манера держать себя по-королевски Syn: carriage, deportment, behaviour, demeanour
    3) геральдика девиз
    4) терпение, выдержка, способность переносить (испытание, боль и т. п.) to be insolent beyond bearing ≈ быть невыносимо наглым beyond all bearing past all bearing Syn: endurance, sustaining, supporting
    5) опора;
    поддерживающая поверхность;
    точка опоры A greater number of bearings is required to prevent the mirror from becoming strained by its own weight. ≈ Необходимо большое число опор, чтобы не дать зеркалу деформироваться под влиянием собственного веса.
    6) давление, нажим Syn: pressure, thrust
    7) а) отношение, аспект the legal bearings of the case ≈ юридические аспекты дела The subject was thoroughly examined in all its bearings. ≈ Вопрос был тщательно рассмотрен со всех точек зрения. Syn: relation, connection, aspect б) значение, смысл the precise bearing of the word ≈ точное значение слова Syn: purport
    8) подшипник roller bearing
    9) направление;
    азимут, пеленг, румб;
    мн. месторасположение Long wave pulse transmitter.. to enable bearings on the aircraft to be obtained on the ground. ≈ Длинноволновый радиопередатчик, позволяющий с земли определить местонахождение самолета. lose bearings take bearings
    10) рождение, произведение на свет
    11) а) плодоношение Syn: yielding б) плоды, урожай Syn: crop
    1., fruit
    2. прил.
    1) несущий и т. п.;
    см. значения глагола bear II
    2) а) рожающий, рождающий б) плодоносящий;
    плодородный soils of a good bearing qualityочень плодородная земля Although it was not a 'bearing year', the exhibition was very fine. ≈ Хотя этот год не был 'плодородным', выставка оказалась великолепной. Syn: fertile, productive II прил.;
    бирж. играющий на понижение
    ношение - the * of arms is forbidden ношение оружия запрещено рождение, произведение на свет плодоношение;
    стадия или способность плодоношения - to keep trees in * ухаживать за деревьями, чтобы они приносили плоды плоды, урожай - rich mellow *s (образное) обильный урожай плодов поведение, манера держаться - they loved her for her kindly * ее любили за доброту /за приятное обхождение/ осанка, выправка - proud * гордая осанка - the * of a soldier военная выправка терпение;
    выдержка - past *, beyond all * нестерпимо - there is no * him он невыносим отношение, аспект, сторона;
    подход - to consider a matter in all its *s рассмотреть что-л. со всех сторон - the legal *s of a case юридическая сторона дела - to have no * on the subject не иметь отношения к делу /к теме/ - his foolish question has no * on the problem его глупый вопрос не по делу часто pl (специальное) направление, ориентация;
    курс или направление по компасу, азимут, пеленГ6 румб - * error ошибка пеленга - radio * радиопеленг - magnetic * магнитный азимут /пеленг/;
    направление магнитной стрелки - compass * компасный азимут, компасный пеленг;
    направление по компасу - *s of smth. месторасположение чего-л. - to take one's *s определять свое положение, ориентироваться - to lose one's *s заблудиться, потерять ориентацию - to be out of * растеряться, запутаться( морское) местоположение корабля подшипник опора, точка опоры, опорная поверхность( горное) простирание( пласта или рудного тела) (геральдика) фигура( на гербе) > to bring smb. to his *s поставить кого-л. на место;
    сбить с кого-л. спесь несущий (специальное) несущий, опорный - * cable несущий канат - * block опорная подушка - * capacity допустимая нагрузка, грузоподъемность;
    подъемная способность (дрожжей) - * value см. * cvapacity - * picket( военное) артиллерийская опорная точка;
    геодезическая веха производящий на свет;
    armorial ~ геральдическая фигура
    bearing pres. p. от bear ~ девиз (на гербе) ~ значение;
    the precise bearing of the word точное значение слова ~ несущий ~ ношение ~ тех. опора;
    точка опоры ~ отношение;
    to consider a question in all its bearings рассматривать вопрос со всех сторон;
    this has no bearing on the question это не имеет никакого отношения к делу, вопросу ~ pl мор., ав., воен. пеленг, румб;
    to lose one's bearings потерять ориентировку;
    перен. растеряться;
    to take one's bearings ориентироваться, определять положение ~ плодоношение ~ поведение;
    манера держать себя ~ тех. подшипник;
    roller bearing роликовый подшипник ~ рождающий, порождающий;
    bearing finder пеленгатор;
    bearing capacity грузоподъемность;
    допустимая нагрузка ~ рождение, произведение на свет ~ терпение;
    beyond (или past) all bearing нестерпимый;
    ~ рождающий, порождающий;
    bearing finder пеленгатор;
    bearing capacity грузоподъемность;
    допустимая нагрузка capacity: bearing ~ несущая способность
    ~ рождающий, порождающий;
    bearing finder пеленгатор;
    bearing capacity грузоподъемность;
    допустимая нагрузка
    ~ терпение;
    beyond (или past) all bearing нестерпимый;
    ~ отношение;
    to consider a question in all its bearings рассматривать вопрос со всех сторон;
    this has no bearing on the question это не имеет никакого отношения к делу, вопросу
    ~ pl мор., ав., воен. пеленг, румб;
    to lose one's bearings потерять ориентировку;
    перен. растеряться;
    to take one's bearings ориентироваться, определять положение
    ~ значение;
    the precise bearing of the word точное значение слова
    ~ тех. подшипник;
    roller bearing роликовый подшипник roller: ~ attr. тех. роликовый;
    roller bearing роликовый подшипник
    ~ pl мор., ав., воен. пеленг, румб;
    to lose one's bearings потерять ориентировку;
    перен. растеряться;
    to take one's bearings ориентироваться, определять положение
    ~ отношение;
    to consider a question in all its bearings рассматривать вопрос со всех сторон;
    this has no bearing on the question это не имеет никакого отношения к делу, вопросу

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > bearing

  • 20 diferente

    una casa diferente de o a la mía a house different from mine
    yo soy muy diferente de o a él I'm very different from him
    por diferentes razones for a variety of reasons, for various reasons
    se comportan muy diferente el uno del otro they behave very differently (from one another)
    * * *
    1 different
    es diferente de/a todos it's different to/from them all
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (=distinto) different

    ser diferente de o a algn/algo — to be different to o from sb/sth

    mi enfoque es diferente del o al tuyo — my approach is different to o from yours

    eso me da igual, diferente sería que no me invitaran a la fiesta — I don't mind about that, it would be different if they didn't invite me to the party


    diferentes(=varios) various, several

    por aquí han pasado diferentes personalidadesvarious o several celebrities have been here

    * * *
    a) ( distinto) different

    ser diferente a or de alguien/algo — to be different from somebody/something

    mi familia es diferente a or de la tuya — my family is different from o to yours

    b) (en pl, delante del n) <motivos/soluciones/maneras> various
    * * *
    = alternative, dissimilar, different, differing, distinct, diverse, variant, varying, unlike, unconnected, discrepant, contrasting, differential, various, disparate, non-identical.
    Ex. An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.
    Ex. It is the identification of similarities and differences, enabling one to group together things which are similar, and separate them from things which are dissimilar.
    Ex. A variable length field takes different lengths in different records.
    Ex. Different devices for the organisation of knowledge place differing emphasis on the relative importance of these two objectives.
    Ex. There are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
    Ex. Homographs are words which have the same spelling as each other but very diverse meanings.
    Ex. If the variant heading given in the reference heading area is identified as a variant to more than one uniform heading, area 3 may contain multiple uniform headings.
    Ex. A uniform title is the title by which a work that has appeared under varying titles is to be identified for cataloguing purposes.
    Ex. The relationship of these two types of technology to librarianship is not unlike that of radio to astronomy.
    Ex. To take some very common examples, many academic libraries will not answer any enquiries at all from people unconnected with the university.
    Ex. Male heavy and light readers are found to have value systems so discrepant as to constitute almost distinct subcultures.
    Ex. The author describes 2 contrasting Florida libraries on the Gulf of Mexico, how they serve and are served by the community.
    Ex. This illustrates the puzzle that differential policies pose for users.
    Ex. The records in a computer data bases are structured in order to suit the information that is being stored for various applications.
    Ex. It is the distinct syntactical relationships in these subjects which are responsible for their being two disparate topics.
    Ex. Based on the above considerations, medicinal ingredients containing the same active moiety are classified into identical or non-identical.
    * a diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * algo diferente de = something other than.
    * algo muy diferente de = a far cry from.
    * anchos de diferentes tamaños = graded widths.
    * como diferente a = as distinct from.
    * con diferentes variaciones = in variation.
    * conocimiento de los diferentes soportes = media competency.
    * de diferente modo = differently.
    * de diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * de diferentes tonalidades de gris = grey scale [gray scale], grey scale [gray scale].
    * de forma diferente = differently shaped.
    * de un modo diferente = differentially.
    * diferente de = different to, other than.
    * diferentes ocasiones = at different times.
    * en diferente grado = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferente medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferentes momentos = at various times, at different times.
    * en diferentes ocasiones = at different times, at various times.
    * entre diferentes edades = cross-age [cross age].
    * en un lugar diferente de = somewhere other than.
    * formación en diferentes tareas = cross-training [cross training], multiskilling [multi-skilling].
    * habilidad en el manejo de diferentes soportes = media competency.
    * muy diferente de = far different... from, in marked contrast to/with.
    * opiniones diferentes = contrasting opinions.
    * pensar de un modo diferente = think out(side) + (of) the box.
    * que combina diferentes tipos de re = multi-source [multi source].
    * seguir líneas diferentes = be on different lines.
    * seguir un rumbo diferente = take + a different turn.
    * ser completamente diferente = be in a different league.
    * ser de un tipo diferente = be different in kind.
    * ser muy diferente de = be quite apart from.
    * ser un caso completamente diferente = be in a league of its own.
    * tener un concepto diferente sobre Algo = hold + different perspective on.
    * ver las cosas de diferente manera = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de diferente modo = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de una manera diferente = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de un modo diferente = see + things differently.
    * * *
    a) ( distinto) different

    ser diferente a or de alguien/algo — to be different from somebody/something

    mi familia es diferente a or de la tuya — my family is different from o to yours

    b) (en pl, delante del n) <motivos/soluciones/maneras> various
    * * *
    = alternative, dissimilar, different, differing, distinct, diverse, variant, varying, unlike, unconnected, discrepant, contrasting, differential, various, disparate, non-identical.

    Ex: An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.

    Ex: It is the identification of similarities and differences, enabling one to group together things which are similar, and separate them from things which are dissimilar.
    Ex: A variable length field takes different lengths in different records.
    Ex: Different devices for the organisation of knowledge place differing emphasis on the relative importance of these two objectives.
    Ex: There are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
    Ex: Homographs are words which have the same spelling as each other but very diverse meanings.
    Ex: If the variant heading given in the reference heading area is identified as a variant to more than one uniform heading, area 3 may contain multiple uniform headings.
    Ex: A uniform title is the title by which a work that has appeared under varying titles is to be identified for cataloguing purposes.
    Ex: The relationship of these two types of technology to librarianship is not unlike that of radio to astronomy.
    Ex: To take some very common examples, many academic libraries will not answer any enquiries at all from people unconnected with the university.
    Ex: Male heavy and light readers are found to have value systems so discrepant as to constitute almost distinct subcultures.
    Ex: The author describes 2 contrasting Florida libraries on the Gulf of Mexico, how they serve and are served by the community.
    Ex: This illustrates the puzzle that differential policies pose for users.
    Ex: The records in a computer data bases are structured in order to suit the information that is being stored for various applications.
    Ex: It is the distinct syntactical relationships in these subjects which are responsible for their being two disparate topics.
    Ex: Based on the above considerations, medicinal ingredients containing the same active moiety are classified into identical or non-identical.
    * a diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * algo diferente de = something other than.
    * algo muy diferente de = a far cry from.
    * anchos de diferentes tamaños = graded widths.
    * como diferente a = as distinct from.
    * con diferentes variaciones = in variation.
    * conocimiento de los diferentes soportes = media competency.
    * de diferente modo = differently.
    * de diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * de diferentes tonalidades de gris = grey scale [gray scale], grey scale [gray scale].
    * de forma diferente = differently shaped.
    * de un modo diferente = differentially.
    * diferente de = different to, other than.
    * diferentes ocasiones = at different times.
    * en diferente grado = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferente medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferentes momentos = at various times, at different times.
    * en diferentes ocasiones = at different times, at various times.
    * entre diferentes edades = cross-age [cross age].
    * en un lugar diferente de = somewhere other than.
    * formación en diferentes tareas = cross-training [cross training], multiskilling [multi-skilling].
    * habilidad en el manejo de diferentes soportes = media competency.
    * muy diferente de = far different... from, in marked contrast to/with.
    * opiniones diferentes = contrasting opinions.
    * pensar de un modo diferente = think out(side) + (of) the box.
    * que combina diferentes tipos de re = multi-source [multi source].
    * seguir líneas diferentes = be on different lines.
    * seguir un rumbo diferente = take + a different turn.
    * ser completamente diferente = be in a different league.
    * ser de un tipo diferente = be different in kind.
    * ser muy diferente de = be quite apart from.
    * ser un caso completamente diferente = be in a league of its own.
    * tener un concepto diferente sobre Algo = hold + different perspective on.
    * ver las cosas de diferente manera = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de diferente modo = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de una manera diferente = see + things differently.
    * ver las cosas de un modo diferente = see + things differently.

    * * *
    1 (distinto) different ser diferente A or DE algn/algo:
    mi familia es diferente a or de la tuya my family is different from o to yours
    su versión es diferente a or de la tuya her version is different from o to o ( AmE) than yours
    es un lugar diferente de todos los que he visitado hasta ahora it is unlike any other place I have visited so far
    2 (en pl, delante del n) ‹motivos/soluciones/maneras› various
    diferentes personas manifestaron esa misma opinión various (different) people expressed the same opinion
    existen diferentes enfoques del problema there are a variety o a number of (different) ways of looking at the problem, there are various (different) ways of looking at the problem
    nos hemos encontrado en diferentes ocasiones we've met several times o on several o on various occasions
    por diferentes razones for a variety o a number of reasons, for various reasons
    * * *


    diferente adjetivo

    ser diferente a or de algn/algo to be different from sb/sth
    b) (en pl, delante del n) ‹motivos/soluciones/maneras various;

    I adjetivo different [de, from]
    II adverbio differently: ¿no crees que deberíamos atacar el problema de una forma diferente?, don't you think that we should approach the problem differently?
    ' diferente' also found in these entries:
    - otra
    - otro
    - separada
    - separado
    - desigual
    - dispar
    - distinto
    - diverso
    - different
    - distinct
    - off-beat
    - unalike
    - unlike
    - alternative
    - dissimilar
    * * *
    1. [distinto] different (de o a from o to);
    una casa diferente de o [m5] a la mía a house different from mine;
    yo soy muy diferente de o [m5] a él I'm very different from him;
    fue una experiencia diferente it was something different
    diferentes [varios] various;
    se oyeron diferentes opiniones al respecto various opinions were voiced on the subject;
    por diferentes razones for a variety of reasons, for various reasons;
    ocurre en diferentes lugares del planeta it happens in various different places around the world
    se comportan muy diferente el uno del otro they behave very differently (from one another)
    * * *
    adj different
    * * *
    distinto: different
    * * *
    diferente adj different

    Spanish-English dictionary > diferente

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Value system — A value system is a set of consistent ethic values (more specifically the personal and cultural values) and measures used for the purpose of ethical or ideological integrity. A well defined value system is a moral code. Personal and communal One… …   Wikipedia

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  • value — [[t]væ̱ljuː[/t]] ♦ values, valuing, valued 1) N UNCOUNT: also a N, usu with supp The value of something such as a quality, attitude, or method is its importance or usefulness. If you place a particular value on something, that is the importance… …   English dictionary

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